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Spring Break Rape
Raziel just grunted and roared out as he pushed in all the way up to his sister's cervix. He purred as he laid there for a moment enjoy just how tight the bitch beneath him. He pulled out leaving just the tip in and thrust in quickly his barbs brushing along her folds with every thrust and each time he pulled out. The half demonic being gripped one of Azetha's breasts with his paws with the other he leaned down and began to suckle and gently bite it. His tail swished from side to side as pre dripped from his tip making him slide en all the easier.

The half demonic tiger continue to mate with his beloved little sister as the ice cold fire that surrounded his paws started to slowly dissipate as it moved along his paw was just to the point of making it way past his thumbs slowly started to vanish around his paws the closer he got to the release the more the flames would dissipate and move up his claws. He moved his claws down her body as he gripped her hips, he began to thrust harder and faster as he fucked her hard. HIs cock hit the back of her sex and pressed against her cervix with each thrust. He leaned up one could see that Raziel was just barely coming to his senses as he kissed her deeply invading her muzzle once more as his tongue wrapped around hers in a lustful kiss. Now the flames on his claws were past his thumbs.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Azetha let out a long, rasping groan as he pushed into her cervix as her body tightened and spasmed from the pain of his intrusion. She soon gave up fighting weakly, and begging him, and let her body fall limp in total submission. Her breath came in quick gasps as her still body was jerked back and forth by his thrusts and tears poured from her eyes. The sensitivity of her body amazed her because she could feel every tiny detail of his body moving inside of her, and her brothers hand and mouth working her breasts.

She didn't want to look at him because pretending that it was anyone but her Raziel causing her this agony made it easier to handle. Slow, rasping sobs began to well up in her throat, and she clamped her eyes shut trying to shut her mind off; to pretend she was anywhere but lying on her brother's bed as she was brutally raped; stripped of her virginity. The thought of conversations she'd had with older girls about sex wormed into her mind, and she wondered how any of them could have handled a second time. It was getting easier, but the feelings of helplessness, and objectification were not. She wondered how much longer it would go on, and hoped the pain would go away as she submitted to letting Raziel kiss her passionately.
Raziel continued his actions as he rape and tormented his sister. He broke the kiss as he rolled over onto his back, and curled is wings around her while he thrust into her deeply this time pressing against her cervix painfully. He bit down on her her neck while he started moving her body in time with his thrusts. The half demon wished his sister would do something instead of just laying there and thought she might take the hint if she was on top. He gripped his claws into her sides as he used her as his own personal masturbation toy.

He growls in frustration he wanted her to do something as he bit her neck all the harder. Now the fire was just to his knuckles as his cock began to twitch some as his balls started to withdraw into his body slowly. Raziel started to come back to his senses and growls as he looks at his sister with semi normal eyes, "Do something bitch," he roars waits for ehr to do something just laying beneath her as he held her. Then he got an idea s he reaches between them and began to rub her clitoral hood to stimulate her into doing something.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Azetha groaned lightly as he thrust into her and fondled her. It was getting easier as the pain lessened, and it seemed to be replaced by a growing numbness that she could still strangely feel. The smallness that accompanied the brutal stripping of her innocence plagued her, but she could all but shut it out. She was beginning to think she could just make it through when her brother moved again.

The young tigress let out a gasping sound of pain as she was pulled onto her brother's belly and felt him thrust deeper into her body than ever before. Her entire body clenched, causing her already narrow passage to clamp around his member and she sucked in a breath against the pain of it. She let it out in a shudder as she felt his teeth clamp down on her neck. Before she could react she felt her entire body moving with his thrusts, and his powerful arms.

The rage in his voice caused her to quake with fear, and her entire body shivered with it. Fresh tears came to her eyes as she realized that she wouldn't be allowed to just wait his attack out as blood seeped from small wounds caused by his second bit. She forced her aching body to move, and whined as she turned her head away in shame. Even though her brother had placed her in this position, she didn't want him to see her in such a state of weakness. At least the pain was mostly gone. In fact the way he rubbed her almost felt good in spite of everything. She moved clumsily, not really knowing what to do, but her every twitched tightened her around his throbbing cock, massaging him with her battered passage.
When Athena quaked with fear it felt great it was like her whole body was vibrating. When she started to move her body he let out a moan as he met her awkward thrust. He felt her tightening around his cock grunted and groaned loudly as his cock twitched more and his balls fully withdrew into his body. He flipped over again as he was not back on top of her. He was panting and moaning as he was getting close to going over the edge.

