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Funny Joke(18+ or anyone who doesn't care) (non-digi)

"Well, Mr. Gilbert," said the psychiatrist, "why the long face?"
"I got fired from my job at the grocery store," he said. "The boss caught me with my organ in the meat slicer."
Dr. Ashley swallowed hard. "My God, why did you do a thing like that?"
Mr. Gilbert sighed, "SHE wanted it, too."

That's the same joke that lost me a job at Dominicks lol .

"You've got to help me," the young man implored. "I can't stop thinking that I'm a goat!"
His analyst asked, "And how long have you had this problem?"
The man replied, "Ever since I was a kid."

Later that day a wild man burst into the psychiatrist's office.
"Ya gotta help me!" he screamed, "I can't stop thinking I'm a deck of cards!"
Flushing with anger, the doctor snapped, "Wait outside! I'll deal with you later!"

Then there was the man who wen to the psychiatrist insisting that his skin was gold. The doctor told him it was nothing serious, just a gilt complex.

Even worse was Mrs. Stewart, who went to her shrink and confessed she was a kleptomaniac. The doctor told her not to worry and gave her something to take.

The call girl confided to her roommate, "I'm afraid I'm going to have to give up analysis."
"But why? Isn't Dr. Wolper helping you?"
"A lot," the call girl agreed. "Problem is, I just can't get used to lying down for a guy and then having hime give me the bill."

The psychiatrist closed the folder and stared at his patient on the other side of the room. "Yes, Mr. Allen, I'm pleased to pronounce you one hundred percent cured."
Mr. Allen sighed. "Gee, that's just great."
"I don't understand. Aren't you happy?"
"Why should I be?" Mr. Allen shot back. "A year ago I was Genghis Khan. Now I'm nobody!"
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Some of those are funny.
Why did the blonde wear green lipstick? Because red mean stop...

What do you call a blonde skelton in the closet? Last Year's Hide-And-Go-Seek Winner.


If i found more I'll tell her later....

Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
lol- the skeleton one made me choke.
That's not that bad. Blonds are steriotypes to be whores sometimes so it's funny. Mean but still funny if you're not a blond woman.
woah- you're nearing 5k posts! congratulations!

Why did the Blonde cross the road?
Because she saw a detour sign.... :arrow:

Why did the Blonde cross the road?
To get directions back to her house on the other side...

Why did the Blonde cross the road?
Blonde woman: Why does it always have to be Blonde woman?
Well.... You guys tend to have a bad reputation with having no intelligence...
Blonde Woman: We'ves got some intelligence... Its right here (whips out a perfume bottle labeled in fancy lettering "IQ"... My IQ is worth $49.99...

Old joke with a new twist....

Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
I heard that. And I'll be making a topic about it. Like I did when I got 1K posts.
What? Heard what?... :shock: I didn'st say anything.... No Not Me :P ....

I didn't say anything :oops: ....

Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
~-Let's hope none of these corny blonde jokes are already on here, i've been gone awhile and I sure ain't lookin back!-~

Why Did The Blonde Climb The Glass Wall?
To See What Was On The Other Side

What Does A Blonde And A Beer Bottle Have In Common?
Both Are Completely Empty From The Neck Up

Why Are There Always Lip-Stick Stains On The Steering Wheel After A Blonde Drives?
Because They Always Blow The Horn