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Digital Chaos (Sonic X ?/ Digimon Crossover Rpg)
Vi frowned "You'll see it yourself soon... it was moving very fast."

Tom grinned at Renamon for a moment but a glance over his shoulder wiped it from his face "Oh... crap... and there it is." He pointed as the light vaporised a nearby spire.

"Eek! Gotta move!" She yelped, picking up both Renamon and Tom under her arms, bolting away from the light.

"Ah! Give me some warning, please!" Tom griped.
Matt had to pull Yoosei along, and Gabumon to help even pushed Yoosei from behind to make sure she would tag along. Gatomon once crossing through the gate, she immediately holds Patamon
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Imperion quickly jumped away from Guilmon I love doing that.He then noticed the light getting closer"Talk about trouble."

Renamon wasn't used to being picked up like Vi and done with her and Tom, but after she saw how the spire disappeared like it did, maybe running away was the best thing they could do at this point. Renamon finally decided it was time to see what these two knew about what was happening. "Even though we are on the go...can either of you tell me when did this start to occur? This light thing I mean?"
"Only a few minutes ago..." Vi muttered.

"Yeah... I almost fell to the next layer!" Tom said, grinning at Renamon again. She's almost identical to Jes! ... and just as hot... rawr! He laughed softly and looked up at Vi "I think we need to put a few layers between us and that light."

"Okay... I'll take us to layer..." She stopped to consider "... layer number 2645 should be alright... The residents are moderately friendly."

"Good." Tom looked back at Renamon, his grin growing slightly "You might want to take notes... this will be interesting."
**Sonic's World**

Sally(On the COM network): Tails! Sonic! This is Sally! Looks like everyone is on better hurry and blast Off..n--

**the signal gets scrambled as some strange interference messes with the communications network ... Just then....something boosts the ships power.. greatly in their favor**

Familar Voice (through the Com): Hey Sonic? you mind tell just HOw i can back into this space age death trap...and Why the Master Emerald....Restored as it back in the power chamber..Like last time..??

**in the sky... a massive Gate appears ...but starts to phase in and if that white shadow was continuing to consume the worlds**

Cosmo's Voice (for Tails' head ONLY): Hurry. you must hurry.

**Digi 02**
**as the TK/matt Team go through the gate.......they were now in another their own would be swallowed by the white shadow....

voice (to the digidestined): Hello. I'm glad you made it...if you will proceed further...i will greet you...don't worry...i've sent help to gather your friends..i hope it's not too late...

Yolei: Anyone have an idea how to wake up..someone who sleeps through atom bombs><

Voice: come with me if you wish to live

**A ghostly robed figure a transparent stage...**

**Tamer's world**

Guilmon: WHOA!!! (jumps from the visitor)

Takato (rushing to Guilmon's home): Guilmon!!!!! (hears the sounds of a Motorcycle): way...(looks to see) Beelzemon?! ^_^

Guilmon: Beelzemon (comes out)

Takato: HEY BEELZEMON (waves to him to pull over)

Voice: This is gonna be close..

**the Crossing is all coming down to the wire...**
TK looked around as he heard the voice "T-Thanks whoever you are" he said as he and the others walked towards where the voice is, Patamon looked around still holding Gatomon's paw. What place is this?" he asked to no one in particular.
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: Shouldnt we wait for Kyo? He hasnt posted in a while
OOC: I've been waiting more or less for the crossover. Continue until it happens, I've been waiting since page 4 anyhow, it's going too slow, to be honest....
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Huh?" Sonic smiled a bit and scratched the side of his face, "Wow, talk about a radical gift. We probably could've used the regular emeralds but the master emerald will be much better."

Just then the cockpit (OOC: Haha, I said *Loud crashing sound*) door opened as Bunnie entered, "Don't mean ta rush ya'all but could we speed this up a bit?"

"Well we got everyone onboard. Including on extra member'


Slashmon: *Throws away a mallet* Okay while Shadow's napping can we cut to the crossover? It has been going very slowly.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad