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*Walks into Chamber of Not-Anymore-Involuntary Combat*

Anyone want ice cream?
I'll trade you this emerald that I found for some of that ice cream...
*Searches through a big bag* Whoops, that's the bag with diamonds... That's for rubies... AH! There we go.
*Hands one over and gets the ice cream* Mmm...
Well, that was easy. Out of curiosity, who would have chosen to fight me?
*Eats chocolate-chip cookie dough ice cream*
*strolls back onto the scene whistling innocently*

Ok, I'm all gemmed and jewelled out for now. Ummm, I'm supposed to fight now....or something? Hmmm...

*ambles forward*

Uhhh, mysterious booming voice? Have we ALL gotta go through that?
Voice (sounds battle worn): Impera Involuntarius Invictus!!!

Gunter's Voice: Argh!

[gunter apears out of nowhere, he had a grin on his face, and his eyes were glowing red]]

who's gonna fight me? fight me.... fight me....
[he goes into a comabt stance]
Well...uh, I guess if we have to, I'll do it.
Gunter: Bahamut, the King of Dragons! I summon thee- rain upon them your wrath!

[Bahamut arises]

Bahamut: If that is what you want, so be it. But I implore you, they are your allies, and they must Live. MEGA FLARE!!!

[he arises into the air, and rains upon them none elemental ether spheres of energy]

[just then, Gunter snaps out]

Gunter: Bahamut- stop! Evistus Nevra! [neutralizes the energy spheres]

Bahamut: *grins* knew you'd snap out.

Gunter: excuse me, I have unfinished business. [disapears again, and proceeds to kick the crap out of the unknown voice's owner]
*Sneaks out and goes exploring*
Hey! Dale! Wait up! *tags along in case there's danger*