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(Silver and Salem A. Delgado's) Blood moon passion
Venra smiled and opened Luna's door, releasing her first, more obedient pet and allowing her to kiss her feet. She then went to Blue and unchained him, smiling as she presented her foot for him to kiss and lick as Luna had done. "Be a good pup and do as you are supposed to." She said, waiting for him.


The small child moaned softly, her bare body ever pressed against Lulu. She nodded timidly and said "Yes...I slept well mistress." She laid her head down on Lulu's breasts and rested there as Angela was released and fed. She looked at the menu and cringed, seeing the very same order that had nearly turned her into vampire food. "I..Im not hungry." She said softly, not wanting to drink blood, at least not yet.

Angela hungrily ate her food, no matter what it was and licked her bowl clean. She whimpered at the lack of water but did not mention it since she knew that Lulu would already know and do something about it if she deemed it worthy. She sat there, waiting for an order or torture, hugging her legs. She may very well end up being Lulu's breakfast if the vampire desired it.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Blue held back a growl and bent lower gave the minimuim number of licks to Venra's feet before he looked up at her "And what are Mistess's plans tonight?" he asked hoping to distract the vampiress from her newest pet who still seemed too weak in his eyes.

"Very well, but you'll have too feed sooner or later. I'd hate to see you go without." Lulu frowned looking downat her childe before looking back to Angela "Now, I think it's time we all had a bath, if you behave you might get some water and maybe more food" she said as she led them to her privite-ish bath, being as Venra and her pet's were allowed in he bhs anytime they wanted.
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Well....first you are all going to shower, I could use one to. Please Help Luna, she seems a bit weak today. I will expect you to behave while I shower with my new bath toy." Venra smiled and looked past Blue at the cowering pup. "Come here puppy pup!" She said with a little whistle. "If you dont then I will eat you up!" May made no move to come near the wicked blood general and her whimpering only intensified. "A shame, if she does not get in my arms in a few moments then I really will eat her. Blue, if you care enough to, please bring me my toy."


Angela fallowed obediently as did may, if the small girl was not carried there. Once inside, Angela paused and looked around the baths to see what they looked like while May stayed close to Lulu.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lulu smiled as they entered the baths, one of the largest rooms in the manor and also one of the most beautiful as it had been modeled to look exactly like an open air hotspring, even having a painted on sky and realistic looking sun "This is probably my favorite room, now come pup I'm going to let you bath with us since you've been so good! All you have to do is wash eery nook and cranny of May and I."

"I'm sorry..." Blue whispered as he picked May up and carried her bridel style to Venra before laying her in the blood general's arms.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Angela nodded and looked at both Vampires miserably. She picked up a sponge and some soap and waited for them both to enter the water. May entered with Lulu and when they did Angela would start by scrubbing Lulu's back.


May bit and screamed as she was carried over to the vampire and was crying and whimpering softly by the time they reached her. "No..please..." She begged one last time as Venra took her in hr arms. May curled up into a ball and began to whimper, making Venra smile. "Come now sweetie, its not so bad. Lets go get a bath!" She said as she left, leaving Blue to take care of Luna, who had collapsed again.


Venra entered the fancy baths naked, holding her naked pet around the waist. "Hello Lulu!" She called cheerfully as her and her whimpering pup were taken over to them. Venra sank into the water comfortably, May snuggled between her breasts. "What do you think of my bath time toy?" She asked, extending her arms and showing off the now wet and naked, trembling were pup.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Awww! She's adorable! And I thought you would have eaten her already!" Lulu laughed as she enjoyed her bath, idly groping and teasing her childe "Remember pup, I said every nook and cranny!" she smirked as she spread her legs shamelessly.

Blue whimper as he gently lifted up Luna and held her close as he followed thier mistress being sure to soak farther away from he others
Lady Devimon's Minions
"I-I understand mistress." Angela said softly as she finished with her back and began to scrub her shoulders. Vampire May trembled and moaned slightly with each touch Lulu gave her, blushing hard as she did. Were May looked with eyes full fright at Lulu and issued a little whimper. "Go ahead, pet her, she loves being petted." Venra said with a smirk. The naked Were pup was completely helpless, and other from getting bit if she got to close to her mouth, Lulu had little to fear from this pup.


Luna moaned softly as she was set in the water and opened her eyes a little. "B-Blue.." She moaned softly as the warm water covered her naked body. "Blue...d-dont leave..."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
(Salem? You there?)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
(OOC: Sorry I was busy...^-^')

Blue hugged Luna close and whispered in her ear "I won't...I'm sorry for..."

"Don't mind if I do!" Lulu laughed as she reached foreward and began stroking the werepup, her hand traveling all over were May's body enjoying the feel "That's nice....Angela dear, be sure to wash the young ones too."
Lady Devimon's Minions
Luna leaned in closer to him and rested her head on his chest. Strange, were was never seen so weak or fragile, preferring death over such a thing, so Luna was perhaps the first were Blue had ever seen so vulnerable. She whimpered softly in his arms, clearly needing comfort, and him being the only one who could supply it.


May whimpered softly as she was set back on Venra's lap, trembling cutely from the sensitive touches she had been given. "I think your little one is just as cute. Aw, did you turn her?" Venra asked as she absentmindedly stroked her terrified pet. Angela finished with Lulu's shoulders and moved down to her breasts now, scrubbing the softly with the soft sponge, caressing them with care as she cleaned her mistress, and she could not help but play with her nipples a little.

The view reminded Venra and she turned to yell at Blue. "Dont forget to use soap! You weres always seem to forget!" She chuckled then and looked back at her former mistress, smiling as she began to stroked May's trembling little butt.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)