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ShadowVee & TankCop (Digimon RP)
Alicia smirked, almost about to burst into laughter at the last part. She then thought for a moment. 'Hm.. well I haven't gotten any release..' She contemplated the decision then nodded, coming a bit closer while looking at him. She decided to fool him and put on a more seductive routine, batting her eyes once.

"That just isn't fair.. a big hero like you deserves a lot more. More fame, more respect.." She took the very tip of her claw and very gently moved it in a circle on his chest. "You look like you could use a girl too. One that's over 5 years old." She said that last part just to tease, smirking a bit.

'I wonder just how much this little guy will take before he pounces.' She thought, stifling and holding in a giggle.


"Sweet tight furry ass babe.. running low on nicknames for me, shortie?" Renamon teased, smirking lightly before looking over at him, and the flame. "What are 'you' doing here." She asked, eying him cautiously.
Veemon's Followers
Terriermon nodded in agreement thinking. "Finally a girl that understands me and knows that I deserve more!" Terriermon moaned and blushed a little as her warm soft hnads rubbed over Terriermon's chest.

"Well I do have, I mean did have a girl friend. She is called Lopmon she's alot like me. But she has let that bratty girl baby her so much that she really thinks at times she is a baby so I didn't want anything to do with her anymore. I do miss having someone to love me in the specail ways she did when we were alone." Terriermon said it having been a very long time since he got any and his balls were quite blue after so long being pent up.


Impmon puts the flame out of his hand for the moment then stands right next to Renamon and says. "I been keeping an eye on you and your movements for the last few nights and I have to say your not getting very much in the way or rest. If you don't get some down time you could be deleted by the next Digimon you battle due to lack of rest." He goes close to Renamons upper ass checks that are exposed as she sits down.

"So whats keeping you awake? And if you need some HELP getting some z's I know a few things to ease your body." Impmon then gives Renamon's upper left asscheck a hard *SWAT* to get his point on what he's interseted in accrossed to you!
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Alicia's ears twitched a bit at that. Loving in the 'special ways when alone?'. She already knew what he meant there, so that probably meant he was experienced in the aspect of sex. "You know.. I doubt the love part will happen soon, but I can give you those 'special moments' if you want." She cooed.

She needed release, and badly. She wondered just how naughty this Terriermon could be when he was worked up and stuff. A grin crossed along the feline's face, looking into his eyes. "Come on hero.. you interested?" She asked curiously.


Renamon yelped and jumped, sending an initial glare at Impmon though she soon calmed down. She was just too out of it to kick his ass. That, and he was an ally now.. as much as she hated to admit it.

"I don't know why I can't get any rest.." She said simply, frowning. When Impmon slapped her on the ass though.. it /did/ make her think a bit on how she hasn't had a guy in an excessively long period of time. In fact the only time she could recall having SOMEONE was Leomon, and he was dead now.

She then looked at the Impmon, patting the spot next to her on the bench. "You make a good point though.. I can't be this sluggish in battle. Even with Rika's help, I'd get decimated.." She hated to admit it, but it was true.. she needed some stress-free relaxation.
Veemon's Followers
Terriermon's eyes nearly POPPED out of his head. This very attaractive girl he just met out of no where was asking if he wanted to fuck with him!

He did need to have a good fucking it has been a very long time hell he didn't even masturbate much anymore cause Susie wouldn't leave him alone long enought to get relase. But he was a bit nervous. He had heard storys about Digimon girls taking up prostition on the streets now. Having sex for money was no longer for human girls anymore. He started to think if this girl was one of those digital street walkers and decided to ask hopping not to offend her to much in the prossess.

" this going to cost me anything? Cause I don't have any money on me. Also I don't know were we would go? Do I just take you to a ally and do it there?" He asks never really thinking about these things before.


Impmon takes a seat and rubs his hand over Renamon's upper thigh very close to her crotch. "You know your a very hardcore bad girl. Always have been. I know how it is to have a Reputaion to uphold to. But I also know what bad girls like you need and it might help you get the rest you need as well. You see bad girls that seem to want and have total control really need to have that control taken from them. To be made into a submissive girl that obey's her strong Master's Needs. To be punished when she disobeys and humilieated. I could help you with that sexy tail!" Impmon said grinning from ear to ear as his hands move all the way up and strock aganst your pussy lips.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Its not going to cost you anything," Alicia said, smirking and shaking her head. "And since your place might not be such a good place and I don't have somewhere to stay.. guess the alley is our only option." She commented, shrugging. "Or right here on the rooftop, out of sight."

She smirked, a bit, sliding a hand down between his legs and slowly beginning to rub, her eyes locking in on his. "I don't offer to do this with just anybody.. you should be honored." She continued, obviously very headstrong -like say, Impmon- and confident with herself and her abilities.


Renamon shivered a bit and felt a moan escape her lips as Impmon rubbed at her concealed pussy, which after a bit of stroking, wasn't so hidden anymore. Now Impmon was taking a risk here; he was either going to score big, or he was going to get his ass kicked to kingdom come..

.. he scored big time.

"Alright, I'll bite.." She answered, though eying him. "This better be good, or I'm leaving squirt." Another sign of dominance, or the need to be the dominant one.. opposing what the rookie had said for a moment.
Veemon's Followers
Terriermon moaned out loud as his cock was getting hard again digital dam's hands. "OH yes please. I want to fuck you so much. Lets hurry before anyone see's us!" Terreirmon says taking Alicia's hands off his cock and rushes to the roof ASAP.


Impmon really grins now as the worm has taken the bait on his hook. "You made the right dection sweety. Now you have to follow me to my little private sex house wich will turn your from the hard ass bitch you are into a submissive little girl!"

IAs Impmon leads the way there from going from house to house what he dosn't tell her is that he is planning to make re-train her to be a submissive sexual slave girl for LIFE after his intence training she will never be a badass girl again!
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Alicia grinned, following Terriermon and letting him lead her on as her own parts began to reveal, mainly her wet pussy coming out from its concealment. It was already glistening with a bit of wetness and arousal.. as well as desire for the one next to her.


Renamon followed with a little smirk. She highly doubted that Impmon could change her so drastically, but she was willing to play along and see where things led. As long as she got release and could rest better after this, she really didn't care what he would do.
Veemon's Followers
As Terriermon makes it to the roof he see's a matress on the roof (CALL IT RANDOM CHANCE! ^_^ lol) that looked used but would do. "You know it don't seem right with me about to fuck you and I don't even know your name? Mine is Terriermon, THE Terriermon that all the news talked about. I would like to know your name when I am screaming it out as I make love to you." Terriermon said looking into Alicia's eyes.


Impmon takes Renamon to a old wearhouse and don't see to much yet just alot of junk all over the place. "Make yourself at home I will get you some tea to help you relax." Impmon says going into what looks like a converted kitchen.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
'Ooh.. naughtymon.. great catch Alicia.' She thought to herself with a big smirk, giving him a quick peck on the lips. "Call me Alicia big guy," She cooed, the first time she referred to him as big and not short. Well he WAS well endowed..

"Hehe, maybe I should be the one whose honored. About to be fucked by a big, strong hero like yourself." The feline pressed her body against his, purring once and nibbling gently at his ear.

"You know, I always did think you were the strongest of the group." She murmured, just wanting to make his ego as big as possible, though she did partially tell the truth. She couldn't help but actually admire the strength he did have.


Renamon raised a brow at all this. He calls this a private sex house? Just looked like any other, messy werehouse.. actually it was! She nodded though and sat down, letting out a soft breath while awaiting for Impmon to return.
Veemon's Followers
Terriermon had never felt so good and he didn't ever touch her yet! Her words alone made him feel like the most loved digimon in the whole world. It was the affection he desvered all these years and he was finally getting what he thought he needed.

Terriermon comes over to Alicia and kisses her on the lips in a very passionate way with tounge in the mouth. His free hands massage and fondle Alicia's breasts while his very LONG ears that act as a second pair of huge and very long hands, reached down grooped at Alicia's asschecks sqeezing them and rubbing them as well.

Terriermon breaks the kiss then says as his HANDs were still fondling Alicia's body parts say. "I am going to make you one of the most honored and luckest girls in the Digital world. For the rare change to get fucked by a true real life Hero!"


Impmon comes back into the room with some warm mint tea. "Here have a drink it will help you relax." Impmon said as he back away while you drink your tea. What Renamon didn't know is that Impmon put in a massive amount of sleeping drugs that will put Renamon to sleep within minutes of drinking then as she is passed out he could take her to his PRIVATE sex house to do her re-training without worry of her getting away or calling out for help.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!