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OOC:all the dragons control an element

IC:Fire:You think you can beat us?


Light:Or else.

Dark:We'll have to hurt you.
Kurtz: I HAVE NO ELEMENT! MUFAH! *pulls out his sword* LONE WOLF! *blue aura wraps around his sword* KENZAN! *launches a huge wave of blue non-elemental damage towards all of the dragons*
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Ice:Diamond barrier(A large wall of diamond appears)

Fire:Brimstone cannon(massive beam of fire)

Dark:Phycho crusher(beam of phycic energy to crush Kurtz's mind)

OOC:I have to go right now
Shadow: Looks like it's party time again.

Felecia: Nya~ *Tackles the fire dragon and starts throwing it around like a mouse*

Shadow: *Jumps in front of Kurtz and absorbs the dark attack* HAAAAAA!!

D-Shadow: It's party time. *Charge the ice dragon and uppercuts him into the air, DARK SHADOKEN!! *A large beam erupts from his hands and engulfs the dragon in the air*

Felecia: Nya, nya, nya! *Continues batting the dragon around smiling happily*
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ice:Ow, that's gotta hurt.I'm down here, though that's one of my best clones.Oh well, CRYSTAL ICE MIRRORS(for those who don't know, virtually indestructable walls of ice surround target and user moves faster than anything else inside them, in this case used against D-Shadow)

Dark:I didn't think PSYCHO CRUSHER could be absorbed.

Fire:Get off me.

Light:Wow, I was ignored.
D-Shadow: You forget, I'm a huge Naruto fan too. NINE TAILED FOX JUTSU!! Red chakra begins swirling around him, RARRRR!! Lunges at a mirror faster than light and punches through it sending the Ice dragon flying.

Felecia: Nya! *Kicks the dragon into the air and begins juggling him*
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC:Forgot to mention Fire and Light are female while Ice and Dark are male.

IC:Ice:OW,that hurt, Dark,spare some help?
Dark:Ok, CHAOS GRENADE(large ball of dark energy)take that.
Ice:Now for ADVANCED CRYSTAL ICE MIRRORS,they are much harder to destroy(chaos grenade starts flying between mirrors,along with brimstone cannon and phycho crusher)Light:ANTI-ABSORB
D-Shadow: New plan then, Turns a crystaline blue as wings sprout from his back.

H-Shadow: REFLECT SORCERY!! Creates a barrier around him that reflects the attacks back at Ice.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ice:No problem,DIAMOND BARRIER*attacks fly back at Shadow*"I'm used to reflecting their attacks"
H-Shadow: REFLECT SORCERY! Bounces the attack back. This is gonna get old fast.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad