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High School: Obessions Of The Heart
Kenzuma sighed, completely lost by now through his random wandering through the school. "Figures... when I could use an older student... none of them are around... Oh well.. I'll run into someone eventually"
He does run into someone--a Dalmatian boy with somewhat girlish hips. He's wearing a blue Salt Lake City cap, a blue T-shirt, and a pair of whitish cargo pants, and looking around as well. He isn't paying attention, and as he turns a corner he runs into Kanzuma and, startled, falls onto his backside.

"Oh! Oww... s-sorry...."

Name: Olden Olliver
Nickname: Ollie
Age: 16
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 134
Species: Canine - Dalmatian
Gender: Male
Apperance: Normal build of a male his age-- except his hips have the curves of a female (no, I did not make this character in response to Kenzuma :P)
Personality: Shy, quiet when meeting new people, but once he's out fo his shell he's a lot of fun.
Clothing: Anything!
Body Build: Explained above
Kenzuma stumbled back, falling down as well, though his landing was a little more controlled, and he managed to keep one leg under him. "S-sorry.. I wasn't watching where I was going... Are you okay?" she asked, pushing himself back to his feet, and extending a hand down to help the other boy to his feet as well.
OOC: I don't think Guilmonforever is gonna be logging in a while... so...

IC: They soon arrived at the restaurante. "So, have you ever eaten in here before?" Altima asked Zeke.
Angry_kittens Wrote:Kenzuma stumbled back, falling down as well, though his landing was a little more controlled, and he managed to keep one leg under him. "S-sorry.. I wasn't watching where I was going... Are you okay?" she asked, pushing himself back to his feet, and extending a hand down to help the other boy to his feet as well.

"Y-yeah...." Ollie takes the feline's paw, getting to his own footpaws. "Thanks!" He rubs his rump a bit, on which he landed.

Altima Wrote:OOC: I don't think Guilmonforever is gonna be logging in a while... so...

IC: They soon arrived at the restaurante. "So, have you ever eaten in here before?" Altima asked Zeke.

"Sure! It's great! Order what ya like!"
"ok..." Altima said, as he ordered something.

OOC: yes... I know... lousy post... but theres not much I can do at the moment+I hate restaurante scenes.... they are really boring unless theres a group of 4 people... it gets interesting ^_^
OOC: That's true.... Unless we think up something significant for our characters to discuss.
Kenzuma looked down, unsure of how to continue at first, then he looked back at Ollie. "Are you new here too?" he asked, shifting his weight uncomfortably.
"Heh... yeah.... I'm Olden, but my friends call me Ollie."
"Ollie.. alright.. My name is Kenzuma.. but.. you can call me Kenny, or just Ken if you want.." Kenzuma said, smiling a little more. "I'm a little lost actually... Trying to find the office..."