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Funny Joke(18+ or anyone who doesn't care) (non-digi)
Two things before the jokes: 1. Sorry for the long absence I caught bronchitus (SP?) and was in bed for a while. 2. Alot of the jokes take a couple of read throughs to get.

Now the jokes:

Q: If a spouse is one mate, what are two or more mates?
A: Spice.
A man and his wife are planning on going to a costume party, on the day of the party the wife gets ill and decides not to go so the husband goes alone. later that night, the wife feels better and decides to go. When she arrives at the party she sees her husband in his costume flirting with a bunch of girls. Angered she talks a friend into swapping costumes and starts hitting on him hoping he won't recgonize her. After awhile of chatting and flirting they go to a spare bedroom and make out. Shortly before midnight, when the masks are removed, the wife sneaks out. She returns to her home and gets into bed. A short while later her husband comes into the house and into the room. She looks at him inoccently and asks, "So did you have fun at the party?"
"Actually," He said sitting on the edge of the bed, "I decided not to go without you. But the man I lent my costume to said he had a blast."
Jack loved watching the races on the TV at the bar, but he wasn't the brightest guy on earth: Betting with one patron, he lost twenty dollars on a race and then lost another twenty on the instant replay.
After years of gambling, Maxie finally figured out how to win a small fortune in Las Vegas: He went with a large one.
The dean and the coach struck a simple deal: Despite his abysmal grades, the all-star tackle could play in the big game if and only if he could learn and remember the formula for water before then.
The coach and the chemistry teacher both worked with the gridiron star and were confident theat he'd come through with flying colors.
On the morning of the game the dean came down to the locker where the tackle was suiting up.
"Well?" said the dean. "What is the formula for water?"
Grinning broadly, and drawing confidence from the presence of his proud coach, the player said, "H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O."
The wide receiver was walking down the street, mulling over what he had done right and wrong in the team scrimmage, whe he heard fire engines in the distance. Looking down the street, he saw that they were racing toward a burning building. He noticed flames in the top floor and a woman on the ledge; in her arms was an infant.
Running over, he shouted, "Lady, throw me the kid!"
"NO!" she screamed, "it's five stories down!"
"Don't worry, I'm a professional football player. I promise I'll catch it!"
Reluctantly the woman tightened the baby's blanket, leaned over, and released the child. The wide receiver watched it carefull, moving to the left and right as the winds nudged the baby this way or that. He was movving, constantly moving, dancing on the tips of his toes; his arms were extended, bent slightly at the elbows to give slightly with the impact, fingers wiggling in anticipation.
Fourth floor, third floor, second...the baby spun end over end, then caught a sudden thermal draft and swung several yards out toward the street. Jumping in that direction, the wide receiver lunged and stretched his fingers, barely catching the child. He bobbled it for a second, carried across the street by his own momentum, nearly dropping it; then he pulled it in and hugged it to his chest just as he crossed the curb on the other side of the street.
Retaining his footing, he let out a cheer and spiked the baby.

lol Wide recievers rock.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
:shock: ouch! lol
I don't get the polish joke but I get all the others. I like the joke with the WHO in it. I saw it on a cartoon years ago.
What is the meaning of the Polish joke?
UnknownH Wrote:I don't get the polish joke but I get all the others. I like the joke with the WHO in it. I saw it on a cartoon years ago.

I think it was animaniacs. the old angry squirrel.

Old squirrel: You see the band on stage?
Young squirrel: No.
Old squirrel: TAKE OFF THOSE HIPPIE GLASSES! Now what's the name of the band on stage?
Young squirrel: The Who.
Young squirrel: No. That's the Who. The Band doesn't play till later.

Why did they come up with such dumb names? Oh well, on to the jokes:

Since he was aTexan being tried in New York, the young man felt he didn't have a prayer of beating the murder rap. Thus, shortly before the jury was to retire he bribed one of the jurors to find him quilty of manslaughter.
The jury was out for days, after which they returned a verdict of manslaughter. Cornering the juror, the Texan said, "Thanks a million. How ever did you manage it?"
"It wasn't easy," admitted the juror. "The others wanted to acquit you."
Q: What's the square root of sixty-nine?
A: Ate something.
The boy's impatient math teacher snarled, "And just how far are you from the correct answer?"
To which the boy replied, "Three seats, sir."
"Dad," said Tyrone, "I'm late for football practice. Would you please do my homework for me?"
The teen's father said irately, "Son, it just wouldn't be right."
"That's okay," replied the boy. "At least you could try."
Then there was the sleek new cruiser that the navy nicknamed "Nympho" because there was no problem getting her out of her slip or filling her with seamen.
"I suppose," said the heartless drill instructor to the new recruit, "that when I die, you'll make a special trip to my grave just to spit on it."
"Not me, sir," said the young man. "When I get out of here I'm never standing in line again."
After spending a day entertaing the troops, the all-girl singing group was approached by the base commander.
"Would you girls like to mess with the enlisted men or the officers this evening?"
"It doesn't matter to us," one of the girls replied, "but first we'd like something to eat."
Hillbilly Herman was drafted, and on his first day as an enlisted man he was given a comb; the next day the army barber sheared off his hair. On the third day he was given a toothbrush; the next day the army dentist yanked several of his teeth. On the fifth day he was given a jockstrap; that afternoon Herman went AWOL.

lol I'd run too. lol
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
polish jokes are really tastless jokes usually as bad as blonde jokes and polish people find it messed up and funny at the same time.... I meant a beam of light.... a punch line? Got to be Polish......

I AM POLISH...... anyway bye

Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
aw, don't worry my friend- it's only a mean joke.
do you have any romanian NON polish jokes? lol :D
I thought shadow's post were funny but you can name a band anything. That's the good part.
well gunter the good thing about polish jokes is that there are normally 3 different races that usually envolve themselves with the polish man/woman and it normall requires a flip in presumptions so say we use romanian as an example....

1st you must use something that is always used to describe or talk about that individual culture and then followed by a good word play that makes the joke have sense....

I had aa book somewhere that was really fucked up somewhere around my dome that I call home..... I will find it sometime later when I clean up my room....

So yeah gunter when I find some I'll post it here...

Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
okay then, I'll wait here patiently for your return! mrgreen