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(Silver and Salem A. Delgado's) Blood moon passion
OOC: Kill off a couple of your least favorites I guess, I was actually going to bring that up but I figured you aleady notticed.

IC: "Well she's fairly brocken as it is, just need to remind her who's in charge." Lulu thought aloud as she went to work chaining May to her bed spread out on her back "I say we stuff her, Be a dear and bring me that that big leather trunk from my closest, the one with a big V on it."
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: Kill off who? Angela, Luna, Venra? Those are the only ones I can and I dont want any of them to die!...I might have a plan though, one that I think will make this much more intresting. I still will need to think it over a little first though....Oh, and also, Why do I always have to remind you about Sinside Alley? If you dont want to play it then you can drop it and let it fade into obscurity, but dont make me mention it every time I post. :(

Julia nodded and brought over the trunk as May whimpered and struggled in her binds. "What are we going to do to her exactly mistress?" She asked as she used her new strength to take the trunk over to her. May only whimpered louder and softly said "P-Please...dont h-hurt m-me...."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lulu openned the trunk and showed that it was stuffed with hundreds of crome and silver miniture bullet vibes "We're gonna stuff her little pussy with some of these till she looks preggers and make her go around like that for the day." she explained as she picked up a crome one and turned, then she took it and gently began to trace May's delicate little pussy with it "You ready naughty pup?"
Lady Devimon's Minions
May moaned a little but did not understand what she was going to do to her. "P-Please mi-miss vampire, d-d-dont hurt me...Please?" she begged softly, her tail between her legs as she trembled in sheer fright. Julia started petting her head and asked "Whats preggers?" They were both very young, Lulu may have to lead by example.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lulu laughed and shook her head "You'll see what I mean, just pass me those chrome ones when I hold out my hand. You'll be able to tell the difference between them and the silver ones." she said before she turned her attention back to May "Oh don't worry, this won't hurt a bit." she replied with a cruel smile and quickly slipped the first vibe in deep as it would go and held out her hand for another.
Lady Devimon's Minions
May whimpered softly and yelped as the vibrator reached her virginity and got stuck there. Lulu was quickly handed another one by Julia and the process would go on for as long as Lulu wanted. "Oww...p-please, Im good, Please, I dont start fights, I dont cry or howl anymore, please no more miss vampire. I am May, my name is May, please no more." May begged pitifully. Julia flinched, she had been there before, she and May had gone through roughly the same thing, and it hurt her to see her recent past rehashed as it was.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Will you be obedient to Lady Venra?" Lulu asked as she slipped another vibe in. Though her face showed no expression she was growing bored and wanted this done soon, after all she wanted to have fun with her new childe before the night was through.
Lady Devimon's Minions
"I-Im good...good..." the small were whimpered, clearly lost in her on fear. Maybe a little pain would bring her back to her senses. Her Virginity slowly tore and she cried out and began to struggle. "Please, no more! No!" She yelled and screamed, growling and whimpering as much as she was talking. She was a frightened little thing, but she was also still basically wild, she needed to be trained.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lulu thought for a while and grined "Then how about you prove your a good pet? Do a few tricks and I'll stop, fail and I shove more in."
Lady Devimon's Minions
May quickly nodded and groaned. "Y-Yes, Im g-good for you! I will do t-tricks..." the small were's eyes welled up with cute tears as she struggled helplessly in her bindings. Her small nipples were hard despite the pain and her quivering body was layered in a thin sheen of sweat. Blood trickled from her broken verginity and the smell of it almost made Julia's mouth water.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)