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Furry College!
OOC:....owww... I have been away... way too long.... sorry about that

"...which class am I going to have now....I wonder" says Yoosei with a wondering expression on her face

"...perhaps your fav subject?"

" kidding... it's already math's class?" she said now with a happy expression on her face

" you silly... i am kidding with ya... it's gym class for you... and" he looks at his schedule "...d'oh... it's history class....i'm going to die of boredom"

"wanna trade?" she says teasefully while walking away from him without waiting for a reply from him.

she walks to the lockers room so she would dress herself properly for gym class. once dressing herself she gets out of the lockers room walking all the way onto the field. while Kurai meanwhile was heading towards the history class with a upset expression on his face.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Black suddenly appears from nowhere wearing shorts plus a light t-shirt and plows into the ground on the field, he groaned while folding his wings away slowly "Must... practice... damn... landing!"
Alice smiled to Katt and Tony. "Come on, let's get to the gym already." but then she heard Carman. "Blaze? Blaze... uhh... I don't think I know him."

"Come on!" Miss Robinson said as she came through a hall and reunited with the now larger group of girls. "How are you girls?"

The girls simply responded a "Hi" followed by some saying "Fine".

Dorothy stared on the fox woman, then cocked her head sideways. "Something happened that you were late Miss?"

"Oh, not really, it was just some matter to be solved." she clapped her paws enthusiastically. "Come on girls! Let's do a warm up! Seven circles around the pitch!"

Dorothy sighed and thought to herself, Seven...? On first day? What has this bitch been injecting herself?. Then she started running along with the other girls. She eyed as the boys' field, noticing both Kurtz and Shadow there. Hey! same gym class! she giggled before continuing, her long smooth legs moved quite well along the way and she wasn't getting tired as easily as she thought she'd get.

"Well... I seem to be lacking two students for this days period. Oh well..." Robinson made while taking note of who was or wasn't absent.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ren ran up to Robinson "Sorry I'm late!" She apologised hurriedly while panting.
OOC: Gonna try something here, the words in quotes are what Katt's remembering.


Bought time the teacher got here. Shadow thought, he rolled backwards into a handstand and then vaulted off the benches landing on the field, showing off on purpose since he knew the girls pitch was close by. "Mornin' coach." Shadow said, bowing slightly.


"Blaze?" Katt repeated to herself, "Sounds familiar..."

Blaze Wrote:"Hay Dorothy how are you? Black Told me your name if your woundering," Blaze said to Dorothy.

Dorothy Wrote:"I'm fine," whispered Dorothy. "Uhm... do you mind if we talk after class Blaze? The teacher might notice..." she quickly dragged her attention back to her book.

"OH YEAH! He was in my morning class. Didn't really talk to him much though." Katt responded remember the mention of his name in the class.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Yoosei's expression is still one of upset. she didn't enjoy gym class, never did anyway. and now even less as she needs to do seven circles around the pitch. and so she started to do the seven circles, not getting even slightly tired as she is used to that already.

"my trainning with Kurai sure are rewarding me"

she thought for herself, remembering her trainnings. that surely is helping her now, not making her body feel tired, and she isn't even sweatdropping.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Okay- would that be an indoor or outdoor gym?" Tony asked as he followed them all around.
"Indoor actually!" Alice told Tony casually, giving a warm smile as she wagged her tail left and right. "I have gym in a different class, which class are you in?"

OOC: For further to notice, Let's say there can't be so MANY students in same class. So, let's say something like the group where Shadow, Blaze, Black, etc are is class A. Alice's in class B. So, you better choose in which class you want to be, from now on, too.


Robinson eyed Ren. "Oh, don't worry, you must be one of the new... oh, wait, you aren't... Oh, Ren, you are late on your FIRST day? Come on. Go and run along with the other girls, I'll overlook this time."

Dorothy eyed the other pitch every now and then, she noticed some of Shadow's movements and thought to herself while smiling: Woah... he's really fit!, and kept running, still eyeing some of the boys who were in the boy's grounds.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Kurtz looked behind him, and eyed the dog. "Hey... it's that guy back in Biology..." Kurtz nodded, and grinned. He twisted round, bent his legs and jumped as high as he could while leaning backwards, launching in a corkscrew motion. He cursed while flipping round, trying to put his feet down, and landed on the ground running. He slowed down as he reached Shadow.

"Hiya!" Kurtz beamed. "I think I saw you in my biology class...."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
OOC: well I don't want Yoosei and Kurai on the same class. so i guess i can place Kurai on class B as well


Yoosei's tails swish around rythmically as she keeps running, faster as the time goes by. while meanwhile in one corridor Kurai is walking around. he places his paw on the pocked and brings out the schedule.

"...i really wonder if my class is history right now or if i am wrong...why is this thing so confusing anyway" he said to no one in particular
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions