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Slaves to Passion (Kalyx / Yumi RPG)
Having tended to his cooking, Kalyx answers Kita's call and strides toward the bathroom.

Turning the rounded, stone corner, the dragon halts himself and fixes his eyes onto the vision before him. "Why, look beautiful. That dress you've selected really complements your fur and figure."

Oh, my heavens! This vixen is gorgeous! And she's supposed to be my slave?!

Quickly closing and grabbing her other trunk, the stunning and staring dragon continues, "If you'd like to follow me, Kita...I'll show you your room, where you're going to be staying. And then, we'll have something hot and nourishing to eat."
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Kita smiles at her master as she seen him. "Thank you master," she said and became a little shy as her new master looked at her.

What is wrong with my, I'm acting, well different around him. What is wrong with me?

Kita looked at her master and said, "Yes master," she said.
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds
Shouldering open the large wooden door, Kalyx enters the chamber he's specially set up and furnished for his new slave. Laying her other trunk off to one side, against the stone wall, the towering dragon turns and peers over the demure, yet stunning vixen.

Feeling suddenly out-of-place amidst this bedroom of hers, he blushes slightly, even through his dark-colored scales.

"I'll give you some time to unpack and rearrange your room, if you like. This is your room, now...and no one else's." He hands her a large brass key which opens her door's plated lock. "If there's anything else that you require or I can help you with Kita, just ask."
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Kita followed her master to her new room, she was surprised on how nice the room looked from what her other masters had given her.

Wow! This room is... well lovely. My new master is so kind, I can't believe he would give me a room like this

Kita looked at her master and smiled. "Yes master, should I call you when I'm done?" she asks and takes the key of her master.
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds
"No, I'll come back for you, after awhile, if you don't mind. I've been away on business, since the crack of dawn, so I need to wash up before we eat supper."

Taking a step out of her room, Kalyx holds his eye-contact and continues, "Now, I'll just be down this corridor, three chambers to your right, in the master bathroom. Now, I'll be back within the hour, so just be patient...OK, Kita?"

Stepping away from her room, the blue dragon pulls off his woven, wool shirt, then flexes and opens his large, muscular wings.
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Kita nodded, "Yes master." She watched her master as he is about to leave the room, still looking at him.

"Yes master, I will wait for you," she replies and watches her master take of his top, he eyes widen a little as she see's his wings.
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds
Crossing clear of the bathroom's doorway, Kalyx' tail pushes shut its large wooden door, leaving it slightly ajar. Stepping out of his trousers he tosses both crumpled garments into a large wicker hamper at one corner of the room. Now, totally naked, he tends to his bath; filling up the spacious porcelin tub with a iron cauldron of hot water.

I don't know how to explain it, this feeling...but I think Kita's presence is really starting to affect me. *shaking his head* All my life I've been driven, always busy and occupied business and financial matters, never thinking or concerned about any female. But now, this beautiful vixen comes into my life, under my castle, my home; relegated, yet, to be my slave. *sighs* I just don't know what I should do.

Having added in some scented salts and soap, the blue reptile steps carefully into his sudsy, steaming bath and leans back fully to soak; his arms resting casually upon the tub's smooth, porcelin rim.
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Kita walks away from the bedroom door, keeping the door wide open. She looked around the room and walked up to the trunks that her master has brought in the room. She opened two of them and started to unpack her things.

Huh.. this is weird. I don't usually like my masters, but this one is different. He's more kind than the other one's plus he doesn't treat me bad. What's wrong with me? It's probably nothing.

Kita keeps unpacking and puts some of her things on the bed.
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds
Ater soaking for awhile, Kalyx scrubs himself clean with a small, woven cloth and a large, wooden, stiff-bristled bath brush. Upon finishing, he stands up fully and rinses himself completely with a couple of cast iron pots, filled with fresh water.

Aaahh, that's much better. It's feels great to be clean again after a long, hard day of work and business.

Wrapping a large linen towel around his waist, the blue dragon shakes off his wings and hair and then departs for his room. Having to pass by Kita's room once again, the tall reptile is seemingly preoccupied, with himself, as he walks down the stony corridor.

I wonder...I wonder...what I should wear, tonight? Heh, I never thought about dressing up for a girl, since all of my business dealings have been with men. I'll guess I'll just have to look in my wardrobe.
[Image: b79315c4acff7ff9f843516.jpg]

I'm preparing my craft for take-off...
Ya wanna ride? *wink*

Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Kita finally finished unpacking and closed the trunks. She looked around liking where everything was in the room. She sat on the bed, feeling tired and laid down, waiting for her master to arrive. "Boy.. I feel so tired! Better not sleep, I have to wait for my master." She says to herself wondering what to do as she looks at her bedroom door.
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds