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Bleach: Last Stand.
"They'll heal, it takes them the same time as normal cuts...but if it hadn't been for Yorime-hime's skill I'd have lost it a long time ago...I might even of died..." Salem explained producing wrappings to doctor his hand "And thankfully no, you have to worry about this...if you did your first shot would have been the only shot...I've trained to exhausting nearly lethal extents to be able to use five...come there are only a few hollows left, focus your best and use your cross." he said as he positioned Katt into the proper stance.

After her fith and last seele snider found it's target it could be seen that they made a pentagram, using Hirenkyaku Rei darted towards to Disuto with a silver tube in hand ready to hopefully finish this fight.
Lady Devimon's Minions
In the lab, with the design of the device made by Rina, the research team only had to find the materials to make them, and thus with effort they managed to create ten devices capables of store and inject reiatsu between hours "Ok, we still need more of them, but we should charge the first ten and deliver them to the captains of each squad, they may need them for the upcoming battle, I will leave it to you Shouri, I'll go and check the situation of the other team" Rina said to a blonde shinigami "Yes, sir!" The blond shinigami responded as Rina left the room, minutes later Rina reached the library "How're things here Kazan?" she asked when she spoted the dragon.

*11th Squad Dojo*

"It'll be an honor" The baldie said as he rushed towards Trent trying to strike his leg.

"Heh, fool you should never rush against someone with experience in combat" Naibu thought as he saw his subordinate attacking.
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OOC: Crimson's gotta post, or else there's no uber to fight! XD
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
The vaizard felt his right arm crack under the disuto's power, though his grin only grew wider as adrenaline pumped through his veins. "Heh think any of us would scream for agony...or beg for mercy?" Hyouzen chuckled lightly while flashing his sizable fangs. " very funny." With the curse mark still anchoring his right arm, Hyouzen reared his left arm before thrusting forward, burrowing it inside the cocoon while Vook's clone attacked from the side. "Getting uncomfortable?"

(11th Squad Dojo)

Reading the subordinate's move quite easily, Trent blocked the blow, his blade holding his opponent's for the moment. "Plenty of spirit behind that attack..." He suddenly pushed the attack back and aimed a quick swipe at his side. "...but you'll need to be faster."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
(Real World)

The first two hands simply grabbed Vook's clone by the swords. The hands bleeded not, but they effectively stopped the oncoming attack towards the cocoon. "Resistance is futile!" the disuto said as a few other hands took hold of Hyouzen by his ankles before he could thrust his blade onto the cocoon, stopping him only mere inches from dealing what could have been an apparent fatal blow.

It was then the marks glowed and changed from the bright yellow to a shady green, and all of a sudden, things would change as the disuto whispered to Rei's ears, "30 Minutes..." and a wall of burning hands surrounded Rei from seemingly every conceivable direction, even above the Quincy, so even if she would try to escape by using her modified shunpo the hands would burn her as well.

With the green mark on, all the affected ones would suddenly feel dizzy, as if they were having a hangover worth of 24 hours of non-stop drinking, which would no doubt hinder their senses all over. The charred marks were in fact distributing and releasing a very dangerous toxin all over their bodies, weakening them further with even more pain.

The only one who seemingly would not, or better said, could not react to these changes was Proto. His body was ironically hollow, thus there was nothing inside of him to allow any of the toxins spread through. However, this would prove to be an undoing. Proto's mark flashed and went blue; he had lost the ability to move, see, hear or even talk. He was just a floating mass of white since his eyes were closed.

"Hah hah hah! You've only got 10 minutes, little Arrancar! You'll be part of me soon!" the voice taunted.


"Oh... Captain!" Kazan turned, flashing a smile as he greeted the cat girl formally. "I am pleased to tell you the recovered information is being researched at the moment! We've found what you asked for in an uncharted library in the corner of Spiritual Artifacts! Apparently what we've got in our hands is... the Luminiscence Jewel. An ancient tool used to call upon lost souls based on recovering lost spirit particles... A powerful artifact indeed! You were right about it being so... 'useful'..."

(Secret Hideout)

The large figure sighed in disappointment, "Captains these days... The reiatsu fluctuations have shifted like the tides. It is not safe outside anymore because of increased hollow activity, yes? It's more than likely this is being caused not from Soul Society and its surroundings, but Hueco Mundo. Am I right?"

"Whooo... Mr. Big sure knows a lot, SnowBall-san!" Lizzy said, oogling about the hooded creature in front of them.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Mindy's growls echoed through the area as she fought through the pain to try and continue fighting, It, doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt! She told herself, picking up her sword and finally making it to her feet before her head began to pound horribly her vision suddenly blurring and seeming to twist and warp infront of her. She was forced to shut her eyes tight or else she wouldn't even be able to stand, let alone fight, Fuck, as soon as you get past one thing it's another. She cursed, her ears twitched as she heard laughter, she wasn't sure who it was but figured anyone suffering from this wouldn't be doing it, "What's, so funny!" She shouted, she brought back her sword and flung it forward, transforming it into it's released state as she did, aiming for where the laughter was coming from, Please be close, don't think I got another in me. she thought.


"Right," Katt said, taking a deep breath, "I can do this." She pulled back the 'string' an arrow forming on the bow and released it, the arrow piercing through a hollow right between the eyes, "That was good right?" she smiled as the hollow fell to the ground two feet infront of her and disintegrated.


"You seem to know alot," Shadow said, ignoring Lizzy's comment, as he focused on the strange man, or at least what he figured was a male, "Care to tell me how you found it all out?"
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"This is no mere coincidence" The figure continued, "Yorimi-taicho had forseen such an event which already has gone over in the past." He explained, putting one of his large grey arms under where somebody could suppose was his chin as he exchanged looks between Shadow and Lizzy twice "It seems 'she' is up to no good again."

Lizzy's eyes blinked as she stared at Shadow, then at the large man, then back at Shadow, "Me?" she shyly asked.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Rei's eye's widened at 'seeing' the arms surround her, with no other option she tossed the silver tube and hoped it would land on a seele snieder "Sprenger." she said close to passing out from the exertion, if this worked the Disuto would be engulfed in a massive explosion.

"Great! Most quincies take weeks to get that good!" Salem laughed as he slapped her on the back "Lets see...that's really all I can teach you at the we just have to figure out how to keeps anyone from figuring out about this..."
Lady Devimon's Minions
"T-ten minutes...still plenty of time..." Hyouzen's vision blurred from the toxins spreading through his body, but he could still make out the corrupted mass of the disuto. With a dull roar he kicked and shook off the arms around his ankles though his spiritual energy had already become rather low. "More than enough to kill you!" Hyouzen took another stab at the cocoon, though the attack didn't have quite as much spirit behind it this time around.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Hmph! Nice trick, I must say!" The clone dragoness sighed, still firmly gripping the hilts of her swords, before she used them like a bar to swing, swinging downward at the large cocoon and kicking into it with both her feet, digging the claws into it as well.

"Grrggh...he's certainly...not making this...easy!" The real Vook growled, struggling to keep her spell channeled, though it was almost complete.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan