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Open Brain
Yes it was.

*Dua gently lay himself next to her and draped his arm over her nude form*

It was awesome...
[Image: Rainbow_Dash_haters_gonna_hate.gif]

See that guy, he's a drifter! But drifting leads to Bickering, Bickering leads to Karate, and Karate leads to flying around between windows and shit! Then a big guy starts shooting lightning everywhere and Kurt Russell Shows up and Kicks his Ass!
Want to do you need anything to eat or do you want to relax for now?
*I started to cuddle Dua*
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds
*smiles and gently kisses Yumi's forehead*

I would like to relax, if it's alright with you...
[Image: Rainbow_Dash_haters_gonna_hate.gif]

See that guy, he's a drifter! But drifting leads to Bickering, Bickering leads to Karate, and Karate leads to flying around between windows and shit! Then a big guy starts shooting lightning everywhere and Kurt Russell Shows up and Kicks his Ass!
*Smiles and feels like going to sleep*
Yeh, I think i need some sleep
*makes a little yawn*
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds
*squeezes Yumi in a hug*

Go ahead and fall asleep, I will be right here...
[Image: Rainbow_Dash_haters_gonna_hate.gif]

See that guy, he's a drifter! But drifting leads to Bickering, Bickering leads to Karate, and Karate leads to flying around between windows and shit! Then a big guy starts shooting lightning everywhere and Kurt Russell Shows up and Kicks his Ass!
Ok, Dua
*cuddles a bit more and closes my eyes*
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds
So cute...

*gently runs a finger over her face before closing his own eyes and beginning to doze off*
[Image: Rainbow_Dash_haters_gonna_hate.gif]

See that guy, he's a drifter! But drifting leads to Bickering, Bickering leads to Karate, and Karate leads to flying around between windows and shit! Then a big guy starts shooting lightning everywhere and Kurt Russell Shows up and Kicks his Ass!
*moves a bit closer to Dua*
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds
*smiles* It's alright, I can make more if I need too.
[Image: 34snomc.png]

[Image: DarkChibimon.png]
Gabumon Loverz
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Lady Devimon's Minions
Creative Minds
*slowly falls into a light sleep*

[Image: Rainbow_Dash_haters_gonna_hate.gif]

See that guy, he's a drifter! But drifting leads to Bickering, Bickering leads to Karate, and Karate leads to flying around between windows and shit! Then a big guy starts shooting lightning everywhere and Kurt Russell Shows up and Kicks his Ass!