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Pillow fight!
*Throws a pillow at DMX*
Then again- I'm sleepy too... this IS a sleepover right?
*takes his sleeping bags and empties the contents in the middle of the room*
*goess to a dark corner, and lies down inside, alone.*
"I'll see you in the morning. (or when you wake me up)"
*appears out of nowhere takes a sleeping bag and sleeps by gunters side*
Veemon's Followers
*wakes up*
Mowgli! I missed you! *hugs*
I think we missed a lot zeph. And I think I found your wallet. *walks after zeph*
Bye? you're leaving again?
???: don't disturb them-
Gun: why?
???: can't you see how sweet theyre being?
Gun: Oooohhh...
???: Just go to sleep with mowgly, while those two date.
Gun: stay out of this and leave them alone!
???: *bllllrrrrpppfft*
*wakes up* Okay that's it, I cannot sleep with all of you... DATE!!!? *hides below pillow fort and covers himself as he spies everyone, hurling one pillow to Gunter and hit him on the head*
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
*is passed out,right outside the window.he sliped and banged his head on the wall*-_-zzzzz.
*wakes up again* ow, *sits up but stops just short of the ladder. Rolls out of the way* HA too smart for ya, ya stupid ladder, *turns around and runs into a wall* Awwww I suck at this. *passes out again*
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
*still KO'ed*DUMBASS!.....T_TzzzZZZzzzz
*gets hit by pillow*
Pillow fight! *throws pillows everywhere.*