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Bleach: Last Stand.
*Human World*

"Heh! Don't think to hightly of yourself fused bastard, things won't go like last time" Naibu unsheathed his zanpaktoh ready to take on the large Vizard "Trent, I'll leave the white goo to you"

*Soul Society*

"I'm Rina, the 12th squad Captain nice to meet you" She said at the large man with Shadow "Hi Lizzy-chan!" Rina waved back at the naive dragoness then she turned back facing Shadow "Actually, we're in a tight spot Shadow-Taicho, it seems that the ryokas have stolen a powerful ancient artefact called the Luminicence Jewel"
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"Is he really such a threat?" the female asks, removing her hand from her swords hilt. "You seem almsot worried little one" she says brushing some of her long green hair from her eyes.
The large male shook as he approached Rina in a rather restless manner, "Honorable Captain of the 12th Squad, is this true?!"

"Yes it is, I'm afraid..." Kazan replied, he was bowing down behind Rina like usual. "We've researched all the material in the bureau, and we have come to the conclussion there is no doubt they have stolen the Luminescence Jewel. Uhm... sir, who are you, by the way?"

"That is not important now, just call me Zeke." The being called himself, before he looked back towards Shadow, "We must make haste! The more she approaches our world, the more restless and afraid the Hollows become."

"I don't get it, afraid?" Kazan questioned, standing back up, his head cocking to the side.

"Hollows are incomplete beings," Zeke started, "They devour human souls to try to fill the emptiness in their hearts, so they are devoid of most natural human senses, thus their perception of different feelings such as fear, which they naturally do not get, has an adverse effect on their psych." He said, "A Hollow who is afraid is like a wolven cub with the intent to kill anything in its way, and gains strength based on how much of a threat it considers others."

"Hollows cannot become afraid?" Kazan raised an eyebrow, "I've seen them cower in fear when a Shinigami squad approaches them..."

"This is not the fear driven by imposition," Zeke countered, "It is the coldest, most focused type of fear someone is subjected to when they know the end is near."

"The end?!" Kazan panicked, "What the?!" he questioned, "Zeke-san! Just who are you?! How do you know all this?"

"I said there is no time," Zeke looked straight onto Shadow again, "Please take me to where the culprits have fled to. They don't know how that artifact may draw the Dark Reaper their way!"

(Real World)

Proto frowned his brows, suddenly appearing just in front of Naibu in less than a second, Hyouzen ending up behind him. The teen Proto didn't budge, nor get into a battle stance, and his eyes coldly stared onto Naibu's. "Hyouzen-sama cannot be bothered to deal with the likes of you. Return to the Senkai Gate from where you came from, foolish Shinigami." He stammered.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"I would if I knew," Shadow said, sighing a bit, "Unfortunately I have no idea where the Ryoka headed to."


"We should head back to seiretei, if they find out I left again I'll be in alot of trouble." Katt laughed a bit.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Salem sighed a little as he lead them back to the gate they had taken earlier, once through he made sure they had both made it back before he closed it "Well, looks like we got away with it! And Rei's probably on her way back to the hospital so I that we can relax a little." he laughed as trying to ignore an odd uneasy feeling he had.

Rei trembled as she watched the two opposing forces, she couldn't understand why, but for some reason she wanted to see them fight, but more than that she wanted to sh the death god's lose 'Wouldn't that be fun? After all they've done to you? You knew you want to see them hurt!' an unknown voice whispered, from deep within Rei's mind "W-w-w-what? W-w-who are you? A-and what...what do you mean after all they did to me?" she whimpered as she looked around for who had spoken.
Lady Devimon's Minions
*Human World*

"Hmm..." Naibu activated the devices on his arms, the wind started going wild as his reiatsu gained more strength "Let's see if you can stop me white boy" Naibu started running towards Proto at an incredible speed without even using shunpo, when he was about to crash with Proto, Naibu dissappeared and reappeared at Hyouzen's side "Heh, I won't let you run away" He swong his sword at the big dragon aiming his sword at the dragon's ribs.


