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Sinside Alley (Rape RP)
With a loud moan, Hunter shot his cum into her body, filling her pussy with his seed, and he still kept thrusting into her, and slapping her ass until finally the blood of cum into Rei's pussy was done. "Come on slut. I need your help with something," he laughed, pulling his dick out of her pussy,
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Sarah drew back from him, fear clear in her eyes. "Please...Im..Im not a pet....Im a person...I just want to go home." She would not even call the police if he let her go, she was just that scared. Still on her knees, she scooted back a little and whimpered, naked and cold now.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gin frowned down at Sarah before lifting her to her feet "Your my pet now, that can't be changed! But believe me I'm a very kind and fare master, your lucky I took you! There are countless rapist and other montsers in this area and of them I'm one of the kindest!" He said firmly until he notticed how cold she was "And I promised A reward...I'll let you go home for a while, gather clothes say good byes whatever...but don't try and escape...okay?"

"Mmmmooohhh! Yes master!" Rei moaned as she stood smiling in lust as she followed Hunter "What do you need my help with master?"
Lady Devimon's Minions
Sarah bit her lip and as he spoke. she was not lucky! He had kidnapped her and was now trying to make her his sex slave! No! She did not want this! When he offered to let her go home she quickly said. "O-OK...I wont run." She did not care if she was lying or not, she would not be a pet! As soon as she got to her apartment she as locking the doors and calling the police.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I run two business fronts, Hunter explained. "Drugs, and sex videos. I need a slut like you to help me with said videos," he explained and opened the closet to reveal it was a walk in closet filled with outfits from animes, videogames, and many more. "Also I will need you to act well," he added. "Now whore. Here's how it goes. You or I pick an outfit, something that puts you at a good position. A school teacher, a superhero, a Princess or Queen, and then we go from there. Basically I need you be fighting me back at first, then succumb to my will. I record it, and then ship it off to let the world see me rape you. Any questions?"
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"No master!" Rei smiled as she looked through the cloths until she found a pair of outfits "Which do you like more master? this one? Or this one?¤t=largeAnimePaperscans_Code-Geass_win.jpg " she asked holding them up and posing.

"That won't do you any good pet...cops don't come out here and even if they did what could they do? I'm a spirit remember?" Gins voice echoed through the room from thin air "Do what needs to be done and have no other options..."
Lady Devimon's Minions
"The Sailor Moon outfit," Hunter smiled. "Now here's how it goes. Once you put on that outfit, and we begin filming, I'll fight you and you fight me. You have to act like a heroine here, and be all noble and such. After I beat your cute little ass, I'll rape you. You'll still have to fight back a bit, but eventually I want you to be yourself. A worthless little whore. We'll move along from there, understand?" Hunter asked. "Now get changed, and when you're done, meet me in that room," he said, pointing at a door. "I'll have a surprise for you..." he said, walking through the door.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Sarah curled up and began to cry softly then. He had not only violated her body, but now her thoughts as well! Why?! She wiped her tears away and looked down at her own naked body, her inner thigh sticky from her juices. "I..I cant go out like this!" She pleaded desperately. "Im...Im..all naked and cold..and I dont even know the way out of here or to my apartment from....from where ever I am! Please Gin...I just want to go home and sleep. I just want to live like a normal person!" She began to cry again the horrible reality settling one her.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Yay! Sailor mars was my favorite sailor scout! I'll be only a second master!" Rei giggled as she quickly slipped on the outfit and joined Hunter "What's the surprise master?"

"You are aloud to go home to bath and sleep," Gin said as he came up and wrapped his arms around Sarah fazing through the ground back to her apartment "You are free to live as choose for the most part but you will always be my pet that will never change..acept it. Embrace it. It is not such a bad thing..I will always care for and protect you, I will take you to new hieghts of pleasure and all I your obediance when I ask for it.."
Lady Devimon's Minions
Sarah shivered in his grasp and when she was placed back in her apartment she simply sat there on the floor, collar still on her, the cold chain hanging between her breasts, crying hot tears. After an hour or so, she slowly got up and walked to her bathroom, turning on the facet and letting hot water fill her tub. She did not know what was to become of her, not exactly or when she would be allowed to come back, so she decided to make it worth while. She had no friends yet and no family in the city so she had no good byes to say. So she sat in the warm tub, cleaning herself gently, cringing when she reached her ravaged sex. She sat there for a long time, lavishing in the water and cleaning her sore body. When she was done she packed her things like she was going on a long trip, packing all her essential clothes and toiletries before slipping one some soft velvet pajamas and going to sleep in her bed, snuggling into her pillow and holding it tightly, wishing she would never leave.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)