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Star Wars: Episode XIII, Beyond Good and Evil(furry-based starwars)
< Dantooine >

OOC: Ah...I I'm confused! That is why I am the pupil... and you are the master.

IC: Psyrixia senses Altima's discomfort and witnesses his attempt to cover his growing erection. "Alt, dear...I can see and sense that you are well as nervous", she pulls him to the edge of the tub and whisperes in his ear, "haven't you ever seen a female...nude, before?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

"N-never... around here, not many would proudly present their nude forms. And even if, many dislike that on the outside, but on the inside, they can't get enough of it." Altima explained. "And...I'm sorry and embarrased that you know I am aroused."

"I sense a great disturbance here... is it the sith? rogue jedi?" Ishana said, as she force jumped from one rooftop to the other. "Whatever it is, I sense great power from ahead..." the vixen sighed.
Damian widened his eyes slightly at Cervane's sudden aggression, and immediately wrapped him in a Force Block, cutting him off from the Force.

"You may be Sith, but even we have rules. And the first rule is to avoid attracting unwanted attention. Killing innocents will most assuredly attract unwanted attention."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
OOC:I never said Cervane was using the force to kill.

After a short time,blood was starting to drip on the ground as Cervane let go of the guy's lifeless corpse.Cervane immediately started running around,attacking anyone he saw,starting with Shadow.He rushed straight to Shadow,thrusting his claw straight at Shadow's heart.
OOC: Ah. Well either way, if you've spent most of your life connected to the Force, you're gonna notice when that connection is suddenly gone :P
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Shadow grabbed the sith's hand and, using his own momentum, flung him into the air towards a building, intent on stunning him long enough to run him through with his saber.

Seems capturing him alive is no longer a possibility...oh well throught Shadow, activating his sabers and leaping at the sith.
Cervane kicked off the wall as he hit,flying straight at Shadow"DIE"He ignited both lightsabers,swinging at Shadow as he passed.

OOC:I love berserk things
< Dantooine >

"It's nothing to be ashamed of Altima, it's perfectly natural.", Psyrixia places a bar of soap in his claw, "The more you're exposed to the female form, the more relaxed and at ease you'll become. Now if you'd like to help me..." she leans forward a bit, "could you start with my wings and back?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Smiling weakly, Altima nodded. He used the sop, rubbing off Psyrixia's wings as best as he coud, trying not to stare as much as possible, so as to not seem rude(nor perverted).
"Mmmmm...Oooooohh...that feels wonderful", she cooed, surrendering to Altima's gentle touch. "I haven't been touched like that since... since...Oooooo...I don't remember how long. Tell me, Altima...", she closes her eyes, arching her back in bliss, "have you ever bathed with anyone before?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz