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Bleach: Last Stand.
"Sorry, not really that hungry. Girl's gotta watch her figure you know." Mindy smirked. Now that the mark was gone she was able to stand up, though she was keeping her distance, Who knows what else this thing's capable of.


Shadow scratched his ears a bit, "Well, that's quite a catch. Not only do we need someone beyond Captain level but they'll also be nearly destroyed if they do this." Shadow sighed a bit, This is becoming alot of trouble.


"A captain for the science division? How could he help?" Katt asked, a bit slow to the obvious.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
*11th Squad Dojo*

"Hai!" The fourth seat said as he laid down his sword.

"Hmmm... It looks like we got work to do Trent, we should go at once" Naibu stood up and walked towards the exit of the dojo "This is an order for all the 11th Squad members, prepare yourself for battle" The dojo stayed silently for a moment before all the subordinates responded at once "Yes, sir!" Using shunpo Naibu headed towards the 1th Squad building.

*1th Squad Captains meeting room*

"Place the devices there, and go back help the others" Rina said and her subordinates followed her orders I hope the others captains don't take too long to come here, we got no time to lose.
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(Squad 11's Dojo)

Trent stopped for a moment and sent a out a messenger bird to inform his own squad of the situation before leaving. "I'm right behind you."

(Squad 1's Headquarters)

The gray gryphon opened the doors for himself and for Naibu, his eyes widening at the amount of activity inside. "This looks bad, everyone is one edge," he muttered under his breath.

(Real World)

Hyouzen stepped back for a moment, feeling a sense of intense rage that one of his followers had been absorbed by the matured disuto. "You've had your last meal." The water dragon grabbed the Luminescence Gem in his pocket, still partially filled with the essence of several hollows. He stuck the gem where part of his right arm had been blown off by the explosion, allowing it to regenerate. "All that work from before...wasted...but it's okay, you'll make up for all those hollows I had to use up." Hyouzen growled deeply as he started to focus his reiatsu, eager to rip the insect apart.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Salem looked like he was about to say something but had nothing, thinking a bit he finally came up with an idea "I bet he could make something that would hide the change in your reitsu!" he said rushing of running on telephone wires, if Katt foolwed then she would find him banging on the back door of a small shop.

Rei groaned in her sleep, still out like a light.
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: Wow, I understand Hyouzen since he sacrificed the spirit particles of the luminiscence jewel to heal himself thus reseting their treasure to zero, but how did the others recover from the after-effects of burning, bone damage, poison and numbness so fast? o.O


Kentanka laughed audibly, his body made of bone cackled as he spread his large demonic wings. "Bold statements for a group who scarcely made it out alive after my Distribucion. But no matter, I like challenges!" he stated, before he rose up an arm, all of a sudden two white claws, no longer hollow hands, shot from the ground at an unfathomable speed, grabbing Mindy by her waist each. "Peso Pesado!" He spelled, all of a sudden Mindy's weight would raise to an almost dangerous number, as if she had just stuffed a whale into her body, yet no physical effect would take place.


"There is no other way." The large man declared and looked down at Lizzy, who was sitting next to Shadow as if she was listening to some fairy-tale, her tail was swishing. "Young one, I trust Soul Society still has possession of the artifact of legend, yes?"

"Oh...?" the purple reptilian female cocked her head sideways in wonder. "Artifact of Legend?" she repeated, making it clear she was clueless.

"Hmm? Do they not teach Shinigamis their roots anymore? Guess I'm getting too old." He coughed, although to him, it was a small laugh. "The King's Seal Key. It is otherwise known as the Soul Stone, in its raw, unpowered shape. The artifact may reveal its true shape and properties once enough spirit pressure has been poured into it, thus revealing the Luminiscence Jewel. We need a fragment of this jewel, a Hōgyoku, to prepare for the battle. Let us go retrieve the Soul Stone." He said, not knowing of the actual recent events with Hyouzen.

(1st Squad's Headquarters)

Kazan re-appeared next to Rina, kneeling down respectfully as always, "Rina-taicho! All the available captains have been alerted of the current situation!" he informed, bowing his head.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: There were after-effects of burning, bone damage, poison and numbness? I didn't know.


Vook growled softly as she stood, her body still a little sore from all the effects of the Disuto. "Hmph, you think you're so tough." She growled, unsheathing her swords. "Time to exterminate!" She added with a grin. "Cold Spike!" she called out, using her swords to fling two ice spikes at the monster's feet, the two spikes freezing around the bones, and freezing to the floor.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
OOC: Yeah I thought it was just the feeling, figured after the marks dissapeared so would the pain and everything. Didn't think anything actually broke just felt like it.


"Gah," Mindy fell to her hands and knees, gritting her teeth as it suddenly felt like gravity had suddenly increased 1000 fold, "Sonuva," she growled.


"Sounds like a good enough place to start," Shadow nodded, "We'll also need to find whoever's capable, and willing, to use this artifact." But who could possibly surpass captain level?


Katt glanced over his shouler curiously, "What're we doing here? This a friend of your's place?" she asked.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Lol AWL, think about it: If you had been poisoned, your bones had been internally damaged, even if a bit, you had gotten burned and your body's been numb for over half hour, don't you think you'll have it a little hard to fight? :P
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Yep! Actually he's more of my god father, him and my father were friends back in the day." Salem explained as a huge man with glasses anwered the door
"Why it's you! It's been a while, and you brought a friend! The masters in the back room, I'll prepare some while you join him." the man said cheerfully as he lead them to the room and left, Salem opened the door and showed a man sitting at a table hiding his face behind a hat and a fan "Well well, I see you finally did it." he said with a bit of a laugh.

Rei groaned and muttered something as she shifted slightly.
Lady Devimon's Minions
*1th Squad Meeting room*

"Thanks Kazan!!" Rina said with her usual cheerfulness as she hugged and squezzed Kazan's head in her humongous breasts (Once again).

"Am I interrupting something by any chance?" Naibu said as he entered the room just when Rina was leaving Kazan breathless.

"Oh no no no" Rina answered releasing Kazan from her hug "Hi Naibu-Taicho and Trent- Taicho" She greeted as she saw both captains entering the room.
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