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A Dark Love
Takato smiled gentky and slowly hugged his mate, before nuzzling his snout gently with his nose. He slowly walked into the bedrrom and slid into his pyjays, and lay in the bed, patting the space next to him for Guilmon. "Guilmon, promise that you and I will be together forever, without you I would be lost..."
"Guilmon got on the bed next to Takato, "I promise." with that, Guilmon began to cuddle Takato, holding him close to his body, feeling his warmth.
"Our love will always stay strong.
Takato smiled slowly and curled up slowly. "At least I get to cuddle with my big strong dino" he laughed and slowly nuzzeled his neck gently with his cheek, enjoying the warmth and love that the two were sharing.
That night, Guilmon and Takato cuddled each other, and said loving things about eahc other. an hour after they had began, they both fell asleep. Dawn had come, it was extremely early whenGuilmon woke up, he noticed Takato was still asleep. To prove his love, Guilmon decided to make breakfast for Takato. Guilmon left the room quietly and made his way to the kitchen. Guilmon did his best to make eggs and toast, which actually came out looking good in the end. he began to walk back to the room, being careful not to drop any food.
Takato slowly opened his eyes and yawned loudly, looking around, and blinked when he saw Guilmon was not around, and fear gripped his heart, till he saw Guilmon come in with breakfast on a tray, and suddenly his eyes shone with hapiness. "Guilmon....your so sweet" he smiled happily. He decided to give Guilmon his early morning treat and slowly slid his arms around Guilmons waist and kissed him deeply, filled with passion and love as he rubbed the back of the dinos head, before breaking the kiss and smiling gently.
Guilmon was caught off guard with the kiss, he wasn't expecting this much from Takato. He placed the tray on the side of the bed, then gave Takato a kiss on the lips, before exiting the room to perform his early morning duties.

OOC: where does a digimon go to use the bathroom? and like i said, you should seriously think about writing a lemon about this...
OOC: In any old bathroom, and what do you mean a lemon?

Takato smiled gently and closed his eyes, slowly staring at his beloved Romeoe as he watched him leave. Slowly sitting down on the bed, he munched happily on a piece of toast, a happy smile on his face, and a song in his heart, Takato had never felt so loved before.
OOC: a lemon is a hentai / yiff story. mostly done with digimon.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
OOC: AWL, I think Altima could have answered that himself. Stop butting in. And you're wrong with the digimon part. I've seen others done with general dragons, and loads of other stories without digimon.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
OOC: i said mostly :oops:
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan