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Digimon Expansion RPG
Darky continued to slap her butt, her cheeks jiggling with each blow. Finally, after her butt almost felt like it was on fire, he stopped, caressing her butt cheeks.

"Mmm, Ranamon better watch out; her butt might have some competition." he purred, leaning down and running his tongue down her neck, along her spinal cord.

Ranamon made her way to the bar, eager to try some of the house specialties. Grabbing a chair, she called out to the bartender. "Gimme a Dr. Pepper and some pop rocks," she declared, the bartender slapping the drink and a packet of the candy down in front of her.

Rananmon ripped open the packet and downed some of the candy, following it up with a gulp of soda. Almost instantly, a bubbling hiss erupted from her belly, which started to bulge out.
Aqua moaned, her butt was actually quite big, the spanking instead of hurting her aroused her even more, "Nnnghh... it felt so great..." she murred.

Veemon went inside and headed for where he saw Ranamon was, "Hey blue lady," the dragon said from behind her.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Darky purred as he ran his tongue down her back, moving towards her butt. Upon reaching it, he surprised her by licking her puckered asshole, spiraling his tongue in circles. Then he moved down to her wet pussy, lapping at her juices.

"Wanna do it kitty-style, my love," he purred, suddenly biting her clitoris.

Ranamon moaned as her belly filled with more and more carbonation, then she heard a voice behind her. She turned to see a Veemon; a very, very muscular Veemon. Instead of gazing at him starry-eyed and drooling, Ranamon simply "hmfed" and turned back around, rubbing her swelling belly.

Another muscle-bound moron trying to hit on me she thought in disgust. It was one of the annoying things of being her; every male who saw her thought she was free for the fucking.
Aqua giggled over this after moaning from the teasing in her tailhole, "Mnnhh... I'd love to," she said, already fully enjoying the soon to be third round of quality time.

Veemon frowned, "Is something the matter my air bloated mermaid?" he asked with his deep voice as he got closer to Ranamon, "Or is just my prescence that annoys you?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Darky nuzzled her ass, then pushed two fingers into her pussy, gathering a fair amount of her nectar. With it, he lubbed up his member as well as her tailhole.

"Once again, my love, if it hurts too much, you tell me." he said, placing his cock at her backdoor and slowly pushing in. He rubbed her back to soothe her.

Ranamon shook her head, annoyed at the rookie's pestering. "Aquaveemon, I envy you. At least you don't have to worry about men going after you simply for your body," she muttered to herself. She then turned to the Veemon, an annoyed look on her face.

"No offense, sugah, but Ah've already got a mate, so you're outtah luck," she said in a firm voice. Not wanting to be bothered by the little rookie any longer, she picked up her drink and the pop rocks and made her way back to room her mate and Aqauveemon were in.
Aqua let out a long murr "Hrrr..." as the male organ made its way inside her tight and narrow ass-hole, soon, she was moaning once again from the mixture of pain and pleasure. It was hard to deceive her mate this time, as the yelps coming from her mouth gave it away. It was too big for her ass.

Veemon however insisted, "Hey sweet. I was just trying to get a drink or something with you, who said we'd end screwing?" he said as he followed Ranamon.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Darky immediatly pulled out of Aqua's tailhole, a look of concern on his face. He picked her up in a hug, running his hands up and down her back and purring in her ear to comfort her.

"Oh, I'm so, so sorry, my love; I should have known I was too big. Please forgive me for the pain I caused you," he cooed, kissing her face.

Ranamon turned to the rookie following her, her annoyance at him deepening.

"Who said? Mah past experiences said, bub; men like you who come up to a womon gushing praise are only after two things," she growled, pointing at her breasts and pussy. "Now beat it before Ah get really mad," she growled, opening the door and entering the room. However, in her haste to get away, she didn't notice that the door was still open a crack, allowing for a good view of what was inside.
Aqua gasped, her tail-hole hurt a bit now only, she was able to speak some words, "D-don't w-worry Darky... i-it felt ni-nice!" she said, smiling to him in a nervous way.

"Grrr," Veemon growled, That's the kind of girl I need. Great body and personality, he said to himself, "Be the mon that it is won't matter," he looked on his arms and on the start of his six pack on his belly, He won't be able to stop me, he looked over the door's crack and narrowed his eyes, just by standing to look inside.

OOC: Just to know. Is that the room with Aqua and Darky or is it a separate room for Ranamon to inflate herself?
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: It's the same room Aqua and Darky are in. And, at the risk of looking stupid, can you think of a fitting nickname for Aquaveemon; I was trying to look for the name of a goddess of the sea but they're all too long (The shortest one was actually for the goddess of fertility, which, even though I think Aqua would look sexy pregnant, probably wouldn't appeal to her).


Dump jock thought Ranamon as she took in the sight of her mate and Aquaveemon cuddling. She couldn't help but squeal like a school girl.

"Oohh, you two look so adorable together," she said, clapping her hands. Noticing Aquaveemon's expression of pain and her mate's expression of concern made her frown.

"Is something wrong here, Dark Panthermon?" she said, trotting up to examine the rookie. Her mate looked at her and nodded.

"We tried to do anal sex, but I think I'm too big for her and it hurt her." he said, nuzzling the little rookie. His next words were to her: "No Aqua, you can't fool me. I'm afraid anal sex is something we can't do with your rookie form." he said, caressing her face. He then placed her down and walked over to the inflation supplies, picking up a small dildo.

"However, there are other ways to pleasure a womon's tailhole," he purred, showing her the dildo.

OOC: Sorry to "ruin the suspense" but don't have Aqua do anything with the dildo just yet. It has "special qualities" which my character will explain in my next post.
OOC: It's okay. Why don't you just call her "Enzui"? It means something Water realted I can't recall.


Aqua melted in his words, "Uhm... you are so sweet..." she said, slight blush of embarrassment still on her cheeks as she saw Ranamon coming over, "Hello again, Rana," she said with a smile. As soon as she saw the dildo, she gasped a bit, "Uhm... well... I never used one and,"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad