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Digimon Expansion RPG
Dark Panthermon purred into the kiss, glad he could show his care for her. He separated and looked at her bloated body, marveling at her size, which was pretty impressive for such a small digimon.

"So, you want to stay like this for a while or do something else? I could pretend your a real balloon with you or you could deflate yourself and experiment with some other substance." he asked, gently rubbing her bloated tummy.

OOC: Gotta go now, be back around 7:30 pm.
Aqua considered her options, but quickly decided to let Dark Panthermon have his fun.
"I'd really you to play with me!" she said as she giggled, "And... thanks for the kiss," she added with a blush.

OOC: Kay, see ya then.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
The panther gave her another warm smile. "My pleasure, my dear," he purred.

He began to play with her, throwing her bloated body up into the air and then gently punching her back up when she floated down. He bounced her against the ground like a basketball, bounced her off the walls, and other various activities one sees a young child do with a balloon. Soon, though, he became exhausted and went to sit down, bringing her with him.

"Man...I as as...puff I...did," he said, laughing.
Aqua was giggling, the action was tickling and at the same time thrilling, "Awwww! I loved it!" she exclaimed with a smile in her face.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Dark Panthermon chuckled, giving her body an affectionate pat. Then he let out a big yawn, the day's activities catching up with him.

"Ohhh, what do you say we call it night, sweetie? Do you want to sleep like that or sleep in the bed? If you choose the bed, I'll just sleep on the floor," he said, stretchin out and letting out another yawn.
"Uhm..." she blushed, "And what about... if we sleep in the same bed?" she quickly added: "So you don't have to sleep on the floor!"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Dark Panthermon noted her words, though he kept it to himself. If she wanted to sleep with him voluntarily, he as a gentleman wasn't about to decline her offer. He grabbed her leg and moved over to his bloated mate, who was still in her blissful trance. He pulled both of them over to the queen-sized bed and placed Ranamon near the foot.

"You want to stay inflated or deflate?" he asked, getting in the bed and placing her swollen body next to him.
"Well... I always like to be cuddled when I sleep, it brings me nice memories," Aqua told him, then smiled sweetly.
"But it's hard to enjoy warmth when being this big, so if you could help me deflate this time..."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Dark Panthermon smiled at her words, remembering all the times he and Ranamon had cuddled together in their sleep.

"Sorry, Aqua, but you're going to have to be rude again. Burping's the only way to deflate that I know of, except of course letting gas out...the other way," he said, chuckling. He gave her swollen belly a loving kiss, then sat back, waiting for her to deflate herself.
"Well... uhm... if there's no other way..." she sighed, before taking in little bit of air and coughing in a rough way producing a loud burp which brutely reduced all the excess air inside of her. "Eeek... excuse me..."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad