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(A Silver and Zero production) Plaything
Kase cried out as the thing slammed into his ass and struggled even harder. "Ahhhh! Get it out! GET IT OUT!" He screamed in terror, panic eating away all the reason in his brain and leaving him with just primal fear and the need to escape. He bit, kicked, punched, and did everything he could to escape, his long hair flipping about as he did. "What is it?! What is it?!" He screamed as he looked at the approaching mass of oily tentacles, ready to lather and eat him, at least in his mind. He didnt even have that strange drug in the air to make him feel horny, and fear quickly took complete control from him.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"KASE! STOP!" May ordered. "It's a Zextoc! They are sexual demons from the netherworld! The more you fight and struggle, the harder they fuck!" she explained. The tentacle continued to fuck Kase, hard and fast, before it tensed up, and shot a small wave of cum into Kase, and still continued to fuck him.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"How do I make it stop!" He cried out as he felt the demon seed enter his ass. "Ahhh! Make it get off! I dont like this! I dont want this!" He screamed, still fighting and struggling just as hard, if not harder, dead bent on getting free. May could say nothing to calm him down, but she might be able to trick him into tiring out faster and thus suffer less from the demon...though Kase may see such an act as a betrayal of his trust.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
May bit her lip and closed her eyes. Oh sis.... she thought, before she finally opened her mouth and screamed, "Fight Kase! Keep fighting! Fight as hard as you can!" she commanded. I'm sorry, sis, but if you won't listen to me...
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Kase didnt need to be told twice, and did as May yelled, using up every bit of strength he had against the tentacles fiend, whatever the consequences of his actions. Finally, after five full minutes of complete and desperate struggling he ran out of energy and the fight was taken from him.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The tentacles showed even less mercy as Kase fought back, fucking and filling his ass even harder and faster. When the fight died out within him, the tentacles would slowly, but surely ease up. The tentacle began to shrink, until it was a bit smaller than an average Orc cock.

A smaller tentacle moved to Kase's dick, and began to massage, and stroke it like a loving hand, coating a warm, slime on it, as it lovingly stroked his cock.

As for the tentacle in his ass, it began to let out a cool lubrication, making it easier to fuck Kase, and it slowly stopped fucking him so hard, now being gentle and almost loving.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Kase's voice was almost completely destroyed by his screaming as the pain from the horrible fucking sent him nearly over the edges of his sanity, his ass being sore and bleeding from the vicious attack. Finally, with no strength left in him, he went limp, and slowly the tentacles became gentle instead of cruel and his tear streaked eyes closed as they held him in the air.

He was grateful as the tentacle in his ass shrank down to a smaller size and lubed him with a cool liquid that helped to sooth his aching innards. And then he couldnt help but moan as he felt a small tentacles wrap around his cock and cover it in warm slime, stroking and massaging it until he was erect and moaning helplessly. Finally allowing the demon to do as it pleased with him, Kase found its touch almost loving and most definitely pleasurable as he moaned and gasped.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The tentacles continued to lovingly fuck Kase, and a smaller, pink one, almost like a tongue, moved to Kase's mouth and 'kissed' him, lovingly, as though Kase was kissing May again. They continued to fuck and treat Kase well, for a whole half hour, before gently laying him on the ground, and retreating back to it's mass.

"How do you feel, little one?" a deep voice asked. The voice of the Master.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Kase moaned softly as he was fucked much more gently and lovingly then any orc ever had, cumming many times as the warm tentacle around his dick caressed him into bliss again and again. When the smaller pink tentacle went to his mouth, he gladly allowed it to enter his mouth and kissed it back gently. For a whole hour Kase was covered in warm slime, fucked and loved by the wriggling mass of gentle tentacles and he soon lost track of how many times they brought him to climax.

Finally the placed him down on the ground and retreated from him, electing a small groan of sadness from Kase's tired body, still wet with warm slime and longing for the gentle touch of his inhuman lover. When he heard the words above him he couldnt place who it was that asked, nor could he careless. He was drugged on pleasure and responded softly. "So...good...please...dont let it stop..." He begged weakly, more than willing to let the lust demon fuck him until he died.

His slim, feminine body lay at his masters feet, coated in the slime of the demon, his chest rising and falling as he took fleeting breathes of air. His long hair was splayed out behind him, and he shuddered with sensitivity with each movement the air made about him, his smaller dick still aroused and wanting more.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Master smiled and walked over to Kase, but May grabbed her hand. "Please, Master! Let him be. He's tired, and you'll hurt him!"

"I suppose you're right..."

May smiled and was about to walk over to Kase to help him back to the Harem room before Hunter yelled, "But he didn't listen to your advice. Time for him to be punished," the Orc smiled, and sat down and revealed his hard cock. "Here you go, slut," he said, and pushed his mighty dick into Kase's butt, moving it in deeper and deeper. "There...Feel better?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.