A few more thrusts and he pushed in as deeply as he could go while he let out a mighty roar as he came in his sister's pussy coating her walls in warm feline cum. After about a minute he went back to panting as as he lowers his head and rolls over over so he was back on the bottom. The blue ice like flames dissipated fully now that were on his paws. He started to close his eyes as his grip loosened around her. After a few more minutes he was sound asleep and the ice blocking the doors melted away within a few seconds.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Azetha began weeping again as her brother's actions betrayed how much her tiny efforts aroused him. She yelped as her thrust her back under his body as she felt the twisting of his barbed member stretching her painfuly for a moment. She whined softly, and fell limp again for a moment as he spent himself on her bruised vagina. A sort of dread was rising in her as she realized that maybe she didn't want him to finish after all. She closed her eyes so that she wouldn't be able to see the lustful way that her brother was looking at her, and squirmed slightly.

However her eyes shot open with a loud gasp as she felt him push deeply into her body and flood her with his seed. She lay there as he loomed over her, both panting. Her body burned now that he his movement ceased and left her with only her stretched and abused nether regions. She ground her teeth and clamped her eyes shut as he hovered over her catching his breath until he finally turned over. She let out a squeek of pain as his body moved jarringly inside of her. She kept her eyes closed until she heard him snoring, and softly cried.

Finally, the young tigress worked up enough gumption to pull herself off of her brother's member, and rolled over on her side. She forced herself off of the bed, and crawled to the bathroom. She lay on the cool tile floor sobbing for a few minutes as she curled up around the pain that lingered in her belly before forcing herself up and out of the room.

Her legs ached and between them was very sore, but she managed to get to a phone. She sat listening to the dial tone for a very long time unsure as to whether or not she could actually tell anyone about what happened. The pain was fading but the shame and helplessness only weighed more heavily.

Finally, she dialed the number to her father's cell phone. She was afraid that if she called the police then they would show up in force to kill Raziel rather than arrest him. People knew better than to hope a half-demon would come quietly. She began to cry as she heard it ringing and was only able to stop herself at hearing her father say hello.

"Daddy..." she said in a broken sob, and her father responded with immediate concern. She told him what had happened as calmly as she could muster, and he assured her that it would be ok.

"I'm coming home" he said, "Try to stay out of his way, and don't fight him if he wants more." She shuddered. The thought of it happening again had not occurred to her. "It'll be ok when I get there. We have a tradition for this sort of thing. Don't worry, I'll sort it all out when we get home."

Azetha hung up and crawled into the shower. She turned it on and lay in the stream of water until it turned ice cold and she had exhausted herself sobbing. Finally she crawled out, now free of the sweat and the smell of their forced coupling as well as the spots of blood and semen that had seeped out of her. She dragged herself as far from the bath as the laundry room, and collapsed in a pile of blankets that waited washing. She thought she might cry again, but with only a few whimpers, she fell deeply into merciful sleep.
Raziel snored loud enough to wake up, he looked around his room and saw no site of his sister nor her clothes. he puts on a pair of boxers as he got a good whiff of his sheets and cringed at the rancid scent and noticed blood on his sheets. Yet he couldn't make out who's it was shook his head at the idea that it was his sister since he couldn't really smell her nor see any sight of her clothes. So what happened earlier was no more than a dream to him. He pulls off the fowl smelling sheets. Has continue to move around and despite the rancid scent of his musk he began to get aroused again. The half demon walked out with his sheets in a large ball in his arms and down the hall and into the laundry room. He tossed the bedding down to the ground and opened up the washer. He bent over and picked up the sheets and placed them in the washer as he noticed his sister out of the corner of his eye.

He gulped not sure why she was naked in the laundry room. He couldn't believe his somewhat conservative sister was naked in front of him for the first time in nearly twelve years. He gazed at her body longingly as he cocked his head to the side more curious as to why she was naked. He could clearly see that she woman in all ways. Then the half-ling started to remember what he did to her he shook his head in as he backed away. He couldn't believe what he did to her yet he realized it was true he could see that she fitful sleep and the cuts on her body from his claws and fangs, that were nearly fully healed. Yet the longer he gazed at her body the more he remembered what it was like to fuck her to be one in body with her and it felt right it felt better than any fuck he had before. His belly started to rumble as he gazed at her lustfully, he then picked up his younger sister in his arms.

He carried her to her bed and laid her down on top of the covers. He wanted to mate with her again,he leaned over and kissed her on the muzzle. Then got an idea while he spread her legs some and leaned his muzzle down between them. He wondered how his sister tasted as he gave her folds a lick, she tasted sweeter than most girls with just a hint of salt. He realized that didn't want to go find a mate now since he had found how enjoyable it was to enjoy his sister's body. He began to lick at his sister's folds in earnest now. Then his belly gave another rumble demanding to be fed. He took one last lick as he stood up and walked out of her room.

As Raziel walked back to the kitchen and could smell something good and followed the scent to the microwave and looked at it he remembered that he had made a bowl of ramen noodles. He just turned it back on fore a couple of minutes just to heat it up. After a few minutes he takes the bowl out. He goes to the sofa and sits down and begins to eat his food and turns on the tv, then starts to flip through the channels.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
The young tigress squirmed slightly in her sleep as he lifted her, and carried her along. She didn't rouse, but she whined softly. It wasn't unusual as she normally made such noises when she was touched or moved in her sleep. She didn't wake as he lay her down, nor when he explored her sex with his tongue. She did however squirm slightly, and suck in a breath. Without her mind to rebel against what was happening, her body followed right along. She even moistened slightly at his touch.

Some time later she woke up with a gasp and looked around in a near panic. Everything that had happened came flooding back. She gasped and shot looks back and forth frightfully as she back up against the head board of he bed. Soon she calmed herself and looked over his sleeping area. She was alone and she was still naked. Slowly she brought her breath under control and forced her wobbly legs into motion. Azetha walked silently to her dresser and put on some clothes before moving cautiously out to explore the house. She wondered if her dad was back but a part of her mind remained realistic.

She moved carefully into the living room until she could see the back of her brother's head. She swallowed hard and stayed still hoping that he wouldn't notice her, or if he did that he would no longer be willing to hurt her. Her loins ached softly and she shuddered thinking about what it had felt like when he had forced himself inside of her.
Raziel didn't say a word as he continue eat his lunch and watch the television. He didn't think that hard about what he did to his little sister. He started chuckling when comedy sketch happened on television. The older halfling caught whiff of his sister adn didn't say a word hoping she would come and join like she used on the sofa. He finished his meal and went back into the kitchen and put his bowl and spoon in the dishwasher.

He walked back out and saw Azetha and walked over to the tigress. He pulled his sister close into an intimate embrace and his cock was pressed against her belly. "Shsss it is okay I'm not hurting right now am I?" he asked her as he guided her over to the couch and sat down and pulled her close and into his lap. The demonic winged tiger purred as he pulled a blanket around them and cuddled close. "Sorry for being so rough Azetha but I don't know what came over me," he said he did sound sorry for his actions. "It seemed so right and when I was taking you. Also no other girl was able to get me to cum that much. I know you weren't that good but for some odd reason edge time you moved and wiggled while you were on top just felt great. You were the best I ever had," he said as he licked her neck in attempted to make her feel better. He was now just purring contently as he held her close his arms just below her breasts, and his cock pressed against the small of her back.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Azetha wanted to run when she realized that he had spotted her but she couldn't. She froze up and just watched him as he put his dishes away, and approached her. Her body shivered with fear as he embraced her and her stomach turned slightly as she felt his member pressing against her stomach. She followed him obediently, her breath quick with fear. She listened to him apologize and whined quietly.

"So I'm just supposed to... to forget?" she asked quietly, her voice shaky, "Just forgive you for what you did to me because you liked fucking me better? Oh god... It hurt so bad. You... you really did it. It really happened..." She choked on her words slightly and went quiet. She wanted to be angry, to rebel against his touch and to scream and rail at him, but she had no one else to turn to and in spite of everything it felt good to be held after what had happened. She closed her eyes and tried toblock it all out of her memory.