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Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop)
As Tina and Toma go back into the way they got out says. "I hope they don't make her better again. I like her this way. hahaha!"

Tina helps Toma back it and then lets Tigress inside too. "Besides you know Impmon will come to you first without Yuki there cause he knows thats what you want and he will use Tigress to get something from you. I men he already owns your body so it makes me wonder what he will want?"

Tina then realises something. "You know we can't really have Susie take this baby maybe we should contact the Bowgo Orphange. They can have her again. That's where you told me she was raised anyways?"


Impmon looks over the one deep red line and then says. "Feel like ever using your magic again now? You can only use if when I tell you to. You don't even ask me for permisson." *SWISH...CCCRRRAAACCCKKK!!!* *SWISH...CCCRRRAAACCCKKK!!!* *SWISH...CCCRRRAAACCCKKK!!!* *SWISH...CCCRRRAAACCCKKK!!!* "Understand me?" Impmon said as he hit Yuki over and over.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Tigress had to struggle to hold back tears throughout Tina's taunting but the mention of Bao Gu pushed her over the edge. "NO!!" She cries, latching onto Toma. "I never want to go back there! Never, never, never!" She looks up at Toma with teary, pleading eyes. "P-Please don't send me back there! Please!"

"Tina that was too much!" Toma scolds before hugging Tigress. "It's okay I promise you won't be going back there. Now come on we have to move fast so we can get out before Momma comes back." He tells the two girls before opening the back door to the daycare area.


Just as Toma and Tina come into the back door they both get tugged hard by the ears on the day care lady. "Where have you two been? I am so mad you left like that. Your both going to spend the rest of your stay in private time out until your momma arrives." The lady said taking them inside and not seeing Tigress coming into the day care from the back door.

Another lady comes over to Tigress. She was smiling at the sad and scared baby. "Hi sweety. What are you doing out here without your dress on? Want to come inside for some warm cookies and cold milk? We can get you dressed too." This other lady said offering her hand to Tigress.


Impmon not wanting to make his girl suffer to much he hits her harder and faster to make the last 5 go quick but painful. *SWISH...CCCRRRAAACCCKKK!!!* *SWISH...CCCRRRAAACCCKKK!!!* *SWISH...CCCRRRAAACCCKKK!!!* *SWISH...CCCRRRAAACCCKKK!!!* *SWISH...CCCRRRAAACCCKKK!!!* "Now do you need a time out too to think about what you did or would you like to thank me in the proper way for spanking you?"
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Tigress watches as Toma and Tina are dragged away then looks back up at the lady. "I..I guess so." She says nervously before taking the lady's hand and leting herself be led to the snack area.


"*sniff* I-I'd like to thank you Impy. For being so good to me and for punishing me when i do bad stuff like this." Yuki says with a weak sob as she gingerly lifts herself off the toilet.
Tina sniffles in the corner as so far the days been kind of bad. I mean the sex in the horror house was fun but then after that its been one problem after another. Tina keeps her eyes on the corner but says outloud so that Toma can hear from the other room. "You just had to make nice with your Ex again didn't you. Now see what happend cause of it? Your crazy sister warped her into a baby now we have to go and find her oh and need I remind you that your still Impmon's bitch! He won't give you anything!" She said all pouty and bored as she smells the yummy cookies in the other room.


Impmon sits on the tolet that Yuki was just punishes on and pulls his legs apart. "Ok then come here some thank me and I want you to know I forgive you and I still love you very much Yuki."
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"I know." Toma replies with a whimper. He feels totally miserable and Tina's peptalk isn't exactly helping. "We...we just have to help Tigress though, she's totally innocent in this and Impmon should never had let Yuki do this to her!" He reaches over and holds Tina's hand. "All we have to do is convince Momma to let Tigress come home with us and wait until Impmon and Yuki come for one of their *guld* visits. Don't worry I already have a plan for when Momma gets back."


Yuki smiles and gets down on her knees and lowers her face between Impmon's legs. "Oh, thank you Impy. I love you so much I'll make this extra special for you." With that she opens wide and gets right to work on Impmon's cock.
Tina liked Toma's touch then she hears his idea about this and gets very upset. "NO No Toma NO! We are NOT letting her come live with us. I went through hell to get this smaller baby body all for you I don't want to see your Ex take you away from me. No Toma I am putting my pink bottied foot down on this one. No, no NO!!!!"


Impmon moans as Yuki don't waste any time and goes right for the good. "MMmmmmm Oh babe!" ^_^
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Tina, Tina please listen to me." Toma says calmly, pulling his lover into a hug. "It'll only be for a little while until we can get her back to normal. And for the last time I am in love with you, Tigress is just a friend and that's why we should help her. I swear no one will ever take me away from you. You are my one true love now Tina."


Yuki takes impmon's praise in stide and keeps up her good work. She works Impmon's erect cock over with her mouth and tounge while at the same time giving him teh most adorable puppy dog eyes she can manage.
This over effection makes Tina start to just sob so hard onto the chest of her lover's dress. "Oh Toma your right I am so sorry to be so selfish. Please forgive me."

Then who should come in but Susie. "Awwww Baby Raccoony did your baby sister get a boo boo?"


Impmon can't help but feel his heart melt as he strocks her face and moans harder. "Oh your so lovly....but also so NAUGHTY!" Impmon said as she reachs around and grops hard onto Yuki's checks with his hands pinching and sqeezing hard on her fanny welts.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Toma gasps when Susie comes in but he quickly recovers and remembers his plan. He instantly works up a few tears and runs over to Susie. "MOMMA!" He cries out and he hugs her tight. "M-Momma, we...we was playing hide and seek with the other babies an...and Sissy and I went to hide somewhere but we got lost and couldn't find our way back! We was so scared Momma! We missed you so much! Whaaaa....." He trails of into a wail as he cries into Susie's clothes. He then gives Tina a quick look to tell her to play along.


yuki yelps and squeals at Impmon's groaping but starts to moan with pleasure as well causing her to suck harder.