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The Affairs (Blankmind & Tank Cop)
"Onyx you think you can hold out over your better looking sister?" Impmon said in a worried tone not knowing that he hurt Onyx's pride with those words.


Impmon smiles. "I bet she will get a big shock when she see's you again then." Lopmon said pull up it her drive way.


Chris shoves the last bead in then Tom comes over and rubs BM's left fanny check clean then shoves the needle into his butt and you get some feeling back into your musles but is still to weak to put up a fight or run away but just enought to act and move around to the mens pleasure. "Now get dressed.....Sally!"


Lights come on next to a small child size drawer and you hear a voice, its TC's voice pre-recorded into the punishment booths computer. "Cream I am very upset with you. Your a naughty little girl that needs to know her place. I am going to give you want you need and you won't leave here until you get it and if you delay you will get punished alot worse for the longer you delay the more it will hurt you in the end. Now please strip naked and place your clothes in the drawer you won't be getting them back until I come to take them out. You like to be naked so much around me then you will reamin naked until I say otherwise you little brat!"
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Ngh!...Definately." Onyx grunts, almost letting it all slip out. "I'm-Oof!-taking this round too!"

Lori growls at her sister. "N-Not a-Ooooh!-chance! This ones all mine!" Both continue glaring at each other as the cramps in their stomachs get worse and worse.


Tai Lung chuckles at the comment. "Oh, I'm sure she will. I'm sure she will."


BM moans as he tries to stand on his weakened legs. Still whimpering he takes a few shaky steps toward the box. He looks inside and pulls out a pair of pink frilly panties much to the three's amusement. He also sees a matching party dress in there as well and starts to moan again. "C-Come on guys. do I really have to?"


"Wait, listen to me!" Tigress shouts at the voice. "I'm not Cream it's me Tigress! The little brat locked me in here so just let me out and I'll go get her!"
Impmon shacks Natasha's paw to his hand. "Ok you got a deal." Impmon then cheers on Onyx like a obsessed fan would for his own football team. "Go for it Onyx show that little slut who's the top bitch of your family!"


Lopmon and Tia lung go into the house just in time to see Cream taking her panties down and ready to go upstaires and see TC when they arrive she freezes as they come in and stare at her. "CREAM WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Lopmon said yelling at her as if she was her own little girl.


"No you can keep those beads in your ass if you really enjoy them if you don't want to play with us if your other choice to make." Blake said enjoying his control over BM.


The machines was programed NOT to listen to plees of any child and cause of Creams changes to the program it was told to NOT see Tigress as an adult but a very tall child of 6 years old. "Cream this is your only warning strip right now or in 1 minute you will get a penalty." Then a red colored countdown starts over the drawer.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Natasha giggles at Impmon and joins in. "Go Lori! Hold that shit in!"

"Would you two shut u-AHH!" Lori groans and drops to her knees.

Onyx smirks and chuckles at her. "Running outta steam? I guess we-OW! OH, GOD IT HURTS!!" She cries out as well falling to the floor as well.


Tai Lung does a double take when he sees Cream. 'Wow, I wasn't expecting that!' He thinks to himself, indeed the last thing the expected to see in this house was a little rabbit stripping her clothes off.


With a yelp of fright BM complies and slips the panties on. Immediately Blake and Chris bust out laughing.

"Aww, isn't she cute?" Blake teases, pinching BM's cheeks.

Chris chuckles and takes out the dress. "Ok Sally, arms up." Bm whimpers and crosses his arms. "I said arms up! Now!" With another yelp BM holds up his arms and lets Chris put the dress on him. "There now we're ready to play."


Tigress growls but starts to feel a little nervous. Without answering she turns back around and starts pounding on the door again, trying every trick and move she could think of to try and break it down. Unfortunately not one of her techniques, even her famous double palm attack, could even dent the thick steel door.
Impmon gets up and goes right next to Onyx and yells into her hear like a pissed off football couch. "DON'T YOU FUCKING GIVE IN YET YOU WHINEY LITTLE BITCH! YOU WANT THAT SLUTTY WHORE TO BEAT YOU TO RUBS YOUR FALL ALL INTO HER SHITTY DIAPER AND CALL YOU A DIAPER LOVING CUNT ALL YOUR LIFE?" Impmon said as Onyx moans and cries.


Cream thinks fast. "Ummmm its not what you think I was just going to get into my swimsuit to go swiming in the pool and....." "Don't you lie to me young lady. Now you go to the bedroom and you wait for me I will be up to deal with you very shortly!" Lopmon yelled pointing to her kids bedroom and Cream runs into room she shares with Lopmons kids when she visits and cries as she goes cause she knows she in for a hard hairbursh spanking that she got a few times before from Lopmon when she was naughty on her visits.

Lopmon sighs then looks over at Tai Lung and says. "I am sorry you had to see that Cream is such a handful for me. I will see that dosn't happen again. Now would you like some tea or coffee?"


"OK here's the scene. Your in your room and I, your Boyfriend, comes into the window and then we speak our love for each other them start to make out. Then Blake comes into the room after a while and I rush out the window, he will punish you and make you pay for his silance, then He lies and tells his dad, Chris, and then the REAL punishments begin!" Tim says with a big grin as he sets up the scene.


The Punishment booth took Tigress actions as agression and then says. "PENATLY! You will now revice a extra 10 swats with a flexable cane at the end of your spanking section, if you don't want anymore penatlys you will remove your clothes and place them on in the drawer, NOW!" The counter starts again with 1 more minute counting down like before.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!

Lori whimpers at this and almost slips so Natasha decides to give some encouragement of her own. She crawls over and smiles right at Lori. "Hey Lori. If you win this I'll tell you where Onyx hides all her Playfur magazines."

"Hey no fair!" Onyx protests, also nearly losing it again.


"Um, tea please." Tai Lung answers after watching Cream go up the stairs. After Lopmon turns to leave he lets a dark smile crawl onto his face. "Such a lovely child." He whispers before following her.


BM, finally getting used to the feel of the beads, nods nervously at the instructions. He takes a deep breath and tries to calm himself down as best as he can. "O-Okay, I understand." He says in a slightly female voice as he lowers his head, completly submissive to the three large males.

Chris chuckles and ruffles his hair. "Good girl, glad you're finally getting into character. Alright places everyone!"


Tigress starts to panic at this warning. Unfortunately she's too exhausted to pound on the door anymore. "Please, listen to me! I'm not Cream! There's been a mistake shut down!"
Impmon yells over to Lori and says. "You lose this and I will make sure you get one of the Men from Playfur! I know some of the guys there and so does TC I can make him, make sure you get a date with one."


Cream cries her eyes out in the kids room without her panties on as they are on the floor of the starecase and Lopmon's to busy in the kitchen to notice Tia Lung heading to the Kids room.


The men take BM over to the bed that looks like a little girls room and then Tim goes out the window then Blake starts the camra's and Tim knocks on the window as the show starts. Tim was wearing a football T-shirt with numbers on it and looks cool like any high school kid would. "Hey Sally let me in. Hurry before your brother or your dad hears me!"


The machine again reacts to Tigress actions in the same way it did before as the one minute ends. "PENATLY! You will drink down a full bottle of castor oil after you get your mouth washing punishment. Now remove your clothes and place them in the drawer or more penatlys will be added." The one minute count begins again
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Onyx's eyes light up. "WOW! Seriously that-DAH!!"


Onyx starts whimpering at she loses her focus and shits herself completely. The sickening mush totally fills the back of her diaper.

"Ha! I win." Lori cries out and bends over so her butt is facing Onyx. "Now for my prize! Nose to my ass now." Onyx whines and shakes her head, feeling thoughly humiliated. Lori chuckles and waddles over to Onyx. With a sick grin she grabs Onyx's hair and presses her diapered ass right into her face.



"Hello there little one." Tai Lung says to Cream in a friendly voice. "You seem a little upset. anything I can do to help?"


BM hurries over to the window and pulls it open, letting Tim come inside. He gulps and tries to improvise. "W-Why are you here so late? If they catch you here I'll be in so much trouble." He says nervously, his eyes darting from left to right. He'd pretty much given up getting out of it and decided he might as well play along.


Tigress starts to tremble as she sees her options slip away. Finally she shakily removes her vest and pants and puts them into the dresser as instructed. "O-Okay, I did it. I-I'm really sorry, sir." She squeaks out, suddenly feeling like she was five years old again.
Impmon feels sick seeing that happen then worries that now he is going to have to clean up Natasha! "Ummmmm you know I was just kidding out our bet right? I was never going to make you suck me. Lets just forget it and move on." Impmon said in a pleeding way.


Cream gulps as this big white tiger comes in. "Y,your not going to spank me are you?"


Tim holds BM close and says to him. "I missed you Sally I know your father told me to keep away from you but I can't do that I love you way to much to let you go." Tim then kisses you on the lips and hold you tenderly in his arms.


The Machine notes tigress is now naked, still thinking its Cream. Good girl now I have some lines I want you to read withing the next one minute time or you will again revice a penalty." The machine shows a screen with pre-typed words for Cream to say. *I CREAM AM A VERY NAUGHTY LITTLE GIRL. I DID NASTY THINGS TO TC AND HURT THE LOVELY TIGRESS AND I FULL DESERVE TO BE SPANKED HARD ON MY BARE LITTLE FANNY, HAVE MY MOUTH WASHED OUT WITH NASTY TASTING SOAP, AND THEN GET ENEMA FOR MY ALL I DID. I AM A VERY, VERY BAD GIRL!*
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Uh-uh." Natasha giggles, wagging her finger at Impmon. "You know fully well you wouldn't have let me off the bet. Come on Impy don't be a sore loser." She turns around and bends down so far that her head is touching the floor. As if that wasn't enough she grabbed her thighs and knees down so her face goes through her legs just below her pussy. "Cool huh? I leanred this in gymnastics." She says with a giggle.


Tai Lung nearly chuckles and fakes a hurt look. "Why I would never. What kind of horrid monster would hurt such an..." He cringes a little, not used to being nice, even fake nice. "adorable little creautre like you?"


"I-I love you too Timmy." BM replies in a girl's voice. "Daddy beat me really bad the last time he caught us but I don't care. I'd rather be tortured than be apart from you." He starts really getting into the role and even begins to enjoy the hug.


Tigress read the words and blushed under her fur. She whimpered in humiliation but didn't want to get into anymore trouble with the machine. 'Maybe if I behave it'll take back some of the penalties.' She thinks to herself before sighing and reading the words.

"I Cream am a very naughty little girl. I did nasty things to TC and hurt the lovely Tigress and I fully deserve to be..." She pauses, gulping at the last few lines. "to be spanked hard on my bare little fanny, have my mouth washed out with nasty tasting soap and then get an enema for all I did. I-*sniff* I am a very, very bad girl. *sob*" Tigress starts to cry softly as she finishes.