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TK blinked as Mar's tail snagged the notebook from him to put it on Mar's head and then his jaw fell seeing the tail rubbing Mar's crotch.

"ooook, I'm just gonna simulate I didn't saw that and work on my assignment" he said with Kari just nodding as they continued working on their assignments.

~back at Kari's house~

Gatomon's tail started to caress Patamon's crotch making him moan softly as he started to kiss and lick between her breasts making her arch her back in delight as she moaned softly as her tail teased his crotch more.
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
By now, his tail kept rubbing around his crotch, he kept moaning softly, however, roghly half an hour later, he reacted as his cock got really hard inside his pants, making a bulge that really couldn't be seen by anyone, but felt by him, he looked down ''Hey what's up?'' He asked down without any sings of embarrasment or anything. as his tail went hiding on it's own as it already had finished teasing him.

The teacher heard Mar talking and raised her head ''Mar, what are you doing?'' ''Nothing, I just want to fu-''
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: This is starting to remind me of a Doujinshi (Is that the word?) I once read. Lesson for teacher, or something like that.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
TK quickly jumped off his seat and covered Mar's mouth as he smiled nervously.

"What he wants is to fully go to the bathroom or else he is gonna have an accident here, yep that's it and I need the bathroom too so if you don't mind I'll take this guy with me, thank you very much" TK said and without wait for a reply he dragged Mar out of the classroom and to the bathroomc closing and locking the door after make sure no one else was in the bathroom and then he looked at Mar.

"ARE YOU NUTS?!?! You realize you almost told the teacher you wanted to have sex?!" TK scolded Mar as he was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
''Well, she asked'' He told TK shrugging, and then looked on his bulge ''Now I wonder how I got horny this time... can I jerk off?'' He asked TK innocently.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Ahhh the blessings of ignorance. For just one day I would like to live in a world without conciouss thought.


"So what's your favorite subject?" Shadow's boredom seemed to be contagious as Yolei began ignoring the teacher.

"Definately science, back home you'd be surprised what you could do with it."


A wide grin crept along Shadow's face, "One sec, I'll show you," He reached into his bag, making a quick 'don't say a thing' face to Slashmon, as he pulled out a few small objects, "Watch this," he began tearing apart a small electric device placing paper clips at key points and adding a large battery, "And there you have it, one EMP grenade."

"no way. You couldn't have made an EMP with that junk."

"I'll prove it." He pushed a button on the small device and set it on the desk. Then started counting off on his fingers, when the last finger dropped the screen on it began to glow a bright neon before every computer in the room instantly shut down and the lights died.

The teacher began trying to calm the class which had begun to panic slightly, "Okay, class, settle down it's probably just a small failure. Free period till the lights come back on." she looked out into the hallway, "Every single light seems to have died. Wierd."

"Whoops. Guess I should've gone with a single D battery instead of the double."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
TK slapped his forehead with his hand. He looked at Mar and was about to shout at him again but then he sighed in defeat.

"You know? I don't care, jerk you off if you want but do it here in the bathroom and not infront of the teachers!" he said and then he stormed out of the bathroom slamming the door shut and returned to the classroom.

~at Kari's house~

Patamon started to kiss Gatomon's belly gently and going down slowly. Gatomon purred in delight. her tail teased his pouch more and more making him moan as his dick started to come out of his pouch as he moaned.
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
He grinned, then he took out the little bag he had inside his pants so his bulge wasn't there anymore, his tail then came out and he 'high fived it' ''Good job, I was starting to feel boredoom there...'' He chuckled and threw the bag away, hid his tail and then went walking out of the bathroom, then started to walk around the school looking for someone as he was really bored ''Damn... where are the older guys who already have break now?''
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
TK returned to the classroom and sat down on his place and sighed. Kari was about to ask him what happened but knowing Mar she deduced it wasn't nothing good so she opted for not ask and they continued with their assignments.

meanwhile a group of older guys saw Mar walking down the halls, they were a group of bullies. they walked up to Mar and the leader stood infront of Mar blocking his way and smirked in a mocking way.

"so what do we have here? a missing kiddy? I bet he wants his mommy" the bully said and laughed along with his friends. he then looked at Mar.

"This is our turf you little snow head, so you have to pay us if you want to walk through this hall, if not you will get a ticket to the punch alley!" the bully said cracking his knuckles
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Mar simply grinned and patted his sides, as he didn't have any money ''I'm quite short of change'' He said and crossed his arms on his backhead, then chuckled ''Nice joke, now, can you tell me what's punch alley? it sounds fun'' He asks with his innocent voice as he smiles.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad