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The Affairs (Blankmind & Tank Cop)
As Onyx leaves Impmon tells the girls the next test. "This next test is to see what one of you can hold a full gallons worth of Susie's batch of Enema inside them. Also to keep this a clean game You will all wear diapers after you get your enema's."


TC hugs and rocks Tigress back and forth. "Shhhhh its ok let it all out. I feel the same way with Lopmon. Hey lets go upstares and rest so we don't bother little Cream here." TC says helping Tigress up and towards the staires.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
The two remaining sisters gasp at Impmon's latest rules.

"You're enjoying this more than we are, aren't you." Onyx asks once she gets her crying under control.

"I don't know." Natasha says, thinking it over. "Come on we're the ones competeing here! I'm not backing down cause I know Lori would never let us forget it!"


Tigress nods and allows TC to lead the way. "Good idea, after today I'm totally wiped out. Thank you TC for everything."
Impmon looks at Onyx and says. "If you want out then you can. BTW you can also go lie down with your momma and suck on her nippys for comfert! Infact I know your mom she used to be quite the Porno Queen! I think its ok for you to QUIT Onyx *Coff* LOSER *Coff*"


Cream opens her eyes as they start to go upstares and gasp and glares as she see's TC place his hand on her naked left asscheck. She growls. "That dirty whore it going to take the man I love. I won't let that happen I will stop it!" She says as she head's into the kitchen.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Natasha giggles earning her a hard glare from Onyx. "No way Imps! I didn't back down when Lori want the try shocking me and I'm not going to back down now."

"Besides," Natasha adds with a bright smile. "You're really good at holding it in. Remember that time you had diarrhea on the plane and we-Mmpf!" Onyx slaps her paw over her sisters mouth.

"Not helping."


Tigress rolls her eyes when she feels TC's hand but simple wraps her arm around his shoulder. 'At least he's forward about it.' She muses as they arrive in his bedroom.
Impmon smiles. "Ok then we have to wait for you sis to come back you tell her whats going to happen then we cn get started."


TC takes Tigress into the master Bedroom where a very large king sized bed with soft slik sheets is wating. The bed looks like a bed made for max comfert in all postions. "Now just make yourself comfy as I do the same." TC said as she closed, but didn't lock the door and takes his jeans off becoming naked as well with his hard on very visable.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
They didn;t have to wait long. Within a few minutes Lori walked back into the room carrying an armful of Impmon's supplies. She simply raised and amused eyebrow at this. "Sounds like full. None of us had shit ourselves in years. Unless you count that time Onyx had-"

"WE KNOW!!" Onyx yells before stomping over to Impmon. "Can we please just get started?"


Tigress chuckles as she watches TC undress and climbs onto his bed. Still smile at her bunny friend she unbuttons her vest and strips it off. She stretches a little to show off to TC and curls up on the bed. "I love your bed. It's so soft you could do anything on it."
Impmon laughts then says looks over his items. "Let see we got Vingaer oil, Castor Oil, Liquied soap, Bowling hot water, and hot tobasco sause! Perfect. So who's my first victume?" Impmon said mixing the brow together.


TC lies in the bed next to Tigress and kisses her on the check. "I don't want you to think I am taking BM's place. But I think we could both need some stress relif and I am here to help you Tigress. I hope you will be willing to help me as well?" TC says places his hands over Tigress breasts.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Onyx sighs, having already practically volunteered, and gets down on her hand and knees in front of Impmon, lifting her tail up out of the way. "Let me have it Imps." She says in a resigned tone while her sisters giggles.


"Well, I," Tigress trails off for a bit before reaching up and pulling TC into a passionate kiss. "You're right I think we both need this after all we've been through." She pulls him into another kiss and starts to fondle his butt as well.
Impmon rubs KY onto the nozzle then rubs some KY on his fingers and pushs his finger deep into Onyx's red and sore asshole from the spankings before. "Wow its still warm!" Impmon said in a mocking tone.


TC kisses back and had just postioned his cock infront of Tigress pussy and was about to be happy after so long of unhappyness then the door to the bedroom flys open and TC looks up to see Cream holding a bucket of ice water and yelling. "KEEP YOUR FILTHY WHORE HANDS OFF MY MAN BITCH!" Cream then tosses the ice cold water all over us soaking us and making my hard cock to to baby size in a instant! "YYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAA COLD!!!!
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Lori and Natasha bust up laughing causing Onyx to blush a growl quietly. "Yeah, yeah very funny. Hey Imps how about the first one to lose control has to change the other two out f their diaper?"

The other two sisters instantly stop laughing and look at Impmon nervously, shaking their heads 'No.'


"AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" Tigress screams just as loud and nearly jumps out of her skin. Once th eshock wore off she curls herself into a ball, trying to get warm again. "C-CREAM!!?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?!"