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(Zero & Maero Product) Beauties and the Beast
The boy panted in his arms, his eyes glazed over. He nodded dimly, his tongue hanging out of his mouth, cum covering every inch of his womanly body.

Samantha could barely blush any harder at all and felt a sting of pain from her arm as he hugged her. "Uh, One A, are hurting me." she said, her blush so hard that he could probably feel the warmth of her face increasing. "One A, One A get off!" She yelled, though it was mostly born out of sheer embarrassment and not knowing what else to do.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
One A gasped and as he heard the orders, rolled off the bed and onto the ground. "Ow...What happened?" he groaned, standing up and looking at Samantha. "Good morning, feeling better?" He asked.


Two B grinned and tore Samuel's dress off, and would begin putting onto him a wedding dress. "Think of this, as our honeymoon, lover!" Suddenly two other clones began to melt and they slithered over to him and united with his body, making his cock bigger. He kissed Samuel and his tongue turned into a cock, which pushed down his throat as his new, larger cock was slowly pushed into the slut's ass.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Y-You, sleep hugging?" Samantha said with a stubborn blush. "Um...Im a little thristy...and I need to go to the bathroom." She added, blushing all the while. Samantha was pure and untainted, perhaps it was time to change that, or use it to One A's advantage.


Samuel didnt resist, and when he was kissed he sucked on the cock instinctively as he moaned, feeling the much larger new cock slowly pushing into his abused rectum. He moaned something into the cock in his mouth, as his hips began to gyrate against the intruder inside his ass, moaning and whimpering softly as he did.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Of course, go ahead." Once she left to the bathroom, she would not notice the tentacle with an eye at the end of it watching her from a small crack, spying on her.


Two B pulled his 'tongue' out as he fucked the boy and ordered, "Tell everyone in this room you're a slut! Tell them you love cock!" He demanded, stopping his fucking of Samuel's ass, and teasing him with light touches to his dick. "Say it!"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Samantha went to the bathroom, and made use of it, never seeing the spy. When she left the bathroom she stumbled and leaned against the wall, feeling light headed. She tried to make her way back to the room but soon found herself lost in the vast castle. "Um, hello? One A, Im lost..." she called into the darkness of the empty castle. She looked around and found a large, old wooden door. She walked towards it and tried to open it, wondering if she could find another clone within.


Samuel whined softly when he was no longer being fucked or kissed and used what little voice he had left to moan, "Please...fuck me...Im a cock loving slut....slut...Im a slut...please fuck me..."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The clones would gangbang the young boy for hours more, stopping only to feed and give the boy drinks.


The door opened and inside the girl would find a library. As she walked in, a clone saw her and walked over. "Hello there. My name is the Learner. You are the Princess, the one that's an actual girl. Princess Samantha, yes?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
It was up to the clones when to stop fucking Samuel and give him rest, but if they fucked him for six more hours straight he would barely be alive, kept working only by stimulants and drugs.


Samantha looked around the library she had entered, looking in wonder at all the books. She jumped slightly when she heard a voice and smiled hesitantly at the leaner. "I, um, yes Im Samantha...where am I? Is this the big library?" She asked.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
At the end of the many hours, Samuel was brought into the bathouse by Two B and cleaned, before he was dressed back up in a dress and carried to the kitchen. "Are you hungry, Sammy?" he asked the tired slave.


The Learner nodded and walked over. As he walked, she realized he was wearing different clothing. He was wearing a purple robe and hood, with green runes on his clothes. "Yes, this is the library. May I help you?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Sammy didnt resist as he was cleaned and redressed. When they sat him down at the kitchen he was hollow eyed and unresponsive. He didnt say anything when they asked him the question, just sitting there, drooling a little. He was far too tired, his brain couldnt even function anymore. The only things holding him up were drugs, drugs that would soon expire. Sammy had a long day, he would need to sleep.


", I got lost." Samantha said with a blush. "I dont know how to get back to my room, and I dont want One A to worry." she said truthfully. "I have never seen so many books, where did they all come from?" she asked.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Most of them, I wrote. Some, bought by us. Here, I just finished this one," he said, picking out a book and tossing it to her. If she caught it and read it, she would find the story was about an Angel falling from Heaven and meeting a young scholar. It was a loving story, but as it continued, it seemed to get darker and darker.


The clones would soon send the slave to a bed with Two B, allowing him rest when the drugs died out.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.