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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
OCC:here is the what the cards do
Ringmaster=increases bravory of group

Riddle-box=a ? jack-in-the-box appears,a dead opponent must turn the crank to see if he will go to the afterlife or get sucked into the Riddle-box for eternity.he rarly appears.

The Great Milenko=a dead necromancer(odd i know),he rases and friendly player from the dead.he also rarly appears.

The Amazing Jeckal Brothers=the juggaling duo Jake And Jack Jeckal,if Jake Jeckal appears he will heal the group,if jack jeckal appears he will hurt the group,(all will be determend by the flip of a coin.)they rarly appears.heads is Jake,Tails is Jack.

The Wraith=also know as death,he walks apon worlds forgotten,and heavens faded to gray.if he appears he will help the group with fighting a hard monster.he hardly ever appears.

there you go.

IC:*seit rases the card in the air.the sky goes black,lighting strikes the card and knocks seit hard into a tree.*

*the card is flowing in mid-air as faint carnival music starts to build in the from underground.the card transforms into none other than..(OOC:i fliped tails :'( )Jack Jeckal*
Seit...who is this?

*jack,a huge flame that is emitted from a candle throws flaming juggalig balls at every one.*
Zeke leaps gracefully off of Cerberus' back, looking at Ky. "Hmm... He's fast."

He uses his own agility and speed and runs toward the shadow.

"IMPALAR MANOHA!" He jumps high in the air and pulls his arm back. He shoves it all the way forward, palm facing the shadow. Several blue energy beams, in the form of arrows, shoot directly at the shadow."

Ky stares at him. "Wow... What an attack.... I can do similar...."


They both land facing each other. Zeke's stare is suspiscious.

Oh... a show-off....

Ky's stares is equally suspiscious.

Why's this weasel dude looking at me like that? Just 'cause he's got a cool move, he thinks I can't have one too?

"My name's Ky. I'm a grey wolf."

"Mine is Zeke; good to meet you."

"What kind of weasel are you?"

"..." Zeke gives him an odd look.


"I'm an otter."
"sure, everyone just ignore me!"

jumps out of the way of a fireball.

"just fine with me! i'll just heal you later!"
Veemon's Followers
OOC: I can't be online as usual as before- I'm on GPRS and my time is limited (don
*after Jack through the flaming juggaling balls he turns back into a card*

Seit:.....holy crap....*gets up and puts up the cards in his coat* not doing that again for a while.....
Kai landed and Transform back to his human form. Kai was so happy the the people that chace him were gone. "Thank you for your help. I thought they would finally get me. I am sory for what I have done. People hated me so much I distend myself from other. Oh I have not interduce myself. My name is Kai."
"Ky? Hey, that's what people call me!"
yells in ky's megaphone

Veemon's Followers
Ky turns to him and grins. "Nah, Cronos, I still remember ya!"
Kai walks to Cronos and said "Thank you as well, Cronos. Thank you all for your help. I never thought people could accepete half demons like me."