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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Keres woke up a bit as you bent down. "Huh?" Keres said as he looked at you picking up the picture, but he went back to sleep since he was still very tired.
"What... Cronos?! OUR Cronos?! That makes no sense, Blue! Why would he do that?! There's gotta be an explanation!"
After what Humon said Kai smiled and then started to look sad. He smiled again, kiss him and said "I am sure nothing will happen. I just want to say that." Kai thought to himself 'I can't let him worry about me and Calub coming in 3 days.'
Legion:"it seems that you have choosen your path.....its a shame really."

Seit turn around in fury and points at Legion."i should kill you where you stand."

"you think you can."Seit had Shock in his eyes as Legion was now back to back with him.

"you'll have to catch me Fir--"Seit Kneed Legion hard in his Gut,making Legion stagger back into a tree.

"*cough*....lucky fucker..."Legion got up and run to Seit with one arm reared back behind him.he swung at seit but seit caught his fist.

"you where using that room to weakin me with his Book of the Dead.....he isnt here now is he.."Seit crushes Legions Fist.

"i may not have Physical power.....but i can still manipulate you."
Legion entered Seits mind,but is quickly pushed back into legion making him fly into a tree.

seit walks to legions half beatin Body and picks him up by the shirt colar."" "burn in hell*cough*"Seit starts to let his anger control him again as Legion is thrown into another Tree.Seit defys the laws of gravity & leaps into the top of it and walks down to meet Legions Eyes.".....WHERE IS HE!"

Legion flips up and hits Seit Hard three times.Seit is sent back into the brush.Legion checks to see if he is alive.All he sees is 3 Dark Archs appear out of Seits Body."fuck me".Seit Grabs Legions Neck and starts to choke Seit Gets up with Legion in grasp,the floor beneth Legion is moving away from him.Seit is no longer in control of himself....his anger is.
And Mar simply shakes his head, he doesn't seem to even know where to start ''But thinking it in a better way... this will be really ha- wait'' He stopped and stared on Flamey, then slapped his forehead ''DUH! you can read auras!'' He thought and then closed his eyes, starting to focus to look for Blue.

He suddenly opened his eyes narrowed ''Found 'im!'' He then nods to Flamey and opens his eyes normally ''I have a hunch on where he can be Flamey... do we go?''
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Flamey grins and nods. "That was fast!"
Cerberus tucked the picture in a space in his shoulder armor, and Continued to follow Seit.

Cerberus stopped- he let Seit let his anger control him- he would jump in if it went too far.

"Yes, OUR Cronos!!!" Blue cried. "he didnt explain... I feel... betrayed." he choked.
Ky himself looks shell-shocked, but he puts a comforting arm around Blue.

"Well, we're going to find out what's with our friend...."
Mar nods again and turns around, pointing to the direction where he felt Blue with his head, then turn his head to Flamey ''Let's go then''
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Flamey nods and begins to walk that way, following Mar.

"It's a hotel! It's gonna take a while to figure out which room he's in...."