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Bleach: Last Stand.
"I am sure it is very interesting" The human says stretching her body from head to toe, getting use to the new clothing that now covers her form. She moved closer to the girl, looking her over as she returned her glasses to her face "You got a very nice form for a cat you know that?" she says admiring her fellow female.
OOC: Sorry Crimson, I forgot to react to Hyouzen's tail in my last post, I was in a hurry


"That's what I wanted to hear" He said shooting his own waves of sharp reiatsu to neutalize Hyouzen's attack "Even if you are weaker compared to last time, you are still above any other captain I've seen, you are like old man Yamamoto" Dashing at full speed at him Naibu grabbed Hyouzen by the neck with his free hand and smashed him on the ground with all his might.


Rina had reached the bureau "Hey you err... what's your name?" She said talking to one of his subordinates, a little kid about how looked 15 or 16 years old on the hallway.

"Taicho!" The kid jumped in surprise "Eh? oh, I'm Kitamura, Kitamura Souji" He responded while bowing at her.

"Kitamura-kun right? Do you know how are thing going on? Are the devices ready?" She asked looking at him with interest.

"No, it will take a little more time to get them ready, at least five more hours, I was on my way to give you these at you affice, by the way" Souji said showing a pile of papers under his arm "It's the report with the progress of the devices"

"Hmm, that's so?" Rina started walking down the hallway "I'll be on my office, send me a report once they are ready will ya? meanwhile I'll be checking those you have there, Kazan would you be so kind and carry them for me?" Rina continued on her way to her office.
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"Uh, ye-yes, Captain!" Kazan said, actually impressed by her dedication towards the task, but upon realizing the tower of files he had in front of him he hesitated, "Man, they are too many... Just how many materials does she use to make them?" the dragon questioned himself, before he decided to lift the papers at the best of his ability and followed Rina down the halls.


"Haaai!" Lizzy cheerfully followed Shadow, and started walking besides him, Zeke following behind. "Is Mia-san far from here?" she asked.

(Real World)

Proto put up his katana this time, apparently bored of Trent's simple tactics, "Shinigami Captain, you are arrogant." The arrancar said, his face not showing emotions, "You only seek death by charging at any enemy expecting them to be the same as the last." He said, pushing back, starting to walk towards Trent as his blade continued pushing the captain's back.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Oh?" Katt blushed slightly at the compliment, "Thanks, no one's ever said that to me before." she smiled a bit, "I try to keep in good shape."


"It's not a name," Shadow explained, "It means missing in action. In other words a shinigami that vanished without a trace. If we can find out who we're dealing with it might give us an edge." he said as he opened the door to the main computers, "Wonder if the captain of the R&D is here, it'd make searching through these files alot easier."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"pifff oh i am sure plenty of people have said that to you, you must get a lot of male callers my friend" she teases making sure that everything is in order as she shifts her long hair again and walks to the sliding door "Just say when your ready and we can go...but hide my real world clothing please."
Hyouzen gasped for Naibu's sudden offensive, the dragon hitting the pavement rather hard. "That's because I'm not a least not anymore." He arose after a brief second, bruised but not beaten with his red eyes aglow with anger. "One other thing...don't mention Yamamoto around me." His gave a dull roar and caused fists of ice made of his reiatsu to lash out at Naibu.

Trent realized he was still at a great disadvantage even with the reiatsu bracelets. The gyphon pushed with all his might, but his blade unable to do much against Proto's katana. "I may be arrogant by challenging you, but at least I have a purpose. If Hyouzen's hunger for power isn't stopped, he will continue to consume souls until there is nothing left." He then flapped his wings and fired a small tornado of sharp reiatsu against Proto. "What do you fight for?!"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Hmm, I've been thinking about it for a while, but what was your relationship with the old man? what did he do to you that make you harvor such hate for him?" Naibu said as he lowered his katana and waited for his enemy to respond, though he had put down his sword he didn't leave his opponent any opening.

*12th Squad HQ*

Once thay had reached the office Rina took her seat behind her desk "Leave them here, I'll finish it in five minutes" She said at her subordinate "Just take a seat till I've finished"
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Salem sighed as he knocked on the door "Are you ladies done in there? It's lonely out here!" he called, his ears and tail drooping as he sulked and continued to wait outside.
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Well i am" the green haired female says, stepping out of the room "she's not" she says, closing the door quickly after she leaves. "So, i never got around to asking what rank are you and her here in the 13 squads?" she asks, folding her arms across her chest.
"Huh?" Kazan blinked in surprise at Rina's statement, his arms dropping the paperwork towers on the desk, "Are you sure you don't need help, Captain?" he asked with genuine concern.


"Tee-hee! Alright!" Lizzy agreed, "Ooh, yeah. Are we ordering Ramen and Dumplings?" she asked Shadow with a big grin, patting her flat tummy, "I work a lot better in paper and things when I'm full! Can we order takoyaki, too?!" she said happily.

Zeke walked up to Shadow, "I hope I'm not interrupting, but if you're searching for the Research team, is it not the lady who just gave you that strange device, their Captain?" he asked.

(Real World)

Proto put his blade-arm up, "Absorb, Anaboko." He called out, the blade glowing and suddenly pulling the tornado into it, making it glow green. "Hollows feast on souls to be able to survive, you Shinigami understand that concept, yet you try to stop something as natural as predation. Not only that, but you allow your kind to make experiments with us and your fellow henchmen. To us, you are twisted beings that deserve no right to decide our fate." The teen arrancar stammered, slashing at the air, a blade of razor-sharp wind suddenly launching towards Trent.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad