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Southern Cross
Disturbed finally reached the Southern Mansion's front lawn and with the same speed he ran back to Kit's room and laid her onto her bed and covered her up "Dont worry Kit. I'm going back to help." just as he finished saying it he bollted back out the door and headed back towards the plains as fast as he could.
Dorothy winced in her sleep, enduring the pain from the medical treatments as she slowly got her arm mended.

That was the last hit.

Upon recieving a blast from Ikonnen, it, instead of damaging him, was turned dark, it got inside the dragonute's body and all of a sudden, from Mar's eyes, mouth and claws emanted shadowy energy, ebony sparkles cracked within his entire body.

OOC: I know he got way more than seven hits till now, but I had to use it. Heh heh.


Suddenly, Mar roared, a black aura surrounding him from below as everyone was blown away by the gust of wind from the impulse he made. The dragon disappeared, but in his place, there was the gigantic DarkFire Dragon, his form shading the sun in front of the Southern Cross, visible to anyone within the radius of his precense.
"Dark Breath!!" a deep male roar was heard, then the dragon's maw glowed dark, charging up a big amount of darkness. All of a sudden, he released a huge beam, that, upon colliding with the ground, made a huge wave of negative energy, blasting everything in its enormous radius and affecting all of the Southern Cross, thus leaving Jedrek and Ada off from any damage.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ikonnen, getting blasted away, quickly hung onto Erne's leg, as both of them flew and crashed into a tree, the negative energy slowly getting to them.

"Ikonnen.... help... the G-gem!" Erne stuttered quickly, frowning, as his leg was trapped in-between two very close branches - meaning he couldn't move at all. "Use it! Use it now while you have the chance! Attack him in that form and it'll surely deal some good damage to him when he grows back!"

Nodding, the dog slowly started to get weaker, a white pentagram formed underneath the now shaking tree, draining both Erne and Ikonnen of their energy as the huge ancient machine started to rise from in front of the tree.

It's metal jaw shot down. A bright light immediately flared into life in it's jaw, and it immediately shot it's huge metal hooves down onto the ground, firing eight huge holy beams at Mar.

But the summon itself, after launching the attack, was quite frail. Ikonnen and Erne were getting weaker from Mar's limit and the energy from the summon, but the attack was still as strong as normal.

As the medics continued to mend the bloodied arm, Kurtz softly rubbed her other claw gently.

"I-I'll be here for you..." Kurtz muttered softly, mid-closing his eyes, even though he knew Dorothy probably couldn't hear him.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
As Disturbed approached the plains he noticed the Dark Breath attack in the distance and grinned slightly "Oh joy." he said as the negative wave approached him he jumped into a nearby shadow and just as the negative energy came through it destroyed the area the dark wolf was just at.
Dorothy stirred on the bed, her strength hadn't left her at the least, but she was nicely recovering as the medics were making a very good job.

The DarkFire Dragon stepped back as it was hit one by one the eight beams of light. The tough form soon lost its energy, it glowed blue and then it reduced size until forming Mar's normal size, but taking the appearance of a dragonute, of course. He was sent flying directly to the ground, he growled as his strength started to leave him, he clutched his left arm in pain as it became numb.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
A few moments later, both of the medics then started to cast Curaga on the arm, replacing lost blood and also fixing the tissue that had been ripped apart by the sword.

Ikonnen was growing weaker with each second - he couldn't possibly keep on holding the summon going. But he was determined, and so was Erne, as they continued to pump as much energy as they could into Alexander.

The huge metal creature then roared, before looking at Colby. With an idea, he immediately casted Nul-All on her, making four orbs of different colours swirl around her. She could have the pleasure of attacking as the summon would assist her.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Disturbed then ran out of a shadow that was made by a tree then headed back towards the battlefield. As he approached he noticed Mar had groan smaller. Then he noticed Ikonnen was here as well "When the hell did he get here?" he smirked as he finally came to a stop just behind Ikonnen and Erne "Hey I'm here...looks like I missed the fight."
As Kellie's wings unfurled around her revealing a black as night body her and that her fangs have disappeared as well as the dark summoning gem which was absorbed by her body in the transformation. She walked slowly to Mar with her gun blade at her side and with each step closer the plants that were left died in her wake. As she got with in arms left of Mar she reached out and placed her hand on his throat draining what energy he had left in him but leaving just enough for him to escape. "Go back to my former master and tell him to live the rest of his days in fear for we will defeat him," Kellie said as she removed her hand from Mar's throat.

"This fight is over Ikonnen. So you can rest now," Colby said put her hilt back in her pocket.

Ooc: New profile for file for Kellie
Race: True Vampire
Weapon: Gun Blade
Magic: Ice Blade, Darkness blade, sap and scatter shot
Limit break: Life Drain (drains all the energy out of one enemy)
summoning Diabolus (but can only use it she is hit 14 times)
Bio: With the power of the dark summoning gem that is now inside of her she as became a true vampire no longer need to live off of blood life but she feeds off of life giving energy.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Few minutes afterwards, Dorothy woke up, her sleeve was still torn, but her arm seemed alright, "Ahhh..." she grunted a bit as she sat up, "Where?!" she gasped as her mind recollected everything that had happened.

Mar felt a real odd feeling in his neck, he was really weak already, so his life energy wasn't reduced much. He got up to his feet, clutching his arm tightly as he glared upon Colby, Ikonnen, Disturbed and Erne, "You don't know who you are dealing with" were his only words, then he disappeared from sight, moving almost with sound speed towards the nearby forest, in the way while he ran, though, he detected familiar precenses, What are they doing here...? he thought to himself, then decided to go where Ada and Jedrek were. The first thing he noticed, though, was the black wizard, "Ada" he said, "What are you doing... here?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Kurtz, hearing Dorothy's voice, almost felt his heart jump in relief, as he rubbed her claw even more noticeably and clasped it with both of her hands. "Dot! You're alright!"

After a few seconds, he added. "...You're in the medical ward at the Southern.... I... brought you here."

Both Ikonnen and Erne sighed, as the huge metal monster roared loudly, before vanishing into thousands of small fireflies.

Erne, though, slumped over on the tree. "Yeah... you missed it..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds