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Digimon Expansion RPG
"If he doesn't pay any attention to you, then he doesn't love you. If he truly loved you, you shouldn't have to get his attention," he said, stroking her back.

He was a little hesitant about his next words, but knew that they had to be said. "What do you want to do, Aqua? Do you want to try to win his attention, even though he seems to care less about you? Do you want to look for a different mate, one who loves you for who you are? It's your decision on where to go now. Not his, not mine; only yours," he said, gently poking her chest with a finger to emphasize his point.

"And if you do decide you want to try to win his attention again, I won't try to stop you, even though he doesn't sound like he deserves the love of such a sweet womon. If you decide to seek a different mate, I won't stop you; I'll even help you in any way I can. I care about you, Aqua. Like I said, you're a very sweet digimon, and it breaks my heart to see you sad. I'd do almost anything to make you happy again, because you deserve it." he said, tears starting to form in his eyes.
Aqua frowned, she was doubting his statements "I deserve it? How? Why? I just met you... why do you care about me that much?" and she caught the sight of Dark Panthermon's tears. "Why are you crying?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: I'm guessing you're not buying what my character is saying?


Dark Panthermon realized that he was crying and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"You're not the only one who's dealt with a false lover, Aqua. My first girlfriend claimed to love me and only me, but I found out she was mating with other digimon, even while claiming she was saving her virginity for me."

"Do you know what it's like to have a girl tell you everyday how much she loves you and how she's only happy when she's with you, only to find out that she's lying through her teeth, that she's little more than a two-bit slut. It's a painful thing, Aqua, and I don't want anyone else to have to experience that kind of heartbreak. That is why I care about you, even though we've only known each other for a few hours. Your "mate" is starting to sound like my former one, and I don't want to see you go through the heartbreak I had to deal with," he explained.

"I'm not trying to hit on you, Aqua. I'm not the kind of guy who tries to take advantage of girls who are having love trouble. That's why I didn't want to have sex with you, because I would have been taking advantage of you. Like I said, Aqua, where you go with your mate is up to you; I want to help you, but I'm not forcing my help on you. If you want me to leave you alone, just say so and I will."
cboy Wrote:OOC: I'm guessing you're not buying what my character is saying?

Relax, I'm fully aware of what you are saying. But Aqua isn't a robot following orders. She is a character and will behave as her attitude accords to. It wouldn't be a RPG if we actually planned everything she would do.


Aqua looked down, "M-Maybe you are right... I... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... bring back that old scar..." her eyes were still teary, and even more after listening to Dark Panthermon's story.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Dark Panthermon gently wiped at her tears, his own starting to come back.

"Shh, it's okay," he cooed, pulling her into a hug. "You don't have to cry for me, Aqua. In a way, the experience helped me; it allowed me to meet Ranamon, who I love very much and who I know loves me. And it has allowed me to hopefully help you avoid the same fate." he said, separating from her.

"There's someone for everyone, Aqua, and I'm confident that you'll find the right mon to be your mate. You'll know him when you meet him." he said, giving her a warm, friendly smile.

"Now come on, we've spent enough time at Heartbreak Hotel. Why don't we get back to what I promised you; a fun and enjoyful experience with inflation. Is there anything you'd like to try now that you're somewhat familiar with the concept?" he inquired.

OOC: The romance possibility is still open if Aqua feels that way; I just felt like the RPG was turning into a soap opera.
OOC: It can turn into many things. It all depends on the subject and the writers. If Soap Opera annoys you, I'll cut it out.


"Uhm..." she blushed at his words, then stopped crying after she felt sure about what he had said. In some seconds, she was hugging him back and had her eyes closed. "I guess... you are right... I'd love to keep trying this to do this," she paused, and for a second the muttered lowly. "With you."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: It doesn't annoy me, I just wanted us to keep close to the focus of this RPG; which is inflation. I actually enjoyed that little moment. And Aqua can bring it back up anytime if she feels like it. I'm sure she's thinking about what he said.


"Do you just want me to inflate you, or are there some things you're curious about?" he asked, then he got an idea.

Why don't you test out some things on yourself; see what each one does for you? One of the cool things about inflation is you never know what's going to do what," he said, motioning to all the inflation devices in the room.
OOC: Even sounding hypocrite, I'd appreaciate if you could help the little one. She's as clueless as me on how to do this in advanced ways. Sorry to ask it this way, but I suck at describing inflations.


Aqua let out a giggle after hearing him, aparently she was enjoying this time after the tears were shed. "Uhmm... I'd like to try anything! What are your favorite ways to inflate Ranamon?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: It's okay; you just got to use your imagination to help describe it. Are you going to have Aqua be thinking about what my character said to her about love and mates? It seems to me that a conversation that emotionally strong would really make her rethink some things.

Dark Panthermon thought for a minute. "Well, we've already done the "blowjob" and the beer inflation," he said, then he suddenly got a wicked grin.

"Oohh, I know something you will thoroughly enjoy. It's one of the kinky aspects of inflation." he murred, moving to the inflation material and grabbing a two liter bottle of soda.

"Ranamon once tried using a bottle like this as a dildoe. Well, she humped it so hard that it got shook up and the gas pressure caused the cork to pop out, which allowed the carbonated soda to flow into her. She said that the bubbling soda going into her pussy was heaven." he said, bringing the bottle over to her and handing it to her.
OOC: You shall see, soon.


Aqua smiled to Dark Panthermon, then grabbed the soda bottle, "I guess I'll try! Thank you." she said, then laid on ground. "Or maybe... you want to help me?" she asked, smiling a bit more to the male.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad