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Road Rovers: Love At First Sight
Flynn laughed. "No no, of course not. I just wanted to get to know you better. Well, everyone...but that includes you. Umm...heh, yeah. I'm Flynn." He holds his paw out to the other wolf.


Hunter smiled and stood close to Exile, putting his paw on his shoulder. "Good job, buddy. You really saved the day."
Gary chuckled, seeing Fate, and dunked under the water a few times, because his head was starting to become dry. ahh...much better... he swam around a bit, smiling happily.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Maybe... he is looking sad...." says Exile quietly.

Ky nods and shakes Flynn's paw. "I'm Ky...."
Hunter patted his shoulder softly. "Well you know how it is. People have their issues, but it'll all be okay." He looks around, making sure no one is looking and steals a kiss.


Flynn chuckles. "Nice shorts! C'mon, let's swim!" He grab's Ky's paw and drags him to the pool's edge, quickly diving in.
Exile gasps, kissing him back briefly. "What was that for?"

Ky meeps, being pulled right into the water, quickly swimming to the surface.
Arcrus wiped the tear away gently and slowly sighed as he stood up and slowly shook his head, he could not take this anymore, all these thought driving though his head. He felt like he was going insane. He slamed his fist against the floor of the roof.

"Why can't I just stick to my mission?!? Why can I not just be left alone, why is it that they always try and make me part of the group, why can't I get there lame catchprhases out of my head!" he yelled to nobody in partciular, so frustrated, he sighed and lay on the floor, staring at the sky, so confused by what was happening, and the worst part was that one certain male in partciular, could not stay out of his mind....

Fate continued to swim happily in the cool water, before rising to the surface and gave Exile a curious look and licked his cheek innocently to see if he was okay, tilting his head slightly.

"Mister Exile? You wakey?" he asked curiously.
Hunter smiled at him. "You know what it was for." He went and sat down in a deck chair, watching everyone else.


Flynn surfaced and smiled at Ky. "Gosh, I love swimming. Don't you?"
"Yes, I am here, Fate!" He blushes, then dives into the water after his friend.

Ky blinks. "Yeah, swimming's fun! Uh, where'd Blitz go?"
Fate gave a curious look at Exile, wondeirng why the big dog had tried to eat Exiles mouth, but he said nothing and smiled as Exile dived in. The small husky slowly paddled into the water, having found a nearby ball on the side of the pool, he began to swim with it, holding onto it happily under his belly so he floated about happily.

Arcrus finally decided to call it a night, he could not think with all of this going on, so he slowly opened the door on the roof and slowly headed downstairs, hands in pocket, his old outfit back on and the cape round his neck flapped gently, his eyes now longer cold and hard, but neither happy or sad, just distant and unreadable. He slowly walked down the hallway, not really watching where he was going as he continued to walk.
Flynn looked around. "There he is." He pointed at the dobermann who was posing in a full-length mirror. "He seems to like himself quite a bit." He laughed. "Nothing wrong with a healthy amount of self-esteem."


Hunter sighs and watches Exile, smiling softly. This would be so much less complicated without a job. Of course, if it wasn't for this job, I wouldn't have met him. He sighed again.