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STR8, YAOI, YURI, BI- pure, to-the-point sex RPG!!!
"In the meantime, sir," Harry said to Ryu, "I'm certain you'd feel uncomfortable standing in the hall. Down those stairs, sir," Harry pointed, "Is the basement, which has been converted into a games room. Feel free to explore, however."

Harry exited, in true, creepy bulter style.
As soon as Harry had left the room Ryu gave a quick shudder, "That guy was creepy." Ryu turned to Nina and Angel, "I'm gonna go check out the game room," Ryu headed off to the stairs before turning around, "You two have fun." He added with a wink.

'I hope we will.' Nina thought as she followed Angel.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
occ: not so nieve after all.
ic: blue groned with the pressure from ivy's hand 'and here i am at the mercy of a women whom i thought i was leading along and here she was leading me along. not that i can't complain or anything...'
Veemon's Followers
Nina had finished in the restroom and was washing her hands, 'Let's get this party started.' Nina looked over at angel to make sure she was occupied and secretly placed her finger on the faucet before turning it on. "EEEEK." Nina screamed as cold water shot out of the faucet and soaked her upper body, "Darnit. Would you mind helping me out of this? Getting anything over these wings is a pain in the butt, I wish they could dissapear like yours."

Meanwhile Ryu was searching through a random room obviously lost, "I should've asked that creepy dude for a road map or something. " Ryu looked into another room, "Maybe Nina was onto something when she said I was bad with directions."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"oooohhh... someone's badboy's waking up..." Ivy said, as she bent down and started to unbutton blue's pants.
"oh god" he said as he arched into her hand
Veemon's Followers
Harry stood by the couple with a box of condoms, a bucket of ice, and some tissues.

Butlers do these things.
"the hell are you doing here?!?"
Veemon's Followers
"Don't worry about me, sir. I'll be gone once you take these items off me. Since I'm here, would either of you care for tea? Crumpets?"
*the young cat girl who is the neighbor, on her morning run, notices the commotion from the house next door. she looks over, going up to the door, and knocks on it*

Hello? Hellooo?

*she looks in the window, trying to figure out whats going on*

OOC: i tried to PM Grey about joining this RP, but for some reason it wasnt working. either that, or he was just ignoring them. so if anyone has any objections to me being here, just say so and i will gladly leave.