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Sinside Alley (Rape RP)
(Sorry, Im only able to drop in and do the first RP I see, I will get to the others in due time)

Sarah flinched as her chain was pulled and nearly tripped as she tried to keep up with her captor, dreading what he was going to do to her. "Please Gin...dont be like this..." She said, tears falling from her face onto her breasts. staining the dress with her sorrow. "Please...Im scared." She said as she tried to keep up on trembling feet.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Oh? And how will you do that?" Hunter laughed, before grabbing her breast and squeezing it. "You like this, I know you do. So why fight?" he asked, before grabbing his own pants and pulling them down to reveal his erect dick. "You've lost, and now you will be my little whore," he laughed, and thrust his cock into her pussy, both of his hands moving to pin her arms.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"AaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaagh! T-TAKE IT OUT! T-TAKE IT OUT IT HURTS!" Rei screamed as she squirmed and struggled but was completely pinned "I-I've n-never...please stop!"

"And why are you scared? Have I hurt you? I've treated as best as I could for the way you act!" Gin said as he slowed his pace so Sarah could keep up.
Lady Devimon's Minions
"I-Its not what you have done." Sarah said timidly as she was allowed to reach him. "I-Its what you might do...and...and.." Her eyes began to tear up again. "You took my virginity...against my call me a turn down my friend ship and...and do this.." She was just barely holding back her sobs now. She was a gentle and delicate creature, her state of mind was shattered and she was scared and unwilling. She did not want to be raped again, she did not want to live like a slave. But she also knew she had no choice, she just had not accepted it yet.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter was firm though, and only slapped Rei's cheek. "Don't talk back to your Master! I own you now, slut!" he yelled, thrusting into her pussy harder and faster. "You can a little bit like the real you now, slut, but only a little," Hunter whispered.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Rei looked in shock st the slap before giving a slight moan " strange..." she muttered gasping slightly.

" I also promised I wouldn't hurt you unless you misbehaved, I gave you some pleasure and promised much much more! I even saved you!" Gin said as he stopped and turned around to face Sarah "This entire city is full of rapists who would beat you, fuck you ragged, and do whatever else came to their minds! They would barely feed you leave you little to no clothes and they'ed never let you leave their room! To me your a beautiful and precise them your a cheap toy to play with till they get bored and throw you out..."
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Then let me move away...please." She begged. "If...If im just your pet for the rest of my life...then...then I will never accomplish anything..I...wont even exist." She began to cry then and fell to her knees. If Gin wanted her to keep fallowing him then he would have to carry her or drag her by the neck, her legs far to weak from fear to continue. She didnt want to go, she didnt want to be his pet. She would do anything to be free. "P-Please." She begged, gently hugging his legs, her teary eyes leaving stains in his pants. She could not even speak anymore as she cried full force, her poor heart feeling like it had fallen into a bottomless pit.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Not strange. Good. You love it, and you love it because you are nothing, but a dirty little whore!" he laughed, and thrust into Rei's pussy, and grabbed her breasts, rubbing them.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Aaaaah! does feel...g-good..." Rei whimpered before letting out a long moan and looking at Hunter pleadingly "P-please...l-let me go!"

Gin sigh as he gently picked Sarah up and they disapeared only to reapear in her apartment "It wouldn't matter if you left I'd know wherever to find you...your my pet now, that collars proof and it will never come off even if I wanted it to..." He said as he saton her bed keeping her in his arms" There's no changing what has happened you can except it and live a happy pleasure filled life, or fight it and make me have to be far Harsher than I ever want to be..."
Lady Devimon's Minions
Sarah sniffed as she tried to stop crying, balled up in Gin's arms. Her fate was sealed. If even he could not take the collar off...then...then she would always be like this. But she was not a slut, not a whore. She could not simply accept this. "I...I...I cant." She said with trembling lips. "I cant Gin! Im sorry..bu-but I just...its not me! I hate sex!" she shuddered as she said the words. Her only experience with sex had been when he raped her, and although her body had loved it, she, in her mind, had been severely wounded. It hurt more then anything, her virginity was taken from her, stolen painfully by a rapist, not a lover. She had been violated and threatened into sucking his cock. "Please...c-cant I just live normally....with the collar on?" It was clear that no amount of words was going to change her mind. He was not going to talk her into submitting. His other options were mostly narrowed down to showing her the true pleasure of sex, or torturing and raping her until she was broken and finally accepted her role as a sex slave, more afraid of punishment then of sex.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)