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I knew it! woo-hoo! go Mr. WOLFEY!!!
I dont know why I'm so happy today... lol
must be because:

1) fixed the "drawbridge"
2) met a foreign girl from france (shes a tourist)
3) I've made a new friend- Zephyr of Darkness!
4) hee-hee-hee... I got a dog! Blue still hasnt come home, so I bought a dog to keep me company! the people in town are slightly different, they dont treat me like I'm dangerous anymore! :D (the Dog is a German Shepherd I named Charlie- after charlie from all dogs go to heaven- he's really friendly and stuff- I think Im gonna' have some fun with Charlie! hee-hee-hee... I've never had a pet before...)
Just dont feed it any chocolate :D
Yeah, chocolate makes them pretty sick. I love dogs, they're so sweet...If you've never had a pet before, you're in for a delightful time. They really are something special.

Oh btw Crimson, thanks for the compliment earlier. I appreciate it.
okay- no chocolate! *sigh* charlie is super smart...
and dont mention it! youre a great author!
charlie's about... 5 1/2 months old, how do I teach him tricks? all he knows how to do right now is pounce on me and lick.
how do I train him to sit, stay, and lay down?
he's only been with me for two or three days- and already I've lost my lonliness- brrrr... dogs are great...
Training dogs is really easy as long as you're patient with them. As soon as they start losing interest, just do something else. No point in boring your pup and getting frustrated at him!

The easiest way to train them is to associate a word with the desired action. For example, by gently pushing his hindquarters into a sitting position and saying "Sit." you're associating a word to an action. Say it the same way each time, and say only "Sit" not "Sit down" or "get down." One word commands are the easiest for dogs to handle. Don't forget to reward him each time!

Don't force him, though. If he's not into it right now, he will be. You can make training your dog so much fun for the both of you.

There are loads of websites out there with lots of helpful tips for you to use. Just have fun with him. Dogs are the best companions anyone could ask for. They love unquestioningly and loyally.
dude- youre a genius!!! its barely been 5 minutes- and already he's learned how to sit! I wonder if that works with "lay down" too?
he's very cooperative!
thanks again! :D
hahaha! this is hilarious! i got out an old garurumon plushy for him to chew on- he sniffed it for a while- then started humping it! I couldnt stop lauging!!
ar dogs really like that?
to those who dont know "all dogs go to heaven":

[Image: AllDogsGoToHeaven-DisneyAnimation.jpg]
the german shepherd is charlie. for those who dont know what a german shepherd is: he's the big dog in the center being hugged by a girl.