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Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror.
Kou paused as he noticed the message that Kaido was starring at. "Something tells me that ain't good." he said. He looked around the room, were they going to be ambushed? If this was a trap, their stalker was a little late on springing it.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"'Gotcha'? What is this some kind of practical joke?" Hori asked as he looked over towards the monitor, "Some kind of hidden camera show?"
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
A strange silence seemed to have fallen on the group for just a second before he heard talking about some message. Hakatsu peered into the computer room to see exactly what they were talking about. "Gotcha?" he said aloud, and nothing more. The gears of his mind began turning again. So, it obviously meant that someone was springing a trap on them, but what kind of trap allows the ones being trapped to think about the trap before being trapped?? It didn't make any sense. Perhaps whoever set up the message was watching them right now, baffled by this mysterious, one word message. Or maybe it was indeed just some practical joke, but with a corpse lying elsewhere in the school, a practical joke didn't seem very feasible.

Hakatsu didn't know what to do with his body. Should he move into the room or stay out in the hall? It didn't seem to matter; anywhere in the school was dangerous now, so he moved into the computer room to get a better look at the message. Besides, he had more powerful guys around; they could handle things. If this was a good trap, it wouldn't matter anyway because they'd all get captured. Regardless, Hakatsu kept his eyes trained on the message. He wished they had a crime scene investigator or something with them.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

"Tch. Waste of time," Kaido groaned as he re-read the message to see if there was anything else to notice, that's when the monitor began cackling with electricity and all of a sudden some strange aura began expanding right out of it, engulfing everything and everyone.

The halls appeared to be dampening around the ones outside. The school's halls started to warp and change colors to a green and purple hue all of a sudden, and the ceiling began dripping.

Droplet after droplet of strange black matter began pouring down, forming puddles around the group outside. The blackness seemed to spread, it looked like blood from one angle thanks to its unnatural glimmer but then it seemed to be like some sort of greasy material.

Meanwhile, inside the computer room, the letters in the message shifted and seemed to scatter before a new message wrote itself: "Let's have fun."

"Gh!" Kaido's eyes went wide, "What the heck?!" he stepped back, having all but expected the machine to type itself, "This isn't normal, what the heck is going on?!" he groaned.

Outside, from the pool of darkness, a three-fingered arm shot out and grabbed Myojin's leg firmly with no intention of letting go.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ayami's eyes shot open once everything started to change around them. She shivered in terror before she saw the shadowy hand grasp Myojin. "Myo-san! Help me, guys!" She was afraid, but she didn't want to see her classmates hurt as she grabbed Myojin firmly and tried to pull her away from the oozing arm.

Shirou gasped from the sudden changes as well before Ayami's cry for help brought him back to his senses. "R-Right." The lanky senior gripped Myojin as well, trying to help the girl escape the twisted creature's grasp.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Noticing Myojin suddenly being tugged by the shadowy hand's grasp, even Samui tried to help free her from the arm, grunting as he shivered. "C-Come on, enough weird things for today already!"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"EEEEEEKKKKK~" Myojin's eyes grew wide open with the sudden change on the surroundings and then let's out a yelp in terror once feeling the shadow hand gripping her leg. "Lemme go Lemme go lemme go" She repeated it again and again, holding at the three ones helping her while trying to kick the shadow hand away.
[Image: KuranKaname1.png]
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Oiiiiii now..." a warped voice came from the black puddle as two bloody red eyes appeared on it, a second arm sprouting from the floor as it held open in front of the three helpers, "Didn't you come to play, kids?!" the voice insanely laughed, its three claw-like nails growing longer and longer, sharpening into what seemed to be blades which pointed at the group, a blade per student, "'cause I'd like to plaaaaaaay!" the voice derangedly sang, placing the tip of each blade on Samui's, Shirou's and Ayami's foreheads by contorting its fingers.

"You! Let them go!" yelled a voice from the computer room and Kaido flew out of it with a folded chair in his hands, he dove down and crashed the chair on the bladed hand, breaking the chair but making the warped voice wince or so it appeared, the three-pointed arm retracting back into the black puddle.

"You, bastard...!" the shadow groaned, its other arm letting Myojin go as Kaido leaned down to punch the dark purple arm, "You shouldn't... be able to hit me! Just what are you?!"

"Che!" Kaido assumed a battle stance with a confident smirk, "This thing ain't so tough. So you're the Phantom, aren't you? You're going down, pal!" he declared.

It was then that multiple red eyes began appearing all over the ground, three-fingered claws setting on the floor as several gooey beings, each with two red eyes, began sprouting, all of them growling with warped, yet obviously distinct voices.

"Eee~k! There's so many of them, Hoshi-chaaaaaaan!" Yui shook Hoshi as if that would make the gooey things go, "We're outnumbered!" she plainly observed, not having to count the 10+ Shadows that had overwhelmed the group.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Hakatsu looked around indifferently. You've got to be kidding me! What....what is happening here?! What are these things!?! he thought, his heartbeat quickening. He took a deep breath to keep his mind from going out of control, for his expression was the typical mask of iciness. Okay. Think clearly. There are a lot of these...things...around. Could we run? Ah. Where would we run? This is far from normal. Wait. There is something...

"You, bastard...! You shouldn' able to hit me! Just what are you?!"

What in the world did that mean? Why wouldn't Kaido be able to hit them? Did that go for the rest of them? Well, even if they did fight back, what chance did they have of surviving? They were outnumbered. Then again, it was either run or fight, and both options would probably get the students killed. So what then? Hakatsu backed away from the creatures, but he soon hit the wall. Actually, his violin case hit the wall first. Wait. His violin case? Well, my parents could always buy me a new one. Besides, these things look squishy enough. Only if I absolutely have to, though.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

Once Sacchi Saw all of these... things around them he could do nothing but shout "WHAT THE FUCK?" he was caught off-guard from so many, he tried to reach out to his magnum, however, fear had paralyzed him, he couldn't even move. He began telling himself calm down calm down calm down... he was finally able to get his magnum from the pocket, he aimed at a random one and said "Get back or I will shoot! I mean it!" His voice was obviously in fear, but he was calm enough to be able to aim and shoot. His grip was firm in the trigger, ready to fire if the... things got any closer.
Now major Joshua and TWEWY fan.