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Bleach: Last Stand.
"I doubt anyone noticed we were gone," Salem replied as he led the group towards Katt's room "I've made friends with a lot of the Fourth squad members due all the time I've spent there, if they know I'm involved they usually don't report anything." he laughed as he reached the felines room and slide open he door "Ladies first, it might be best if you disguised yourself, just to be safe Ayame-chan."

Rei watched in awe at the power the captains were showing and trembled in fear, she definitely didn't want t be here and desperately wished to leave 'If you want to get away little squeak, that portal's your only chance." the every voice echoed again, laughing as the mouse trembled "O-okay...I-I'll try it...this fight is scaring me too much." the little Quincy agreed, too scared to really think of any other answer, a soon as she was sure no one would see her she used her hirenkyaku to dart by everyone and shoot through the portal, soon as she made it through she looked around and hid behind the throne.
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Yes, sir." Vook answered, quickly heading into the portal after Rei. Not a bad decision at all...Heh...he who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day! she thought with a slight giggle to herself.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Very true" Ayame says stepping into the room and looking around "Katt looks about my size, i should be able to fit into some of her robes....but i ask that you wait outside of the door, i do not strip for just anyone to see Salem" she says removing her glasses and sitting them down on a desk as she looks for a set of robes to fit her. The female humms to herself as she finds a pair about her size and moves back to undo her long braid, her hair falling free over her back like a green waterfall, straight and very soft looking. She waits till Salem leaves the room before she begins to remove her human world clothing, takeing off everything that would look out of place.
"Well that's a stroke of luck," Katt smiled as she opened her closet, a number if identical robes hanging in it, she took one off the rack and turned around to face Ayame, a bit surprised by the human's naked body, "Oh, you don't have any fur?" she asked curiously, she'd never seen a human that exposed, usually just their head or arms were seen.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
*Soul Society*

"That's right, we should try and figure out the ryoka's identities, I think some of them may have been shinigami just like us in the past, they knew where to attack and how to pass the barrier surrounding seireitei, we should find something in the records of former shinigamis from soul society" Rina then walked towards Kazan "So... I leave the investigation about the ryoka to you Snowball-san" She said winking jokingly at Shadow "I've got to see how the other remaining devices are going, oh and Lizzy-chan if Snowball-san does something bad to you came and tell me" She giggled "Let's go Kazan"

*Human World*

"Hoh! Great" Naibu couldn't stop himself from laughing "You're strong! Now I can't let you escape" Naibu aimed a strike with his full strenght at Hyouzen's chest, but his true aim however was to separate Hyouzen from the portal with the sheer force of the blow.
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"ummm nope" she says looking her toned body over, only a little patch of green fuzz is between her legs, showing that the carpets matched the drapes per say. She moved and grabbed one of the robes, slipping it on quickly "ahh this brings me back" she says tightening it here and there to make sure it is a nice firm fit. "I suppose your fuzzy all over then?" she asks re-strapping her katana to her back, being careful of her long hair.
"I don't think they knew much either..." Zeke folded his big arms, sighing as he contemplated the situation.

Kazan nodded to Rina, "Right. We should check up on their progress!" he said, before whisking away using shunpo to head towards the bureau again.

Lizzy waved to Rina and Kazan as they left, "Bye bye! We'll see you later, Rina-san!" She said, and when both Kazan and her captain were gone, she put an index on her cheek as she looked up, "I wonder what she meant with something bad?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Salem stood outside Kat's room as he waited, while he was there his ears twitched as he caught their conversation 'Hmm, just wish I could be in there to see' he sighed, knowing they'd try to kill him if he dared peek.

Rei gasped as she saw Vook enter after her 'Oh no! W-what if she is after me?!' she thought in terror as she curled up, hoping no one noticed her.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Hyouzen leapt back for a moment to regroup, making a small gap between him and the portal. He looked at Proto for a moment and told him, "Don't apologize, just get rid of that feather duster. I'll handle this one." The water dragon growled a bit, knowing he was at a disadvantage in this fight. Well, I may be tired, but my sword's still in one piece. Hyouzen grinned towards Naibu before telling him, "You should have listened to my friend over you're dead!" He swung his blade wildly in mid-air, causing his zanpaktoh to shoot out waves of sharp reiatsu towards Naibu.

Trent gasped a bit in surprise, unsure how Proto had managed to evade the blow. "Another trick..." The gryphon moved back a little and tried to sense where his opponent was storing his reiatsu to try and hit a weak point. I can see him, but...his power...what is he?! He rushed forward and tried to stab Proto where his heart might have been. " and Hyouzen will be brought to justice. The deaths of my comrades is on your hands."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Yeah, from head to toe," Katt smiled, removing her new set of robes to grab one of her old ones, "It can be a bit annoying to clean, but otherwise I love it."


Shadow rubbed his eyes a bit, "These people will be the death of me sooner than any hollow or arrancar." he groaned, "Don't worry about it," he said to Lizzy, "Come on, we'll need to look up any shinigami that are classified as MIA or have unconfirmed deaths."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad