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Tank Cop & BigD
"Really...why don't you show me, sis?" he asked, taking her hand and starting to lead her back to her room. His curiosity had been peaked...and he couldn't deny that Kari looked damn cute in her outfit.
Kari regertfuly takes Tai into there room and over to the large chest in the middle of the room. You see alot of baby items already out on the floor. Like extrea diapers, baby bottle full of milk, baby foods of all kind. Baby toys, other outfits, ect. But whats inside the chest hidden UNDER all the clothes was more shocking....THERE WAS SEX TOYS!!!
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Tai didn't think his eyes could get any wider without popping out of his head, but they did a good job when he saw dildoes, vibrators, naughty clothing, handcuffs, and other various sex toys.

"Uh, you know what these are for?" he squeaked, his face flushing red. Wanting to be treated like a baby was one thing...but Kari was way too young to even know about sex, much less have toys...wasn't she? "And just where did you get them?" he asked, his stomach clenching at the thought that these were his parents'.
Kari looked at the floor to humilieated and shamed to even look her big brother in the eyes as she said. "Mimi gave me the new toys and Sora showed me how to use them. When they come over to babysit me we all play house they are my 2 mommies they care for me as a real baby would be cared for then later they use these toys on me and each other and we do alot of other things to each others bodies."

Kari starts to tear up again as she says. "Please don't tell Mimi or Sora I told you this Tai they told me it was to be keep private or I would get a very bad spanking and other bad punishments from them for telling anyone." Kari said as she started to cry fearing you would tell others and she would get the promised punishments from the girls later on.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Tai pulled his sister into another hug, ever the loving, protective brother. However, as he stroked her back, he couldn't help but be jealous that Sora and Mimi, two girls he had found cute, were fooling around with his sister...and she was keeping it a secret.

"I don't know,'re a little too young to be doing...that, and I don't really like the idea of Sora and Mimi taking advantage of you," he said, now starting to consider bringing this before his parents...though it would be with great reluctance, as he hated the idea of Kari getting in trouble for something that he could actually relate too.
Kari nearly peed herself again hearing that. She takes a hard grip on Tia's arm and says in a painicing tone of voice. "No Tai please you can't do that. I will do anything. Anything you want. Please don't tell anyone.

Kari expected Tai would ask for her secert stash of sweets and candys she hides from her mom and dad or Tai would ask ask for her allowance money from now one even if it wasn't that much. But she didn't expect what she would hear next.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"I want to play with you like Sora and Mimi did. You've got me curious about all this...and if it makes you happy, I don't see any problem with it," he said, giving Kari a kiss on the forehead. "So if you let me baby you...and enjoy it, I won't tell a soul."
Kari turned pale for a moment never thinking of that would be his answer then says. "But the girls say only Mommy's can do these games with a baby like me. Your not a mommy? Also Mimi got all these toys from her mom if you break them they will get mad. You have to be carful with them."

Kari was interseted but still shy about this it didn't feel right it being her brother. I mean if it was Matt or TK it won't seem that bad.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Well, I guess I'll have to improvise then," said Tai, ruffling her hair. "Come on, you know you want to do it again. Besides, you love big brother, don't you?" he asked, gently pushing her onto her back and fetching a new diaper from her stash, a hand rubbing her plump belly to calm her.
Kari giggles as Tai plays with her tummy like her Daddy use to do when he would spend ours with her as a real baby making her happy.

"Yes I would love you to be my new.....Daddy!" Kari lies back and lets you do whats needed without complaint.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!