"That's true, unfortunately we have no clue of the ryoka's whereabouts, the only choice we have is to send a search party to trail them, or in the worst case, wait for then to make a move" Rina stood silently for a moment looking for a solution but nothing came to her mind "Oh, by the way Shadow-Taicho, this is for you" She said giving two devices to Shadow "This should help us fight the ryoka, it would give you three times the reiatsu of a captain level shinigami and..." Rina looked at the members of Shadow's group, her stare stoped on Lizzy, walking towards her Rina started touching Lizzy all over her body including her ass and breast without leaving any place unsearched "Hmmm, Lizzy-chan has the strenght of a vice-captain... here!" She said smiling at her while giving her the remaining device "Since Katt-chan is not here and you have helped us I think I can trust you with this"
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Hyouzen's eyes flashed with a certain fury upon hearing Proto's suggestion to retreat rather than fight. "Humph...fine...if you want to fight those two by yourself, then have fun." He didn't want to admit it, but their last fight had drained the water dragon's reiatsu and their Luminescence Gem. The water dragon gasped a little before focusing a bit of his remaining power, opening a small portal back to their pocket dimension. "Alright, you all heard Proto. Everyone fall back."

It was then that Hyouzen noticed Naibu approaching him at break neck speed. He barely managed to put up a suitable block against the blow. "'s going to take more than some third-rate captain to kill me." He then whipped his sharply finned tail towards Naibu's face.

With Naibu focusing on Hyouzen, Captain Trent closed the gap between himself and Proto. "If Hyouzen didn't want us to bother him, then he should have surrendered when he had the chance." The gryphon activated the reiatsu bracelets around his arms, making his power over Haste stronger. In a split second he appeared behind Proto and attempted a sweeping slice with his zanpaktoh. "This time you won't be so fortunate."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"C-c-captain!" Kazan shuddered, trying to look away in embarrassment as Rina basically harrassed Lizzy's body. The purple dragoness didn't quite budge though, and accepted the bracelet with a gingerly smile.

"Thank you Rina-san!" Lizzy said, putting the device on as if nothing whatsoever had happened.

"Uhm..." Zeke coughed to break the silence generated by Kazan's discomfort, "I would like to know more about these ryokas then. Researching their intentions may prove benefical to find their wherebouts." He explained, Kazan regained his composture.

"I agree. Zeke-san," Kazan stepped forwards, but still remained a step or two behind Rina, his claw on his chest "I was the first one to come in contact with the ryoka. They slaughtered our subordinates and broke into the technological bureau while I was not in my post." He informed, "They were well organized, there is no doubt about it. Some distracted our support backup with decoys. Their intentions seemed to be fixated on assassinating the Captain-Commander, and apparently opening a Garganta to Hueco Mundo,"

"Yamamoto-san, dead?" Zeke gasped, promptly interrupting, "Just... who were these individuals?" he asked the group.

(Real World: Rooftop)

Trent's sword went right through Proto's back and emerged through the other side. The boy didn't even flinch, but rather, his neck spun around, as well as his hands and feet. The eyes of the arrancar were now focused on Trent's eyes. "I see you have come for more." He said, before his body split vertically in two, leaving Chrono's blade hanging in air as the teen Proto suddenly hacked upwards with his arm, which had turned into a katana, to make use of a blunt push towards Trent to repel him. "My apologies, Hyouzen-sama, but these two appear to be faster and stronger than before." He said, obviously unaltered by Trent's attack, but disappointed at Naibu's interferance with his master.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Hmm, another invention of the R&D department?" Shadow asked as he snapped the bracelets on, "Hope they work." His ears perked up a bit at what she said, "Katt's gone again? Don't tell me she went to hueco mundo again." he growled a bit.


"Mmm nice to be back, wonder if anyone missed me." Katt laughed a bit.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"heh, i can guarantee you that knowing myself no one missed me, bet ya no one even remembers me round this place" The female says, shifting her long green hair. The female fingers her sword again, walking behind her new 'friends'