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Bleach: Last Stand.
"His friends are normally all wanted like he was at one time, people still want me dead for what i am" she says walking from the shadows, her Katana, a sword just as big as her diminutive form across her back. "Never knew you had a family Urahara-kun" she says with a sly grin, pushing her glasses up her nose with a fingertip. Who are you two? never felt a pressure like this before, so very different from what i normally feel form the few humans that i defend and the others that venture around here."
"Patience." Shadow whispered, holding an arm infront of Lizzy, "If this was a normal hollow he would've tried to devour us already, not to mention we never would've been pointed in this direction," he placed his hand at his side, looking back at the hollow, "Maybe I can't, but if I fail, the fact that I tried will inspire others, and someone will succeed."


"Well if it's a girl I can't blame her." Katt huffed a bit.


Mindy landed on the roof of a building a few blocks from the battle scene, setting Rei down gentley as she stretched, "You're alot heavier than you look quincie," she said, not really caring that Rei couldn't hear her.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Rei shivered a bit as she lay there for a while before she began coming to "Where...where am I? What happened?" she asked as she sat up, looking cute and innocent as she tried to see anything, luckily she could she her savior since Mindy was a spiritual being.

"His father and I were good friends, and served in the same squad before I became a captain." Urahara explained before turning his attention to Katt and putting on an or hurt expression "What do you mean by that?"

Salem looked Ayame over, noting her living world cloths and that she too used a long sword "My names Salem Kannakaze, and this is Katt," he introduced, pausing a bit before he continued "And we're Kago, I by birth, and she through...other means."
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Kango? never heard of it" she says simply, crossing her arms over her chest "Urahara-kun, you wouldn't happen to have any more of those spirit suppression pills would you? i just ran out and my little sin wants know from experience that my hollow side is not easy to control, even for you." She sighs and sits down n the ground, the big sword laying on her shoulder.
OOC: Okay guys, I'm gonna do an effort to continue without my co-host for the RPG. I'm sure Crimson's going over some tough stuff at college due to his recent unactivity around the forum and that he'll be back as soon as his side's a bit more calmer, but I realize if I wait this RPG might die again, and from what I know people want it to live. This'll be tough so I'll require some cooperation from everyone. Here we go!


White liquid again stared to ooze outwards from Kentanka's body, his mouth, and even his eyes, which had started to bulge, "Raaa...! Wh-what is this trick?!" the insect growled, the membrane around its bones starting to bulge, making him rounder and bigger as the spores continued coming out without stop or leniency due to his exasperation.

OOC: Just make sure follow the game AWL, we'll soon be done.


(Secret Path)

"Your resolve is strong, I'm convinced... and mildly satisfied about you being the new 10th Squad's Captain. However..." The man started, the strong pressure disappearing as he straightened himself and hid his katana, before continuing his speech: "Remember this, young Captain: Your resolve may fuel your ambitions and help reach your goals, but only time and your very own actions will determine the outcome of such." He said, the large skull mask moving as if it was truly part of his head, like a Hollowfied Vizard. "Now, we must go, and I must ask that you do not reveal my 'secret' for now." The man said, turning around and starting to climb the stairs up.

Lizzy was perplexed, her arms were raised, katana still in claw, "So he's not bad?" she said, cocking her head sideways, before she emitted a small moan, "Uhm... do you have to squeeze so hard?" she asked softly, feeling Shadow's paw on her left breast; apparently she had been trying to advance when she bumped with his arm.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Eh? What's this now?" Vook's eyes widened as she saw the giant beast begin to swell up much like a balloon, her wings still flapping to keep the little spores off of her. It must be Proto...someone of his power would not let themselves be killed so easily!
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Hyouzen swung his blade back and forth, using the reiatsu waves it produced to deflect the sparks, unsure what they may be. Drawing back a little he noticed that Mindy was no longer in the warehouse, the water dragon muttering to himself, "Traitorous coward...when this is over, you'll answer to me." He continued to swing at the sparks alongside Vook, noticing the disuto expanding dangerously and figure it would explode in a moment. "Vook, get ready to defend yourself. It seems that overgrown bug couldn't handle Proto's power."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"You passed out and I saved you," Mindy said straight out, "Lucky for you I was in a good mood, could've just left ya there with that, whatever it was."


"Huh?" Shadow noticed what his hand was pressing against, "GAH!" He pulled his hand away, a bright blush on his face, "S-sorry, accident I swear." he said as he began climbing the stairs after the hollow, "Good and bad are just words, depends on what he does that constitutes him as a threat."


"Hollow side?" Katt blinked a bit, "Hey, are you one of those arrancarr?" she asked, a hand resting on her sword.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Maybe i am...but trust me when i say you draw that sword you will be fighting someone much older, much more skilled and many times more powerful than yourself. And it is Vizard thank-you-very-much" She rested her hand on the sheath of her sword. "I do not have any hollow mask fragments on my face, so do not be so quick to judge little girl... Urahara-kun, do you have the pills or not i would like it if you hurried."
"Urahara's friends are all either too old or too young." Salem muttered under his bath as he put his hand on Katt' shoulders and shook his head "Your not ready to fight her just yet Katt-hime, though with you skill and potential you'll e the strongest in no time."

As he watched the scene Urahara couldn't help but grin "Don't worry I have them Ayame-chan," he replied as he fished out a little metal box with a flaming skull design on it "Here, I even thought to make them slightly more potent just to be safe." he finished as he handed er the pills and hid his face behind his fan "ave there been any troubles with your hollow?"

Rei quickly stood, blushing bright with embarrassment and began bowing repeatedly "I'm so sorry! I was trying to be of help's just that sometimes I get weak ad pass out and....well..tobe honest I didn't think anyone would save me..most people hate Quincies for some reason..." she went on, her ears and tail drooping cutely as she grew quite.
Lady Devimon's Minions