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The Affairs (Blankmind & Tank Cop)
Impmon smiles and likes that idea lot. "Deal and to top it the losers have to say in the diaper for a hour after the winner wins!"


TC leaps out of the bed and storms into connected bathroom and slams the door HARD and you hear the shower running leaving Cream and Tigress alone to fight it out. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING I SAW YOU WITH YOUR DIRTY PAWS OVER MY MAN. I LOVE HIM, I WANT HIM, YOU DON'T DESERVE HIM NOW GET OUT OF HERE SKANK!"
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
While Lori and Natasha try to complain Onyx just smirks at her siblings. She knows it was a big gamble but it'd be worth it to see those two crap themselves even if she didn't win.


Tigress growls and marches over to Cream. Her temper counteracting the cold water nicely. "Now you listen to me young lady! TC is an adult and you're far too young to be lusting after someone that much older than you! For heavens sake his children are almost as old as you! Now you apologize to me right now or else!!"
Impmon pulls out his fingers then slide the huge cock sized nozzle and slides it roughly into Onyx's asshole. "And in we go." Impmon sys forcing it in all the way.


Cream yells as she whips her head quickly and her ears SLAP Tigress hard acrossed the face leaveing a red mark in the prossess. "I AM NOT A BABY I AM A PRE-TEEN AND I LOVE HIM AND I WON'T LET YOU TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME! TC I LOVE YOU!" Cream yells towards the bathroom.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Ahhh...." Onyx moans through her teeth as her sisters watch. Natasha actually covers her own butt out of while Lori lets her hand slip between her pussy.

'Oh, is rounds all mine.' She thinks with a grin as she anziously awaits her turn.


"Grrrr...THAT DOES IT!!" Tigress growls menacingly as she rubs her cheek. Fed up with the little rabbits attitude Tigress grabs one of her ears and drags her back over to the bed where she sits down and pulls Cream across her lap. "I think you're little butts iverdue for a good spanking!" She informs Creams as she starts pulling down her panties.
Impmon girns. "So sure are you?" Impmon lets the nasty liquied come and flow into Onyx bowls. Impmon waits to see her squeal in pain as the toxic mix takes effect.


"Noooooooooooo!!! You can't spank me I am not your girl your not my momma! HELP ME TC HELP ME!!!" Cream says wiggling and kicking all over to try and get away.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"NYAAA!!" Onyx sqeals loudly and starts to squirm as she feels the enema mix make her tummy expand. Her sisters watch in awe as Onyx belly seems to inflate to the point that she look pregnant. "H-Hey! How much more I feel like I'm going to pop!"


Tigress doesn't listen and pulls Creams little panties all the way down, exposing her pale little cheeks. "Don't bother calling him! In fact you'll be lucky if he doesn't spank you again after I'm done." The large tiger slowly lifts her paw high over her head and brings it down hard on Creams rump.

Impmon rubs the ever growing belly of Onyx. "Until you have a very nice looking preggy belly!" Impmon says as the enema reaches the half way mark as it fills Onyx up.


Cream screams out just as little Dex and Kairi arrives from pre-school. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" "Hey that sounds like our friend Cream?" Kairi says as they rush upstarts.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
While Onyx squrims on the spot Lori and Natasha give each other wicked grins and crawl over to her. "What's the matter? Is baby sis's belley getting too full?" She asks rubbing on Onyx growing gut.

"Ooh, I think it is. Maybe now she'll think twice before adding extra bets to the game huh Onyx?" Natasha adds as she pets her sisters head.



Tigress' paw strikes hard and fast and in no time Creams little bottom has turned bright pink. "I hope you're learning something about respect young lady!" She scolds, ignoring Cream's cries. "Are you sorry fro splashing us and being so rude to me!?"

Impmon watches the enema run on empty then quickly takes out the anal plug and then puts in its place a very think disopable diaper. Impmon then lets Onyx alone to do as best as she can to hold it all inside her. "Ok who wants to be the next preggy baby?" Impmon says looking with evil eyes at the other skunk sisters.



Cream kicks and screams like crazy yelling out from time to time at TC for help. "NO I WON'T BE SORRY YOU HORRABLE MONSTER! YOUR A EVIL MONSTER!" Cream cries as her once smooth nearly white fanny turns a good shade of bright pink.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Lori and Natasha gave each other a nervous look before Lori finally worked up the nerve. Glancing at the trembling Onyx she walks over to Impmon and presents her ass to him. "J-Just do it quick ok?" She requests, not wanting the enema to take too long.


Tigress gasps at Cream's words and stops her paw in mid-air. 'M-monster?' She asks herself thinking back to her childhood. Slowly she lifts Cream off her lap and stands her up in the corner facing the wall. "Y-You just stay right there....until TC comes back out to deal with you some more." She comands her, struggling for air. She then sits down on TC's bed and cradles her head in her paws. 'I-I'm not....I'm not a monster....'

I am Tigress! Tigress the monster!....A monster no one wants.