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The Affairs (Blankmind & Tank Cop)
Impmon starts to laught. "HA HA HA HA HA HA! Fine you can infact you just did. BTW here's what I was going to use on you!" Impmon tosses Natasha a enema bag of just cold water. Nothing scary or bad at all! "Seems old Impy's still got what it takes to scary the piss out of hot girls. How did you think I got Renamon to be my sex slave?"


Lopmon gasps. "My god are you ok? That jerk promised me he wouldn't do that again. I am so sorry Sir for his actions. Please don't sue us. I will tell you were he is. Infact if you like I can even drive you there?" Lopmon said trying to do her best to make up for her lovers mistakes.


Blake smiles and he takes out a jar of KY and dips his fingers into it then comes over to BM, flips him on his belly then rubs the KY as deeply as he can into BM's asshole. "We got to get you all nice and greeced up we don't want this to hurt you more then it has too."


Cream hugs Tigress back trying to be all remorsful when inside she was very much pissed at this monster for doing that to her and would make her pay for it very soon. "I sowwy I hurt you too. Please forgive me."
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Natasha's jaw drops as she stares at the bag on the floor. "H-Hey that's not fair!"

"'s totally fair." Lori says to her with a wicked smirk. "and since you quit you automatically lose which means you have to change us once we're done!" Natasha groans loudly and starts to pout.


Tai Lung was greatly surprised by this but still gave Lopmon a friendly smile. "Why that sounds wonderful. And I assure you that suing him is the last thing on my mind. I'm just hoping to clear up the little misunderstanding we had." He steps back and helps Lopmon to her feet. "Lead the way."


"Th...thanks." BM says gratfully despite the minor discomfort of the jelly. He remained as still as he could, simply hoping to get this ordeal aver with as soon as possible.


Tigress sighs and picks Cream up, hugging her a little closer. "I do forgive you. In fact I hope we can both just forget about it and try to be friends. What do you say would you like to start over?"
Impmon then adds. "It also means you don't get to go onto the last part of the game and get the lovely Lopmon as your prize. Now just going to wait and see what baby skunket pop's first." Impmon said taking a seat and drinks a beer.


Impmon gets some clothes on, all be the clothes she could find was a very small and tight fitting cheerleader outfit with even smaller white cotton panties from a shot they had a few days ago in that same room. Lopmon blushes as she leaves the building dressed like that and smelling strongly of sex.


As Blake finishes with the jelly Chris comes over with the bead. They are HUGE about the size of pool balls, there are 5 of them attached to a pastic string and all of them bright pink. "Ready Sally. BTW thats your name in this game and you will respond to it."


Cream lets go of the hug and nods as she yelps and moans pulling her panties back up. She then eats her buger and drinks down her shack. "That was good tell TC thanks and that I am sorry for how I acted around him."
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Natasha sighs and sits down next to Impmon's chair while the other two skunks stare each other down.

"Tummy rumbling? You look like you really need to go." Lori says spitefully ignoring the sharp pains in her own stomach.

"Care to-Oof!-raise the stakes?" Onyx offers. Lori nods and she continues. "How about the one who loses it first has to put her nose against the winners diaper when she lets it all out."

Lori growls at her but nods again. "You're on!"


Tai Lung follows her in silence but gives her little cotton covered butt an ocasional peak and chuckles. Once in her car he decides to break the silence. "So if he's your boyfriend you must know my old friend Tigress?"


"Mmmm-meep..." BM sqeaks patetically upon seeing the beads. Trembling he nods his head and faces forward. "Y-Yes, sir."


"I will. In fact why don't we go and tell him now. I'm sure he's calmed down by now." Tigress says offering Cream her hand to lead her back down stairs.
Impmon hands Natasha a beer. "Oh this will be interseting." Impmon says eager now to see how's the first to give in.


Lopmon blushing deeply so its even noticable from her brown fur get into the car with Tai Lung and says. "Why yes I do she's BM's girlfriend and my best friend. But....I think TC might be cheating on me with her. I saw him making a offer of his love to her. I am going to have a long talk with TC about this and Tigress too. She can't have TC he's mine and the father of my kids. Even if we are not married he still has his obligations to see too." Lopmon said as they drive away from ZZ Studio's.


Chris gives BM's butt checks a hard *SWAT* "Yes Daddy is what you will call me!" Chris then takes the first anal bead ball and shoves it into your very tight fitting fannyhole. BM's anus seems to just swallow the round and smooth ball right up!


Cream holds Tigress hand as the 2 go down stairs and when they arrive Cream gives a little speech as why she's sorry for what she did and won't let it happen again. Then TC says. "Well thats what I like to hear Cream. Now I go you a suprise outside in the shead. Tigress can you take her outside to see it while I go take a nap?"
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Natasha chuckles and takes a big gulp. "Oh, yeah. in fact this'll be so worth having to change them." She giggles to herself as Lori and Onyx stare each other down.


Tai Lung rolles his eyes as Lopmon rants about TC, not really careing either way. At least until she brings up a certain detail. "Oh, so he has children does he? How interesting. I assume they take after their mother in the look department?"


"AGH!" BM screams, both from the slap as from the bead being forced into his ass. "Yes Daddy!" He nearly screams. "I'm s-sorry!"


"Sure." Tigress says with a little nod. While TC heads back upstairs she leads Cream outside to TC's shed. 'I wonder what he has in store for her?' She thought a little wickedly. 'Whatever it is I'm sure it's just what she deserves.' As she thinks this she looks down at Cream and gives her a sweet smile.
Impmon looks the 2 quivering girls over and says. "I bet you if Onyx wins you have to give me a blow job after you change the girls?"


Lopmon was touched. "Why thank you. Yes we have a little boy and a girl. Even Tigress is found of them. She and I would do anything to keep them safe." Lopmon said as she nears the house.


Chris smiles and says. "No as sorry as your going to be when this games all over." Chris forces another bead into BM's anus.


As Cream and Tigress near the shead Cream starts to whimper and get really scared. "I no like dark places and that shead looks scary. Can you go inside to see if its ok?"
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Hmm?" Natasha thinks about it before giving a quick nod. "Alright but if Lori wins you have to give me a rim job. Deal?"


Tai Lung chuckles to himself at this. "Really? Well that's what friends are for after all. I can tell already that your little ones are in good hands."


"AHH!" BM cries out again at the second bead and starts to tear up from the pain.


Tigress sighs and pats the little rabbits head. "Alright then I'll go first. I'll show you there's nothing to be afraid of in there." With that she starts toward the shed's door, having no idea how wrong she was.
Impmon hesitated for a moment. "Well....." He looks over at Onyx who was twitching alot. "I.....I don't know?" He said worried that she might not have cleaned down there very well today.


Lopmon get to about 5 blocks from the house and then starts to ask Tia Lung some questions. "Tell me how do you know Tigress you a old friend of hers? She never talked about you. She talked alot about all her other friends at the temple like Snake and her great dancing abilitys, Monkey with his pranks of pantsing others, Crane with his shyness and very clean bed room, Mantis and his impastiness, about her master She-fu talking about him like a daugther would to a father, and then lasty she would take about Po alot his odd and silly ways. But never about you?" Lopmon said looking confused.


Chris then shoves 2 more beads in with one more to go. "I think you deserve to be in drag you sure cry like a little bitch!" Chris said mocking BM while Tim rubs his cock with antipasion of the coming events and Blake just laughts.


As Tigress goes into the shead steal doors behind her close and lock shut the room is totaly in dark so dark not even her cat like eyes can see anything.

Outside Cream yells outside. "Let see how you like getting spanked and abused now you MONSTER!!" Cream then goes inside to try and make some moves on TC.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Aw come on!" Natasha begs cutely. "I swear I wipe myself with those moisty things everytime I make. So what do you say? Come on fair is fair." While they negotiate Onyx and Lori continue to weaken and whimper in discomfort. "Better decide fast Impy. I don't think either one can last much longer."


"Um...well" Tai Lung thinks fast, trying to come up with a believable story. After all He couldn't exactly tell her that he tried to kill Tigress and her comrades and then tried to strangle Shifu. "She and I met years ago back when she was a cub. She actaully thought of me as her hero, can you imagine that." He chuckles at his half-lie, knowing that fact is one of the reasons Tigress hates him so much now.


"NYA!" BM screams in pain squirming around a little. "N-No! Please not that!" He begs them giving the three larger men a pitiful look.


"HEY!!" Tigress spins around and starts pounding on the door. "You little twerp open this door right now! Do you hear-what?" Tigress' tirade is cut off when she hears something behind her. She gulps when she remembers Cream's taunt and slowly turns around.