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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
OOC: rofl it's 3:26 PM here.

IC: Ky is really surprised at what had happened to him.

"Yeah... the bed...."
woah- how did- you were watching my dreams?
the bed? [looks at the king-sized bed] okay, looks like were all gonna fit nicely at least.
DarkBlue Wrote:occ: gunter is busy training, and i dont need to sleep! (yawwn...) no really! lets take 5 more hours!

OOC: lol what happend?

IC: ya i was
Veemon's Followers
OOC: Hah, guess time flies for some more than others!
occ: dont need to sleep! :::yawn::: i need cofee... thats all! continue!

IC: uhm... after you?
So who's jumping in first? im going last, im the smallest in this form.
OOC: lol this is too interesting to sleep

IC: "After who? And what? I'm lost now...."

He had been thinking about the whole sharing emotions thing without paying much attention to what everyone was saying. He'd only caught the "After you."

"Oh, bed... I get it...." He shakes his head clear. "Doesn't matter to me."

He climbs in bed.
occ: hahaha! I feel lightheaded! it's greayyyt- i shouldusoasd do thik;s more ofhten...

IC: ..............................................................................................................
once again: who's jumpin in first? the bed. you or Cronos?