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heres the URL of the site instead!
Ah, now i see! Cute! ^_^
Glad you could see 'em! mrgreen
Okay, we're still miles off topic. Here's the original topic:

Gabumonfurry Wrote:Is anyone here a furry to? Just curious...

If there's nothing else to say on this subject, let's close off this topic!
Ack ok... then what would you suggest a good title for a topic that we are on?
Well for a while you were talking about Browsers and Messengers. That would be in general discussion. But right now you're talking about furry pictures and stuff, so maybe something like "Furry Stuff," or "Furry Pictures"--It's up to you really!

It's okay to go off topic once in a while, cause that happens naturally, but once we get so far off topic (Browsers and messengers) for so long (furry pictures and stuff), we know it's time to put in a new topic. :P
so what's your Ideal furry?
I'm partial to neko, or humans with tails. I have said that I am partial to Zidane from Final Fantasy IX. However, I am always slightly disturbed when I look at Kahu with his tail in Jade Cocoon 2 and fine myself being slightly thrilled by it. I can't think why, his hat and his trousers are positivly awful.
can you provide an image? I wanna see!
GunterVanCrimson Wrote:can you provide an image? I wanna see!

No. The internet is not nice to me about providing half-desent pictures. But to give you an idea, it's a segmented lizard tail with red spines. It's not even sexy, I don't get it...