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Xeno panic!
Silvia mumbled the words love and master a few times, hugging herself against him as Angela blushed and nodded, kissing him back a little when he kissed her. She yawned cutely but did not mention it, she would wait for him to go to sleep before she did, though she was now shaking a little. The cum all over her body was cooling and making her cold, and she was above the covers as well. But she did not mention this either, even as Silvia began to tremble.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex noticed the shivering and shook his head. "Slaves. Get under the covers, and cuddle up to Master," he ordered. "Don't disturb us," he added to the people behind the glass, as he pulled Silvia and Angela to his warm body.

Silvia and Angela did as commanded and a small shutter closed over the glass, signaling that the observation was over for now, though a small panning camera said that they were still being watched. Both the girls hugged and cuddled their master cutely, both of their furry bodies warm and soft against his bare skin, their large breasts adding to the effect. Angela went to sleep rather quickly, but Silvia did not, muttering softly under her breath. But before Alex could say anything, she spoke silently into his ear with a trembling voice. "H-Help me.." If he looked over at her he would see his old Silvia, afraid, even more than before, small and trembling, tears in her eyes as she looked at him for anything he could so. "I...I hurt...s-so much...please..please"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex turned to her and heard her plea. He gently petted her head with one hand and kissed her forehead. "You have been a good slave, and should be rewarded. Your Master, aka me, will help in any way possible, Silvia. How can I help?"the alien asked.
Silvia looked terrified and tucked her neck under his as if to try to seek protection there, her shampooed hair fresh in Alex's nose. for awhile she simply shuddered there, trying to think of what she could ask of him. She wanted to be left alone, to escape this horrible place, but even if Alex let her go, the scientists would not and she would rather kill herself then take another session with them.

Escaping by force seemed impossible as well, but every second she was there she felt more and more anxious, more and more despairing, she could not take! Her mind was turning into butter out of sheer fear, and soon she would go insane, she was sure of it! But how, how could she escape this?

"P-Please me...let me escape this anyway that I can. Cut my wrists, kill me. they wont stop you if its you, they want you to do whatever you want with us. Please...Im..Im going crazy in here...and it hurts so much! Please...Please please please master! Please have mercy, please kill me. You can eat me, or fuck me to death, or whatever you want, just dont let them take me again, dont let them save me, or capture me."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex looked at her, in eyes gazing deeply at her. He smelled fear, sadness, pain, and so much more from her. "Silvia, why? As long as you please me, I protect you. You will never see the people behind that glass leave. There in only you, me, Angela, and any girl I ask for. Isn't that a good life?" he asked. "Do you truly want to leave so badly? I told you, I hate killing females. I can free us. I'll break this place open and free us from this torment, you know I can."
"N-No, you cant." Silvia said silently, her voice full of fear and genuine concern. "They have weapons master, and robots, so many of them. And when they catch you-" she swallowed her words and a sob broke free of her throat. "They do things...they did things..." She clutched her left breast and dug her nails into a little bit. "My hurts...M-Master..." Suddenly she began to go limp. She was having a heart attack, her limbs began to twitch and shake even as her eyes became half shut. "D-did things...things." she stuttered even as it happened. She suddenly began to seize and the camera picked up the motion, the lights came on and Angela woke up. "Whats happening?" She asked sleepily.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Silvia? Silvia!" he yelled. "A doctor! I need a doctor now!" Alex yeleld, hoping the people behind the glass would hear. "She's...she's....damn it what is it called...? A heart attack! Silvia is having a heart attack!"
Three men in white suits suddenly rushed in and loaded her onto a stretcher. " me...die." She cried softly as she lost consciousness. The men left the room as quickly as they came, leaving Alex alone with a very frightened Angela. "Whats going on?" she asked timidly, looking around, confused and scared. "If you wish we can keep you informed on her condition." A voice said from the speakers.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex looked at her and sighed, shaking his head. "Silvia is in pain, right now....Now go to sleep, I need to talk to these peopleb privately," he ordered firmly. If Angela obeyed, he would look to the speakers and sigh. "Can you still clone her, but alter the clone so she has a love and lust for me?"