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Plan B Minus {Crimson/Kyo RP}
"So, just stick with you and hopefully everything will be alright. I've heard that many times," Kyosan groaned a little inside as he recalled many other times that had occured, especially with Crimson as he tried to push the memories aside, before then smiling softly as he too made his way along with the Burmecian towards the castle's front gates. "But at least I have a little more hope with this."

"I can't wait to see inside the castle," admitted Lurea briefly for a moment as she pictured it similar to the castles back from their own world, only without the tourist attraction-style added to those left standing. "An authentic castle!"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Oh, is this the first castle you've ever seen this close, Lu?" Crimson smiled as he observed Lurea's enthusiasm and took in the sight of the magnificent stone structure.

"Relax, that was just a joke." Freya chuckled a bit at Kyo before she stepped forward towards the Knights of Pluto standing guard. "Excuse me, I, Freya Crescent and captain of the Brumecian Dragoons request an audience with the queen."

The left most knight saluted before declaring, "Gosh, Lady Freya, you know you're always welcome here."

Freya nodded before reminding him, "Yes, I know, but at least out here I'd like to show a sense of procedure. If I had my troops with me, I'd hate to set a bad example." Once the knights had stepped aside, she flashed them a smile and told them, "Thank you. Oh, and I hope you don't mind me bringing along some honorary guests."

The right most Knight of Pluto uttered, "It's fine, as long as you folks don't cause trouble. You'd hate to piss off General Beatrix." The armored man suddenly shivered, recalled the lady knight's vicious power.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"We won't stand out of line, don't worry about us." Kyosan nodded towards the guards, thankful that that they seemed to understand they meant no harm to anyone, as he turned towards Freya. "Come to think of it, we were lucky to meet you first when we arrived here. You're pretty much a hero around here." The dragon admitted, though still had a sense of foreboding about what was next.

"Well, I've seen only ruins of some. I wanted to see a proper castle," Lurea admitted to the crimson-furred fox as she stared all across the archaic structure and it's majesty, enthralled that soon they would be inside and able to see everything the castle had to offer them.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Well, luck does make up the universe, doesn't it?" Freya chuckled a little, knowing how curious things would happen for no apparent reason sometimes. "Hero though? I just wanted to help my people...and my friends." The Brumecian smiled a little before she led them towards the throne room.

"Yeah, same here. Not really a whole lot of castles back in America," replied Crimson as he walked through the castle closely with Lurea, enjoying the antiquated design and decor of the Alexandria Castle.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Even if they were just simple reasons, it seems a lot of people respect you." Kyosan observed, though couldn't help but admire the dragoon as they walked through the castle's interior and it's extraordinary wealth, wagging his tail eagerly to and fro as they walked.

"Ooh, it's so pretty!" Lurea commented briskfully as she strolled in along with the crimson-furred fox, wagging her own tail eagerly as she observed and stared over many wealthy paintings, decorations, and the archaic style to the building - definitely different to what she had seen ever before.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Freya walked along, nodding lightly as she tried to keep an extra little detail to herself. There had been a extra little reason why she had gone on that entire journey, a frown growing across her lips. Fratley... She gave a short sigh before telling them, "We're almost to the throne room. You don't need to worry too much, just try to respectful and you should be fine. Queen Garnet is a kind soul. ...Of course, I suppose she would have to be given her husband." He then opened the door leading to a long, ornate throne room.

"Oooh, look at that, Lu," uttered Crimson, amazed by the even more grandiose room ahead of them. The fox's eyes then spotted a somewhat short, but lovely woman dressed in a pink dress, while sitting at atop of a cushy throne.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Husband, huh? Well, let's hope they're both welcoming." Kyosan mumbled under his breath, as he too noticed the short lady dressed in pink as he approached with Freya and company, wagging his tail while also looking around. I guess we'll also find out if anything fishy has been going on...

"Ooh, it's so interesting. I wish they had these still back home," Lurea whined quietly, adoring the grandness and magnificence of the decoration and quality of the castle itself, before noticing too whom she could only deduce to be the Queen, before whispering to Crimson. "Better then the old crone we have back home, too."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"You bet, it doesn't even look like she's 20 yet." Crimson muttered before he approached the throne.

"Oh, they're both kind, it's just Zidane is a bit of a free spirit." Freya mumbled a little before she hushed a little and approached the throne, giving a respectful bow with the others. "It's a pleasure to see you again, your highness."

Garnet smiled towards the group, her eyes showing interest in Freya's three companions. "And a pleasure to see you as well, Lady Freya. I'm afraid Zidane can't join us at the moment." Under breath so the guards don't hear, she admits, "He's having himself a chocobo joyride, but he'll probably be back soon."

"Ah, a shame." Freya then decided to get to heart of the visit and told her, "I'm afraid though that this isn't a social visit, my Queen. There have been some disturbing happenings lately in the world."

Garnet nodded before motioning for the guards to leave, before telling Freya, "Very well, but before you do, how about your party mates introduce themselves." With a smile, she added, "Oh, and feel free to be informal, it's just us in here now."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
With a slightly courteous bow, Kyosan found himself slightly confused as to the meaning of being informal; after all, wasn't she the Queen? But out of both respect and out of dignity, he began to introduce himself; "I am Kyosan, ma'am."

"Lurea and Crimson!" Lurea chanted childishly, snuggling onto the fox's frame as he had been for the past few moments, even tighter then before while trying to focus - still mesmerized by her surroundings and the reality they were in.

"I hope you don't mind us being here; we were basically visiting place to place... or at least, world to world. We hope to at least offer whatever service we can to help the current situation." Kyosan finished trying to explain, though with a soft smile, warmly greeted. "I hope that is no problem at all."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Garnet looked puzzled, but decided to nod, "Well, wherever you all come from, it's nice to meet you. I'm thankful for you help." She smiled and gave a little respectful bow of her own. "I'm sure Freya has told you about this already, but monsters have begun to roam our continent again. Normally they're born of The Mist, but as you can see, the air is clear as can be."

"Indeed, though we may have a clue. Your Highness, all businesses must register before they can operate in Alexandria last I recall. There is apparently a man who has been selling airships, and we'd like to have a word with him. There may be a link between him and these monsters." Freya seemed to ignore Garnet's suggestion to be informal, but her military protocol likely had a hand in that.

"Ah, you must be speaking of Mr. Flagg. I was wary too, but his airships produce and operate without Mist. They seem to be operated with magically constructed engines, kind of like The Invincible airship." Garnet sighed, wishing that she could give them another clue considering the trip they must have made to reach her castle. "In any case, I was very thorough with him, but my guards and even Zidane himself couldn't find anything. Perhaps another Lifa Tree is growing somewhere."

Crimson hugged Lurea happily, enjoying her enthusiastic introduction before he smiled and spoke up to the Queen. "Eh well, don't worry about it. I'm sure we'll figure it out. I'd still like to have a talk with Mr. Creepy Hood. Could you tell us where he operates?"

"To the north, just outside the castle gates. You probably didn't notice all the hangers he's build because you came in from the other side." Garnet nodded and told them, "Oh, one other thing before you go." She then wrote a little note and gave it to Freya. "You three might not be equipped for the perils of the monsters, so I'd like to offer you each a weapon and some armor if you so choose. Don't worry, we have plenty of spare equipment stored in the vault from the adventure we all went on." She giggled a little, glad that some of that dusty stuff would be getting some use. "Take care on your journey. If that husband of mine decides to show his face this century, I'll try to send him in your direction to give you an extra hand."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions