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Xeno panic!
"Yes we can." the voice said. "Would you like us to dispose of the original afterwords? We have her DNA stored already, we do not need her." Silvia was currently in a breathing apparatus, unconscious yet crying. She was only seconds away from becoming just another sad story or lust and loss. She knew from the moment he had enslaved her that she would not survive him, his promise of protection had disintegrated when the first electric metal probe was forced under her finger nails when they were "reeducating" her. In the end, Alex could not protect a single frightened furry, and Angela was likely next, though she did not know it.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex stared down at Silvia, and tears freely fell. They landed on Silvia and he took slow deep breaths. He hated this, and his blame went two places. To himself, and to the people who did this to him and Silvia. "Kill her...but please, I beg of you. Make it painless for her..." he begged, before kissing Silvia's lips. "Keep everything about Silvia, her personality, her likes and dislikes, just make her love and lust for me...."
"Very well, but where would you like her memory to pick up?" they asked. As they did they took Silvia away. From the room they took her to an airlock and simply ejected her into space. For a moment she simply floated as she drifted into space. Then her insides were sucked out into the void of space through her every orifice, and then it all froze, preserving her as a cold statue of horror and loss, an innocent creature killed for the sake lust and science.

Angela gasped as Silvia was taken away to die and hid behind her covers, her eyes just barely peaking out. Why? Why did Alex have her killed? He could have saved her, he could have...protected her. The thought sent shock waves of realization through her. They were all so replaceable, clones and other women would work just as well. What if she was a clone? What if Alex had already had her killed? the thought made her want to cry.

"Would you like her to have any memory at all?" They asked, acting as though a trashcan had been taken out and nothing else. "Anything you want us to add or take away? Would you like us to make up memories? Anything really, we can even change her species."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I don't know, just pick somewhere. Pick right when I met her or something, you choose," Alex replied. "Now just leave me be," he ordered, not noticing Angela was awake. Angela would then hear crying, and Alex's voice. He had killed many people, but they were all men. Never had he killed a woman, especially one as beautiful as Silvia. He walked back to the bed, still not noticing Angela and placed his hand on the girl's. "I failed her, but not you..." he said, through his tears. "I swear to God, in the original, the true Silvia's name, you will live, and be happy...." he cried.

((This may be, our saddest rp))
((Whats a story with no tragedy?))

The voice did not come again, though the scientists had no idea what to do now, with no specific instructions. So instead of making one, they made three. One with her memories of right when she had met him, roughly according to her own report when she had tried to escape Alex. One right before they had taken her to be reeducated, so she was silent. And lastly one with no memories at all. They decided to wait till morning, leaving the three scared girls in cages for the night.


Angela did not know what to say. She simply sat there watching silently. "Im...Im sorry." She said, not knowing why she was saying it but feeling that she should. "I..Im happy..I just...I dont want to die..." she said weakly, her face pale from what had just happened. Silvia was gone, or at least the original, killed in who knows what way. Meanwhile they were cloning another one to replace her, and with altered memories! "How...How do I know Im not a clone?" She asked sadly, saying it before thinking.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((True, but a story needs happy moments two, Silver))

"Trust...Faith...Whatever you wish," Alex whispered. "Go to sleep now, Angela. I don't really need sleep...." he said. "Just go to sleep, I need....I need to think about somethings," he said, tears still fresh and falling slowly.
(Kinda hard for the girls when they are being abducted by scientists and fed to sex crazed aliens)

Angela nodded and laid back down. Although she did not sleep for awhile, she did fall into uneasy slumber eventually. She would sleep for as long as she was allowed to and when awoken the Scientists would ask through the com, "Would you like to view your Silvias now?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Little Red Riding Hood had a happy ending. They could do it, so can we))

"....SilviaS.....Plural? More than one!?" Alex asked. "Why mofre than one?" he asked, trying to keep quiet for Angela. He ran to the speaker and glared at it, "Look, yes, fine, bring them in! And tell me why there are plural?"
((Alright, see ya later bro))
"We did not know when you would have liked her memory to pick up, so we created three. One with her memory restored roughly when she met you the first day, one with her memory restored up to when you broke her in this cell, and the last has no memory at all, a completely innocent clean slate. We can dispose of the ones you do not want since they are not real people, just clones. We will bring in the first one now."

The doors slid open and Silvia fell through. "W-What the hell is going on?!" She asked frightened by everything she saw. She looked at Alex and paled visibly. "What happened? Why am I here?!" She asked looking around. She was very very afraid of this place, all she could remember was going to sleep with Alex and then she woke up in some kind of tank with scientists all around her. Then she was dragged off, thrown in a cage for several more hours and then thrown back into here with not so much as an explanation.

"Alex..." She whimpered, crawling over to him. "Whats happened? Did you bring me here?" Angela awoke and nearly screamed when she saw Silvia. "Who is she?" Silvia asked, looking at Angela. Angela shook her head and hid under the covers. There it was, the clone, and it didnt even know! What would poor Silvia do if she found out she was a clone?
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)