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Marrying the Enemy take two (private for shadowknight)
Katt finished rubbing her eyes clear, she was still growling slightly but stopped and smiled a bit as she heard Casey's compliment, "Thanks, you look good too, er, sorry about the tu," she stopped mid-sentence as she spotted the armband, her eyes shaking a bit in horror as she recognized it, "Wh-where did you get that?" she asked, unintentionally growling a bit.

Casey gulped nervously as the limo drove off and Katt saw his torn up sleeve and what lay beneath it. "Um... uh... my family....gave it to me...," he trailed off nervously. "It isn't what you think...we'," he stuttered nervously.

"Katt relax if you want I can take us to your families mansion if you want?" Johnathan their driver suggested. "Or you actually think about the reason why a clan of weredragons would marring into your family making an alliance of sorts. The first known attempt of this kind of union since ever," he explained as checked on the two love birds.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Katt's eyes darted immediately towards the driver, instantly aware that he was a were as well. This was a bad situation, the hunters were able to hold their own against weres, but only cause they could utilize their agility and reflexes, in an enclosed area of the limo she'd be completely helpless, not to mention the dress , Damn dress, she growled a bit. It'd make it even harder to move it, if a fight broke out she'd be completely at their mercy, "I'll relax, for now," she said, staring back at Casey, "But I'm watching you, both of you," she added with a glance towards the driver, "And I want a full explanation when we get to the mansion."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Casey tensed and closed his eyes as he waited for his wife to strike him down. When no blow came he opened his eyes and looked at her nervously. He heard her say she would relax for now he nodded some. He kinda felt bad for her since his family had lied to her's over why him and Katt needed to be wed. Then he remembered what she did to his father from what his cousin had told him and growled softly. The young weredragon pulled the tigress close wrapping his arms around her belly. He began to lick her neck and shoulder grooming her as tears ran down his cheeks from him crying and matting her fur. The young man didn't know why; but grooming another always calmed him down no matter how stressed he was.

Johnathon saw what was going on and smiled because he knew that with felines grooming was an intricate part of their customs rituals. "Katt just let him clean you some then he will get something off of his chest," He explained as he rolled up the window to give the two privacy.

Casey hated the taste of her fur; none the less he cleaned her neck and shoulders. Then he started to unbutton the wedding dress and exposed her back. He pushed her forward as he spread the back wide and held onto the top of the dress so she wouldn't be exposed to him. Then he started to lick her back slowly as started to purr in a similar manner to felines that dragons have. After a moment he stopped as he began to button the dress up, "Katt you killed him... my dad," he said in anguish as he held her tight it was as if the old wound had opened up anew as he cried into her back.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Katt immediately tensed up, her claws popping out of her hands as she was grabbed. She was only a second away from burying them into Casey when he suddenly began licking her, surprising her for a second, which luckily was enough time for her to hear the driver talking. These two were strange, but as long as they weren't attacking she decided it would be best to not provoke an attack against her. She blushed anew as she felt him undoing her dress, half-tempted to try and break away, but she held still. After a bit she began purring softly, the grooming feeling good and reminding her of her family a bit. She held still as she felt him finish and begin buttoning her dress back up. She was confused by his words for a while, "I, don't understand." she finally admitted.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Casey continue to weep as he held his wife close. "John my cousin said you killed my dad when went on several controlled rampages for month. This happened fifteen months ago," he said with a heavy sigh. After a minute he stopped crying, "I can forgive you because you were doing your job... but on a personal level I just don't know," he almost whispered.

It had been about three hours ago when they go into the limo and they were about half way to their destination. Johnathon rolled down the window that divided the front from the back. "We are coming up to a rest stop do you all want to get out to get something to eat, drink and get out of those stuffy clothes?" he suggested.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"Fifteen months ago?" Katt asked, she remembered her family had been hunting a rampaging were. She had even helped track it down with them, but she hadn't been the one to deliver the killing blow, she had injured her arm during training a few days earlier to finding the were and sat the battle out.

