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The Affairs (Blankmind & Tank Cop)
Impmon shackes his head. "Oh this won't be fast at all infact we are all about of the Susie enema mix so I will use one of my own mixes." Impmon shows you a enema bag full of Mayo, katchup, mustard, and Otmeal! "This one will have to do."


Cream was to busy crying her eyes out with her paws over her face to hear how sad Tigress was then TC comes back in dressed in boxers and a shoft selave shirt then see's both of them crying and is very confused. "Whats going on in here?"
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Lori's eyes nearly pop out of her head when she saw the bag. However she knew she couldn't back out of the bet at this point so she just gave him the best glare she could. "You are one sick twisted little Digimon. You know that right?" She says blandly holding her but up just a little higher.

Meanwhile Onyx had squatted down next the the bed, taking several deep calming breaths. She was detemined to hold it in at least until both her sisters had been filled.


Tigress quickly wiped her eyes and stood up when she hear TC's voice. "I...I was just giving her a little lesson in manners." She says, pointing back at Cream while trying to keep her voice even. "I...I'm going to get some air. I'll....I'll be outside if you need me." As soon as she finishes speaking she hurries out the door and down the stairs.
Impmon smiles. "Yes but I won't be the one that squealing in pain as your insides are doing sumersaults!" Impmon said taking Lori over his knee then ramming the nozzle into her asshole nice and very tight!


TC leaves Tigress cream all alone with his spanking booth key card that he was going to imput for Cream to be punishes int he back when he goes after Tigress. and met her at the bottom of the stare case. "Tigress hold on I have never seen you looks so sad before what did that brat say to you?"
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"YYIIIIII....." Lori sqeals as her eyes nearly bulge out of her skull. She grits her teeth and starts taking many quick, short breaths.

Onyx couldn't help but let a satisfied smile slip onto her face. "heh not so tough now is she?' "Ugh!" She groans as she tummy rumbles harshly begging her to let the enema out.


Tigress stops and sits down on the bottom step. She takes a deep breath to keep herself from crying more and tries to explain. "She...She called me a monster. Back at the orphanage that's what all the other children called me. Even the caretaker called me that." She sniffled as a few more tears slip out. "I-I thought I was over all that...but I guess it always ate at me inside a little."
Impmopn knows the enema won't come out on its own so he takes hold of the bag and squeeze it hard to make the nasty think mix come out. "I can't wait for you to see what's next for you Nathasha!" Impmon said chuckling.


TC help sit Tigress down. "Its called childhood trama. You might have repressed it and this little girl brought it back. Your no Monster and if you think that might be cause of a reason BM left you its not. You know what I am going to make Cream suffer for all she did to you and I need you to tak her our to the shed all will be explained when she goes inside. Then when you get back if you want to be a monster I know the best place you can be one. In bed!" TC then kisses Tigress very tenderly.

Cream moving out of her corner comes over and hears when they said and is mad again to see them kissing. She goes over the where TC dropped his key card then goes over to his computer and see whats in it and she gasps in shock. "OH no I can't let that happen to me. But I think I can make it happen to that MONSTER!" Cream said thinking over her littel scheme.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"AAAAAHHHHHH!!" Lori screams in both shock and pain as the thick mass pours into her asshole. She wiggles a bit over Impmon's lap but shows no sign that she wanted to stop. She even managed to give Onyx a smug look like. All the while poor Natasha was trying her best not to faint.


Tigress wipes away a few more tears and holds TC close. "Thank you TC. For everything." She pulls back and smiles at him. "Now how about we give that little brat a lesson in respect sh'll never forget?"
"How my little stuffed skunket feeling right now?" Impmon said in a mocking tone to poor Lori treating her like a stuffed meal.


Inside the room tht Lopmon is keep she wakes up only to find a scary looking white tiger at the foot of the bed. "Ahhhh! No please don't rape me too! I can't take anymore. Please I just want to go home!" Lopmon said looking about to break down into tears.


In the Male filming room BM wakes up again only to find the men have returned and with them they have a large box that Tim is carrying. "Oh boy do we have plans for you!" Tim said nearly giggling.


"I already have something planed for her. But first I think you and her need to become friends." TC hands Tigress a cold milkshack and a double cheese buger he got from In and Out (love their bugers ^_^ and they live about a block away from me). "Go make friends and talk to her. She's just a very confused little girl thats trying to get some male attation cause she don't have a daddy or a boyfriend. Its good if you try to handle bad kids in a good way too."
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Ugh!" Lori groans some more, feeling like she's about to explode. "Like a stuffed tukey that's how!" She yells at him, trying to keep her cool.


Tai Lung chuckles and crouches down so he can gently pat Lopmon's head. "Now, now. I have no intention of hurting you. However, a short while ago I had a little run in with a little creature very similar to you. Only he was white and green and had only one horn. By any chance would you know where I can find him?"


BM whimpers and tries to back a way but the drugs in his system keep him from even getting up. "C-Come on guys let's...let's take it easy. Just...just let me go and I'll stop being so uptight okay?"


"I...I guess you're right." Tigress says, taking the meal in her hands. "I remember how hard it was to be alone. Maybe if she had a real friend she'd learn to behave better." With a smile Tigress started back up the steps and headed into TC's room.
Impmon takes the nozzle out then quickly puts Lori in a diaper and places her next to the twiting and moaning Onyx. "Now you little ones behave while I care to your last sister. Oh man your going to get wish you didn't have a ass after I am done with you!" Impmon said rubbing his hands with a wicked grin on his face.


Tai Lung gets Lopmon's full attation now. "Yes thats my boyfriend TC. Where is he? I he ok? Is he coming to take me home?"


Tim shacks his head. "No my friend you treated us like kids so now its our turn to do the same to you. We are going to play a game. I am going to play your boyfriend. Blake will play as your brother, and Chris will play as your daddy. Now we know your not to big on playing right now so we have a offer for you. We will give you a shot that will take away some of the effects of the drugs in you. You will still be to weak to fight back aganst us but you can move with limited speed. In return we will shove these Hippo size anal beads into your asshole and they will stay in there until the games over then they can come out as your reward for playing with us."


Cream heard Tigress coming and after messing with TC's key card for the punishment booth she goes back to the corner with bare fanny showing and does her best fake cry with one hand over her face and the other rubbing her sore fanny check. "Wahhhhaaahhhhh ooowwwiieeee it hurts!"
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Natasha shivers and backs away from Impmon a little. "Can...Can I just drop out? I don't want to play anymore I forfeit!" She cries out, whimpering in terror.


"Oh, is that so?" Tai Lung answers her with a smirk. "Well the last time I saw him he shot me in the face with an energy blast and ran away with my old classmate. So yes he's quite okay." He leans in a little closer and growls lowly. "Now where is he? I'd like to have alittle chat with him."


BM's face goes pale when he hear all this. He starts to weigh his options but then remembers he could barely move as it was so he didn't really have much choice. With a sad moan he nods at the three males. "Al-Alright guys I'll play along."


Tigress enters the room and spots Cream crying in the corner. Feeling a little sorry for her (not much but a little) she set the food down on TC's bed and went over to her. "Cream." She begins gently. "You can come out the corner now." She reaches down and pulls the sobbing bunny into a gentle hug. "Come on, your punishments over for now and TC brought you something to eat." Tigress gave her a little smile hoping to start over with the little one.