"Oh, uh yes," she said to the driver. It would feel good to get out of the uncomfortable wedding dress, plus she'd feel alot more comfortable in some more maneuverable clothing. Once the limo came to a stop she moved to the trunk and grabbed a pair of bags, "I'll be back," she said, before walking towards one of the restrooms. She walked out a few minutes later, wearing a light green tank-top with blue jeans, her hair down and cascading down her back and over her shoulders, "Ahhh, feels so good to get out of the dress." she purred a bit as she stretched out.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Casey nodded "Yeah he was a weredragon destroying cars and other property but no one should have gotten hurt except for the hunters and even then he had enough control of his fire breathing that at most you all should have scratches or first degree burns," he stated before Katt left the limo.

The young male also got out his trunk and got a pair of blue cotton shorts and white muscle shirt. Then he got back into the limo and quickly changed. The armband could be clearly scene. The only reason he had on easily expendable clothes was in case his wife decided to attack him and he needed to defend himself. When he saw Katt again his jaw dropped. Her long flowing red hair was just gorgeous as well as the rest of her body. He just stared looking her over intently. After a moment he looked away; but it was already clear that he liked what he saw since his shorts were clearly tented.

"Um uh... want to go on in.... oh also if we do... do not freak out your safe....," he trailed off knowing that this town for some odd reason had been able to stay under the radar. They walked into the convenient store, there were a few furs; but each human was wearing a similar silver armband. "No one will harm you," he said. Then walked up to the counter and ordered one large pizza's one with anchovies and one small with sausage.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Katt blushed slightly and fidgeted a bit, even if she didn't quite fully trust her new husband it was still nice to see he found her attractive. She calmly began walking towards the limo, brushing a bit of her hair over her shoulder as she did, "Sure, I could use a bite to eat, doubt they carry sushi here though." she chuckled a bit. She paused for a second as he told her she was 'safe' which did little but worry her more as they entered. Almost instantly she saw the glint of silver all around her, completely forgetting everything Casey had told her as she crouched a bit, her eyes and ears darting around, checking for any signs of the attack she knew was coming, Fuck, I knew it. Out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by them. Should've killed him when I had the chance to in the limo. she growled a bit.

A couple of the weres glanced over, grinning slightly at the feline, "Well looks like we got some company," one smiled as he stood up and walked over, "Cute little pussy cat, let me guess, you're in heat and need some strong guys to help you out don't ya?" he grinned as he stood infront of Katt.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Casey looked at Katt and wondered what she was up to as she crouched low. Then a young male a bit older than him walked up to his wife and made a lewd comment about her being in heat. He knew for a fact she wasn't when he was grooming her; because she showed no scenes of then and definitely not now. He growled softly as he took off the armband and walked in front of his mate and the male that had just insulted her. "Take that back now and say your sorry," the young boy demanded as his form began to change and wriggle with as his skin as it turned a bright red his belly turned peal yellow. Wings and tail sprouted from behind him ripping his shirt and his cotton shorts. Soon he was fully changed as he growled loudly at the young man. Then he brought his head back and at an angle let out a jet of flame to intimidate the guy.

A large silver knife came slamming down into the counter as large and powerful bear roared at the two aggressive males. "Take it outside or I will carve both up and make hamburgers out of you two," he roared in annoyance.

Johnathon walked in and saw that Casey had changed for some reason and saw that Katt was ready to strike too. As the large bear slammed the knife into the counter. He sighed as he picked up Katt and flung her over his shoulder and walked off with her for a moment and then stood her up again. "Just stop getting your panties in a bunch Katt. Second it most likely would do him some good to calm down with a good fight," he said as he sat down in a nearby booth
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"AH! G-get off me!" Katt roared as she was grabbed, kicking and struggling against John before he put her down. She let him finish before suddenly grabbing him around the throat, effortlessly lifting him off the ground like he was nothing but a ragdoll, "Don't, do that again." she growled fiercly, "I still don't trust you two, and grabbing me like that isn't helping your case." she warned as she dropped him.

Meanwhile inside the store the other were chuckled a bit, "Hey relax buddy, everyone knows what sluts felines are, sure she'll be more than willing to fuck you after I'm done with her. Hell probably get it on with every guy in the entire store." he laughed.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad